US HISTORY Major Battles of the Revolutionary War G.O

Name: ______

Directions: SWBAT conduct research on the major battles of the revolutionary war

Battle and iconic image (draw one yourself to help you remember this battle) / Date and Situation
(What was at stake that made this battle significant?) / Play by Play and Outcome, (Who won this battle, why?)
3-4 highlights / Write a newspaper headline capturing the essence of the battle. BE CREATIVE
Battle for Bunker Hill
/ June 17, 1775
Gain the high ground surrounding Boston. Colonist wanted to cut off British supply ships from entering Boston. / The British attacked the hill, actually Breed’s hill three times.
The first two times the British were held back, the third was successful only because the Patriots ran out of ammunition.
British generals commented on the bravery of the colonists fighting. / Patriots lose Bunker Hill, win respect!
A Good loss.
Physical loss, moral win.
British win, but lose many troops
“Victory in their eyes”
Fort Ticonderoga / Dorchester Heights.
/ May 9th 1775,
The Patriots badly needed ammunitions and they thought they could take them from a poorly defended British fort. / Benedict Arnold and his Connecticut militia and Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain boys teamed to take the fort by surprise.
Eventually they march their captured artillery to Washington in Boston and force the British to evacuate. / Sleeping British: Patriots Steal Cannons at Fort Ticonderoga
Patriots win Big Hearts and even Bigger Guns,
Arnold and Allen, an unlikely team win big for the Pats.
Battle and iconic image (draw one yourself to help you remember this battle) / Date and Situation
(What was at stake that made this battle significant?) / Play by Play and Outcome, (Who won this battle, why?) / Write a newspaper headline capturing the essence of the battle.
Long Island ( all of the Battles of New York)
/ August 27th 1776
The British after being kicked out of Boston, needed a port to have their base at. New York would isolate New England Split the colonies in half. / Washington’s plan to conduct a fighting retreat failed
The British, with the help of loyalists, surrounded the Patriots on all sides.
Washingtons army was able to sneak off the island in a retreat covered by a mysterious fog. This saved their army from devastating defeat.
Started a series of Patriot retreats through the summer and fall of 1776 / A Ferry Lucky Retreat: Fog saves the day.
The British takeover New York, rout the Colonists.
/ December 25th/26th
Washington’s Army’s enlistments are about to expire. They need a win to convince more soldiers to enlist, gain confidence in his army. / Washington ordered his soldiers to cross the icey Delaware river in a snowstorm to attack over 1000 Hessians,
The Hessians were arrogant and celebrated Christmas without any worries about being attacked.
Patriots captured the fort and caught the Hessians completely off guard.
This convinced many soldiers in Washington’s army to re-enlist. / Merry Christmas ya filthy Hessian Animals
Washington’s Audacity Wins Trenton
Don’t ‘Trent’ on Me.
/ January 3 1777,
Revenge for the Patriots surprise attack at Trenton. / British retake Trenton, corner Washington against the Delaware river.
Washington tricks Cornwallis by slipping behind his lines in the cover of darkness
Cornwallis wakes up to artillery fire from behind him.
Patriots win, but are too tired to retake Trenton again. / Double Clutch
Patriot grab second win in under two weeks!
New Year New win,
Outfoxed: Washington can’t be caught on Cornwallis’ hunt for revenge at Princeton
An Unexpected twist sends the British away in retreat.
Battle and iconic image (draw one yourself to help you remember this battle) / Date and Situation
(What was at stake that made this battle significant?) / Play by Play and Outcome, (Who won this battle, why?) / Write a newspaper headline capturing the essence of the battle.
Valley Forge (winter 1777-78)
/ Winter of 77-78
camp positioned in between the British lines and the Continental Congress / Soldiers endure malnutrition, winter, and sickness , 2,500 perish.
Continental Congress not helping Patriots soldiers with necessary supplies, losing the war of attrition.
Washington sacrifices with his troops, wins their loyalty and respect. / Mother Nature beats Patriots
Washington sacrifices comforts of command to join his troops in misery.
Patriots take break from battling the British and fight the elements instead.
Patriots stick it out for Washington at Valley Forge.
No Warmth from the Forge!
/ Fall of 1778 (two weeks sept-oct)
Saratoga is along the Hudson River
British forces plan to conquer New York so the New England colonies are trapped and isolated ,
cut off NE from the rest and control supply lines from New York up the Hudson river to the Great Lakes. / Howe did not get his orders to send reinforcements to upstate NY in time.
British forces outnumbered for the first time in the war.
The Patriots win by avoiding open field battles, use guerilla tactics
Patriots surround them and force a surrender / Patriots Win Big Battle, Turn the course of the War. 6000 British captured outside Saratoga.
Patriots Turn the Tide
Patriots Turn Down for What?
/ January 17th, 1781
Control of the South.
A rivalry between Patriots General Daniel Morgan and British Col. Tarleton. / Morgan had a plan to use both his militia and Army
Morgan encouraged the militia to fire just three shots then retreat, tricking the British to advance into his cavalry
The British defeat was shameful and demoralizing / British chagrined at Cowpens
Morgan tricks British at Cowpens
Morgan butchers British at Cowpens
Battle and iconic image (draw one yourself to help you remember this battle) / Date and Situation
(What was at stake that made this battle significant?) / Play by Play and Outcome, (Who won this battle, why?) / Write a newspaper headline capturing the essence of the battle.
/ August 15th, 1780
The British are trying to extend their campaign to control all of the southern colonies.
Continental Congress hopes victorious Gen Gates will inspire the Patriots fighting there. / Under Gen Gates (Commander of the Army in the South) the Patriots suffered a terrible summer and march to meet Cornwallis at Camden SC.
Gen Gates decided to fight the British head on, it was a rout (bad loss)
Gates abandoned/deserted his army and was replaced / Gates leads beleaguered Army into a rout at Camden
Rout At Camden:
Abandoned at Camden
Cowardly Gates chases his own Army off at Camden
A Blow out at Camden
Patriots march a long way for nuthin’
Gates the Coward: Leaves demolished Army at Camden.
Gates Are Closed.
York Town
/ The British have retreated to the port of Yorktown, hoping for reinforcements.
French and Americans allied to lay a siege
13 day siege ended on Oct 17, 1781 / Allied forces surrounded and outnumbered Gen. Cornwallis
French Navy blockaded the port preventing help and reinforcements.
Last major battle of the war. (over half of British army captured) / British Surrender under Siege. Cornwallis surrenders, ends War.
“Its Over, Its Over”