Digital Networking Confidential1
Configuration Note 3020 Ver. C (7/98)
Digital Networking
1.0 Digital Networking overview
Digital Networking uses the existing customer’s LAN to deliver voice and fax messages
Digital Networking allows for the delivery of voice and fax messages over an existing LAN/WAN network using TCP/IP protocols between Octel Overture 250/350 Message Servers. Digital Networking works with existing OctelNet and AMIS features to allow for a complete networking solution.
Digital Networking ensures the quality of voice messaging by transmitting the message in its digitally encoded format. Transmitting messages digitally is significantly faster than traditional analog networking,
Note: WAN network technologies and speed directly impact transmission times.
2.0octel overture 250/350 ordering information
•LAN Card
Voice server requirements
The new LAN card connects the 250/350 voice server to an existing 802.3-framed Ethernet LAN using TCP/IP protocols. The LAN card connects to the LAN via an AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) DB-15 pin connector, on the card front of the 250 and via the distribution panel for the 350.
Depending on the server configuration the card is installed in the slot listed below:
250 single cabinet slot 8
250 dual cabinet slot 16
350 nonredundant 1 or 2 cabinet servers slot 5
350 redundant servers slot 19
2.1Octel Overture Server Software Requirements
•Minimum Software: Aria Release 2.0 or above
•Feature bit 44- Networking
•Feature bit 73- Connectivity
•Feature bit 74- Digital Networking
NOTE:For any two servers to use Digital Networking both servers must have Digital Networking software, and must be at a software level equal to or greater than Aria 2.0.
Requirements for LAN connectivity
3.0 Customer provided Network requirements
•Layer 1
Transceiver or AUI port on HUB
•Layer 2
IEEE 802.3 Compliant Network
•Layer 3 & 4
TCP/IP router
NOTES: The LAN-to-WAN connectivity will be the responsibility of the customer. A MAC Layer Bridge can be used in lieu of a router, by ensuring the network portion of the address is identical.
4.0Voice server & Digital networking Connections
Voice server Digital Networking connections
The Octel Overture 250/350 LAN card provides an AUI interface to the Ethernet. In order to match the cabling media utilized in the customers’ network a Transceiver might be needed. Transceivers are small connectors that have a DB-15 AUI connector on one end and a 10BaseT or BNC connector on the other.
Ethernet common cabling media:
- Twisted-Pair RJ-45 (10 BaseT)
- Thin COAX (10 Base2)
- Thick COAX (10 Base5)
Note: Octel does not provide or recommend transceivers. Most Companies have standardized on transceivers and network interface cards.
5.0Digital Networking qualification
Digital Networking Qualification
Question may arise during the sales cycle regarding the following:
- Does the customer’s hardware meet the following requirements:
- TCP/IP LAN/WAN Installed
- Available bandwidth to add voice message traffic.
Digital Networking will introduce additional traffic on a customer’s enterprise wide network. Remember 4 minutes of voice messaging is the equivalent of 1MB of data.
Overture servers with Aria software digitize voice at a maximum rate of approximately 24K bits per second. To digitally network voice and fax messages, approximately 33% is added to this figure, to account for the protocol overhead. This results in 32Kbps, or 240KB of data per minute of voice.
- Will the customer use fax applications?
- What are the security requirements?
Octel messages are transported in their SBC (Sub Band Coding) format. As such it would be impossible to recreate the message and listen to it by capturing the data stream.
6.0 Configuring Digital networking On aria servers
Configuring Digital Networking in the Voice Server
The following is an overview of steps required to configure the Voice Server for Digital Networking. For detailed installation information, refer to the System Manager Guide.
Menu 15.1.2 - Specify System Parameters for Digital Networking
- Digital Networking 0-Enabled, 1- Disabled messages returned if no fallback, 2- Disabled; messages retained
Note: for options 1 and 2, both outbound and inbound digital traffic stop. - Configure maximum digital connections between 1 and 16
16 - Configure maximum outgoing digital connections between 1 and 16
Note: Maximum outgoing connections is a site specific parameter. - Network Messaging Retry Schedules
- Application Window Size
Note: Used to throttle traffic delivered from the voice server to the
LAN, leave at 2.
Menu 22 configure the Voice Server for the LAN.
- Menu 22.1 enter This Server’s IP Address.
Note: this is a four byte decimal address supplied by the LAN administrator. This Servers’ IP Address: and IP Net Mask: fields do not become active until the next upload takes place. This can be accomplished with a system reboot, LAN card reset, or LAN card hot-plug. - Menu 22.1 enter the IP Net Mask
Note: Most LAN administrators know this as the subnet mask. Traffic is routed to a host by looking at the network and subnet part of its IP address. Class A, B, or C network part has a fixed size. But organizations can choose their own subnet field sizes. Hosts and routers identify this segmentation by the subnet part of the address. - Menu 22.2 enter the Gateway IP Address
Note: This it the IP address of the router that the Octel Overture 350 will use to transmit network messages to systems that are not on the same network. - Menu 22.3 sets the SNMP manager IP address for specific SNMP events. This address is available from the LAN administrator.
Menu 15.1.3 Node Profile has changed to support fields required for digital networking, they include:
- Node Type: 2-Octel Digital
- IP Address:
Note: The IP address of the destination Overture 250/350 server. - Fallback: 1- OctelNet Analog
Note: 0 - Disabled for Aria Domain.
Note: There are 2 ways for a digital node in analog fallback mode to revert to digital networking. Network queue empties out, or manually change the node type from digital to analog and then back to digital. - Play Node Name: Y/N
Note: Yes for digital networking, No for Aria Domain.
Verify the programming with these test steps
7.0 Testing and troubleshooting the Installation
The PING (Packet Internet Groper) utility verifies that the LAN card is operating correctly, and verifies low level connectivity to the router and remote hosts. The Echo Test utility provides further testing capability if the network has another Octel Overture 250/350 with Aria 2.0 and a LAN card installed and configured. Both utilities are provided in the LAN utilities menu 20.
The PING utility is a standard TCP/IP network utility that uses ICMP protocol to determine whether the host at a specified IP address is responding. It does not test any function within the host beyond the host’s attachment to the LAN. It does not provide round-trip times or throughput data.
The PING utility can test any IP address; the destination address does not have to be another Octel Overture 250/350. It sends 64 byte packets including an ICMP header, to the specified IP address.
The Echo test is also used to check whether systems are active. The system to which the echo test is sent must be an Octel Overture 250/350 with Aria 2.0 and a LAN card installed. The echo-test utility provides round-trip times and throuput data.
Refer to the PING Utility and Echo Test Utility section in the 250/350 maintenance manuals.
Note: The following menus will require higher level of technical support to interpret the output:
Display API Trace (Menu 20.3)
Digital Networking Trace (Menu 20.5)
NIC Trace/Profile/Error Log (Menu 20.7)
Reset NIC and NIC API (Menu 20.8)
8.0 Considerations
8.1 Messages that are CVSD encoded will not be sent using digital networking. CVSD messages could be on systems that had converted from older Aspen systems to 250/350 server.
8.2 DLC support: If messages that were converted from an Aspen, Branch, or Maxum are transmitted digitally from another server to this Octel Overture 350, these messages can be played through UDLC cards but not through DLC cards. An AOI (area of interest) error occurs every time the server tries to play these messages through DLCs. To be played using DLCs, these messages must be sent through analog telephone lines for re-recording at this server.
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911 Murphy Ranch Road
Milpitas, CA 95035-7912
(408) 577-7000
The above information is provided by AVAYA Inc. as a guideline. See disclaimer on page 1