Note: All academy applications are for incoming 10th grade students only.

1.  Contact information:

2.  I am interested in joining one (or more of these ITA clubs):

iTec– special tech projects, LAN parties

Robotics – build robots, compete in regional competitions, and learn engineering

Young Inventors – create anything you want, present at the Maker’s Faire in May

None of these clubs interest me

3.  I understand that being part of the academy is a 3 year commitment

Y / N

4.  I understand that as a sophomore in ITA, I will be enrolled in: ITA English, ITA World History, ITA Biology, and Computer Support 2 or Cyber Security -1 (students taking honors classes may need to take a 0 period or summer school to make up for the "lost" elective... see Information Technology Academy at for a list of ITA courses in each grade level)
Y / N

5.  I understand that as a junior in ITA, I will be enrolled in: ITA English, ITA American History, ITA Chemistry, Internet Engineering 1 (students taking honors/ap classes will need to commit to taking ITA English, Internet Engineering 1, and be a leader in an ITA club)
Y / N

6.  I understand that as a junior in ITA, I am expected to find and work with a mentor to learn more about careers in Information Technology

Y / N

7.  I understand that as a senior in ITA, I will be enrolled in: ITA English, ITA Gov/Econ, ITA Digital Graphics, Internet Engineering 2 (students taking honors/ap classes will need to commit to taking ITA English, Internet Engineering 2, and be a leader in an ITA club)

Y / N

8.  I understand that as a senior in ITA, I will be expected to do a QUEST project on a technology-related issue (cyber bullying, e-waste recycling, teaching 3rd world countries with telepresence, learning through video games, ...)

Y / N

9.  At the present time, what are your educational goals?

10.  At the present time, what are your career goals?

11.  How will the ITA help you meet your educational and career goals?

12.  List examples showing how you have prepared yourself for a career in the Information Technology field so far.

13.  List any clubs, sports or other organizations you have been involved with,
both in or out of school.

14.  List 3 things that you like to do in your spare time.

15.  List your current classes and projected grades in each.


I understand that the Academy is a 3-year commitment, and that there are certain responsibilities that are part of Academy enrollment. I would like to make this commitment and be considered for an Academy position.

Student Signature: Date:


Dear Teacher/Counselor/Other:

This student is applying for the Information Technology Academy. Please complete the student rating form and make any comments in the space provided.

Please return this form to the student as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your service to this student. Your opinion is of great value to us.

1.  Please rate this student’s attendance per term below.

Poor (8+) Perfect

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.  How frequently is this student on time to begin class or work?

Rarely Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3.  How often does this student complete projects and jobs on time?

Never Always

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4.  Please rate this student’s participation and interest in activities.

Non-Existent High

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5.  Because the spaces available to students are limited, it is important that those selected have a commitment to complete the coursework. This means that the student needs to be at school everyday, on time and with completed assignments. Based on your information, how would you recommend this student:

Not Recommended Highly Recommended

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6.  Please write any additional comments below that you feel will aid in our decision.

Reference Name: Phone number:

Signature: Date: