Enter The Classroom:

EYFS Aspect: Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Lesson Title: Colours Group: Teacher: Date:

URL for ‘Colours’ and other EYFS lessons:

NC Key Stage: EYFS, 3-5 years

NC Targets (see Teaching and Learning Objectives)
The National Strategies website, NS Online (NSO), closed 29/6/2011.The contents of this site has been copied to the National Archives where they will remain accessible.

(Objectives have been set from there in Early Learning Goals: Knowledge and Understanding of the World)

Cross-Curricular Elements- Music, Art, Creative Development, communication skills

Further Learning Opportunities

·  Choose particular colours to use for a purpose

·  The idea of ‘pattern’ runs through the different aspects of mathematics in EYFS. Children might notice repeating patterns of colours or shapes on a favourite tee-shirt, for example.

·  Explore objects: Show an interest in why things happen and how things work. Amy is fascinated by a kaleidoscope and wonders at the moving shapes and colours.

·  Sort objects according to colour: The children collect paper and materials for a ‘texture wall’. They touch them with their fingers and feel them against their cheeks to get a sense of their properties. Amy holds up a piece of wrinkled shiny paper and is transfixed by the effect of light hitting it.

Lesson Area / Timing / Teaching and Learning
Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, and write key vocabulary on the board. / (set from the Early Learning Goals Knowledge and Understanding of the World) – archived content
By the end of the lesson:
All students must investigate objects and materials by using their sight e.g. identify colours by name and choose a favourite colour.
Most students should look closely at objects with similar and different colours.
Some students could ask questions about why things happen e.g. recognise the meaning of colours in everyday usage (red for danger). Be aware how colour consider how colour can be used to differentiate genders (boys-blue, girl-pink)
Begin the Learning - Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 10
mins / Prior to the lesson find 2 pictures which are identical except one is in colour and one is in black and white. (You could photocopy the children’s favourite illustrated reading book, or simply type into www.google.co.uk (Images) “black and white picture versus colour” Show children 2 pictures which are the same: one in black and white and one in full colour (ask children which they prefer and why. Intention is to show children the effect colour has on an image.
Continue the Learning – Activities: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review
New activity / Apply / Review / 15min
15min / Two separate PowerPoints- each of 8 slides- approx 20mins
Slide 2= colour recognition- pupil response
Slide 3= use IWB pen on blank palette to record favourite colours
Slides 4-7= word colour recognition
Slide 9= PowerPoint 2 (recap of colour vocabulary)
Slide 10= white leading to weddings
Slide 12= blue leading to ‘is for boys’
Slide 14= pink leading to ‘is for girls/Barbie’
Split class into groups who will:
·  Look at pictures of boys and girls from toy catalogues e.g. Argos, or around the classroom. What colours are they wearing?
·  Go on a colour hunt around school to find particular colours e.g. how many green books can u find?
Supporting / Developing the Learning – Differentiation
Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support and extension to be used. Include support staff meeting notes. / Students who need more support:
Less able learners could be provided a card with only 2 or 3 colours on to identify at certain points in the lesson. Once they have identified those colours, they could be given a new card. / Students who need extension work:
HLTA- colour matching and writing colour word- ‘Colour Palette’ worksheet.
Celebrating the Learning - Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / Feedback to whole class about what they have found in their groups. All children to be asked what they’re favourite colour/s are? Which colour/s do they not like?
Extend / Reinforce the Learning: / SUGGESTIONS:
·  Make connections with use of colour in their own lives by bringing in items with their favourite colour or some of their favourite clothing.
·  Singing songs from ‘Colours & Patterns’ published by Out of the Ark- ISBN9781901980782
·  Storybook-‘Kippers Book of Colours’ by Mike Inkpen, ISBN9780340598474
·  Read ‘Priscilla and the Pink Planet’ by Nathaniel & Jocelyn Hobbie
·  Paint a picture using only shades of their favourite colour.
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / Interactive Whiteboard (IWB), colour crayons/pencils, catalogues.
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / It should be noted that children at this age might show evidence of conforming to the blue/pink boy/girl stereotype when talking about their clothes or toys but that this is due to what parents have decided rather than their own choices.
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to be done to ensure maximum safety. / IWB at suitable height for children to safely access
General Foundation classroom risk assessments to apply.