Write five well-constructed paragraphs (containing at least ten facts or concepts) responding to only one of the two questions of each the units listed below. Write only one paragraph per unit (up to five).

Apply the terminology (don't just list or define) to the unit.

Be sure to indicate what unit and question you are addressing in each paragraph.

Unit 9 Zoology (Porifera, Cnidarians, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda,

Echinodermata, Chordata) Chap. 25 Animal Diversity

a.  Describe characteristics and adaptations of the phylums Porifera and Cnidaria.


b. Describe characteristics and adaptations of the phylum Molluska and Echinodermata.

Unit 10 Arthropoda Chap. 26 Arthropods (Arachnida, Insecta, Crustacea)

a. Describe characteristics and adaptations of the Class Arachinida


b. Describe characteristics and adaptations of the Class Insecta.

Describe at least three orders of insects.

Unit 11 Fishes and Amphibians Chap. 27

a. Describe characteristics, anatomy, and adaptations of the class Osteichthyes (bony fish).


b. Describe characteristics, anatomy, and adaptations of the class Amphibia.

Unit 12 Reptiles, Birds, Mammals Chap. 28

a.  Describe characteristics, anatomy, and adaptations of class Reptilia.


b. Describe characteristics, anatomy, and adaptations of class Aves (birds).

Unit 13 Human Life Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscle Systems Chap. 29

a.  Describe characteristics and anatomy of the skin and how skin regulates temperature.


b. Describe characteristics and anatomy of the long bones and all the functions of the skeletal system.

Unit 14 Human Life Circulatory & Respiratory Systems Chap. 32

a.  Describe characteristics, components, and function of blood.


b. Describe and illustrate the heart's chambers, valves, and major vessels surrounding the heart.

Unit 15 Human Life Digestion & Excretory Systems Chap. 34

a.  Describe the six essential nutrients include their caloric value and functions of each. Diagram the food pyramid.


b.  Describe anatomy (organs in correct order) and physiology (function) of the digestive system.

Include mechanical and chemical digestion of the three main food types.

Unit 16 The Environment Chap. 14 Ecosystems / Chap. 15 How Ecosystems Change

a.  Describe five different biomes. Include abiotic and biotic components of each biome.


b.  Describe succession from bare rock to climax stage. Include examples (common names) of each

seral stage and state why they out competed the previous community.