Site: Manhattan JHS, 15606 W. Smith Road, Manhattan
Date:Friday, March 16, 2018
4:30-4:40Students arrive at SHJH in the tux/dress uniform
- Black socks that cover the ankle for guys
- Solid black shoes for everyone
- Have your music in your black binder
5:00Buses leave for Manhattan JHS
5:30Approximate arrival time, go to homerooms
5:45Symphonic Band to warm-up; Concert Band to cafeteria to eat,
then go into the gym by 6:15 with the chaperones
6:20SymphonicBand performance time; ConcertBand listens
6:55SymphonicBand returns to homeroom & then goes to cafeteria
Concert Band goes from gym directly to cafeteria. Have dinner!
7:35Concert Band goes to homeroom, Symphonic stays in cafeteria
7:45Concert Band goes to warm-up, Symphonic stays in cafeteria,
usewashrooms, then go into the gym by 8:15 with chaperones
8:20Concert Band performance; Symphonic Band listens
9:00Both bands return to homerooms, get all equipment, wait in
cafeteria for results,
9:15Approximate departure time
9:40Approximate return time to SHJH
There will be a $1admission charge for adults & students grades K-8. Performers are not charged, nor are chaperones. Children going home with their parents will check out with their assigned chaperone. Parents should park in the west parking lot and enter only through the front doors at Manhattan. I do need 2-3 parent chaperones to help out per group. If you are interested, please mark the appropriate box!
Please detach the portion below and return by Thursday, February 15th
I give my child, ______, permission to participate in the IGSMA Band Contest with the Summit Hill JH Symphonic and Concert Bands on Friday, March 16, 2018.
I would like to chaperone ____
My child WILL need the bus back to SH after the performance ___
My child WILL NOT need the bus back to SH after the performance ____
Parent signature ______