Spanish 3: “Yo” Project


ü  To introduce yourself to the class

ü  To meet your classmates

ü  To find commonalities with your peers and create community

ü  To review some basic Spanish structures and vocabulary

ü  To decorate the class

You will create a mini-poster about your hobbies, interests and attributes.

·  The mini-poster should be on an 8 ½” x 11” paper – no larger! Colored paper is great.

·  You must identify 6 significant and interesting things about yourself. Pick items that make you unique and/or explain your passions to the class.

·  For the 6 sentences, at least 2 will use: “Yo soy……” 2: “Yo Tengo….” and 2: “Me gusta…” or “Me gustan”

·  You must make a draft of the sentences and then edit them with the teacher. Be sure the grammar is correct! Show me what you know!

·  You must include a recent color photo (not a drawing!) of yourself to be placed in the center of the poster. In the photo, you may be doing one of the activities you mention on the poster, but that is not necessary. The photo should be the focal point of your poster.

·  Your Spanish name must also be clearly and prominently displayed.

·  You must illustrate each of the 6 sentences. You may draw, include real photos of yourself, or print images from the internet. They must be neat and colorful. Please attach carefully. You may further decorate your mini-poster as you please. Remember, it will be displayed in the classroom, so do a nice job!

·  Include the sentence about your hobby, interest or attribute near the corresponding illustration. If your handwriting is not very neat, please type, cut and paste your sentences and name.

Rubric YO Mini- Poster Name______Per____

A / B / C-D
Photo / The picture(s) that you have chosen looks a lot like you, is current and may show you doing something you enjoy. / The picture you have chosen is okay but it is hard to recognize you or may be outdated. / The year 2005 called and they want their picture of you back! Or you use your webcam to capture your image as you are looking down at your keyboard.
Quality of Information / The written content is easy to comprehend and really lets me know who you are and what your unique and passionate interests are. EX: I have a big, nice dog that is named Parker and he is my best friend. / Your project just gives me a glimpse into what you like/dislike and who you are. I still don’t get your passions.
Your sentences are short. EX: I have a big dog. / The facts that you have chosen to share about yourself give me very little insight into your personality/ who you are. Could apply to many in class.
Ex: I have a dog.
Creativity / The graphics are interesting and colorful. You have taken time to give visual interest/neatness to your poster. Your Spanish name is prominent. / You haven’t made a lot of effort to make your project visually appealing.
Your name is not prominent / The written content and graphics are sloppy. Your name is hard to see or read.
Spanish / There are NO grammatical errors. Your adjectives match your gender (masculine or feminine.) You used “me gusta” or “me gustan” correctly, depending on singular or plural things that please you. / The written content has some errors. Perhaps you added information and did not have teacher verify the grammar. / Little effort was made to use correct grammar. You have very basic errors.

Late (minus 10 pts/ day)

