Twin FallsSchool District

AP Calculus AB

Grades 11 – 12

Instructor: Candace Wright, Ph.D., Room C-8

Phone: 733-6551, x3052


Course Description:Calculus covers algebraic and transcendental functions, rate of change, limits, continuity, differentiation of common functions, applications of differentiation, definite and indefinite integrals, applications of integration, and introductory differential equations.

Instructional Philosophy: Welcome to Calculus! I am looking forward to a great year together. My goal is for every one of you to learn the material with enough depth and understanding that you are fully prepared for success at the next level of Calculus and beyond. Practice makes perfect when it comes to the skills you must master. Never just “go through the motions” to complete an assignment. Every problem that you solve is an opportunity to sharpen your skills as well as your understanding of the big picture. Make it make sense!

Power Standards:

1)Function Review – Students will review common functions (polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, etc.) as well as the four different ways to represent any function.

2)Limits and Derivatives – Students will learn how to calculatelimits, and understand the derivative as a limit representing an instantaneous rate of change.

3)Differentiation Rules – Students will learn how to calculate the derivatives of common algebraic and transcendental functions.

4)Applications of Differentiation – Students will apply differentiation to business and scientific situations.

5)Integrals – Students will learn how to determine definite and indefinite integrals.

6)Applications of Integrals – Students will apply integration to area and volume problems, as well as to cumulative change problems.

7)Differential Equations and Slope Fields –Students will solve select classes of differential equations analytically. Students will match a differential equation to its slope field and vice-versa, and describe the solution function with words.

Major Course Projects and Assignments:

  • AP Calculus AB Exam, 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
  • CSI MATH 170 Final Exam, May 2018. All students will take the cumulative final exam. Students taking the class as dual credit MUST pass the final (≥ 60%) in order to receive a CSI course grade of C or higher.

Assessment and Grading Plan: Everything in this class is based on a point system. Your grade is based on the percentage obtained by dividing the total points earned by total points available.

Grading Scale: A: > 90% B: 80% - 90% C: 70% - 80% D: 60% - 70% F: < 60%

Components of the Grade: Your grade will depend primarily on homework, quizzes, and tests.

Classroom Expectations:

1)Please be kind, respectful, and courteous!

2)Always strive to be the best version of yourself.

Materials: Please bring the following items each day – completed homework, paper for class notes, graphing calculator (you may check one out from the math department if necessary), pen/pencil, textbook.

Tardies: Please be on time. It is a disruption to class if you arrive late.

Absences: If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out and make-up what you missed. No make-up work will be accepted for credit once the unit test has been administered.

Due Dates: Work is always due at the beginning of the class period. Late work will receive partial credit.

Opportunities for Extra Help:Help is always available! Find me before school, during lunch/advisory, during my prep,or after school.

College Credit Options: Please note – these are 2 alternate possibilities. Choose the one that will best suit your needs (if applicable). There is no clear advantage to pursuing both.

Advanced Placement: This course is an official AP designated course. You have the opportunity to take and pass the AP Calculus AB exam for college credit. You will sign up this spring if you are interested.

Dual Credit: This course is offered dual credit as MATH 170 at CSI.

  • This year-long TFHS class earns 5 credits in the Spring 2018 semester at CSI.
  • Your CSI grade will be an average of your 1st and 2nd semester TFHS grades*

* If you earn less than a 60% on the CSI final, your CSI grade will be no higher than a D.

  • Sept. 22 – Deadline to apply online for admission to CSI Dual Credit Program (
  • Sept. 29 – registration deadline for course (You will need to search the Spring 2018 semester!)
  • Prerequisite – you must show me ONE of the following in order to register:
  • COMPASS Trigonometry: 52-99
  • ALEKS: ≥76
  • ACT: >29
  • SAT: >660
  • Took and passed Pre-Calculus as a dual credit class
  • If you live in a county outside of Ada, Canyon, Kootenai, Jerome or Twin Falls, you will need to complete your Certificate of Residency Form in the Fall and submit it to their County Clerk by 12/1.
  • Any Advanced Opportunities/Fast Forward funding requests associated with yearlong classes will need to be input into the Advanced Opportunities Portal as spring courses.The yearlong courses will be tied to spring Fast Forward Funds in the Portal.