keep it simple – make it fun

Easy Fundraising Ideas

Email Signature

Just think of how many emails you send a day! Insert a tagline and a link to your personal Active Giving fundraising page at the bottom of your email signature.

Send Personal Letters/Emails

This is personal and simple way to reach everyone you know in and out of town; everyone enjoys getting mail that isn’t a bill. An example solicitation letter can be found in your campaign packet and on the Reach for the STARS page on the WEN website.

Theme Party or Happy Hour

It’s always fun to have friends and family over for a cookout, a wine tasting, a card tournament or any sort of party. Charge each attendee an “entrance fee” or “cover charge” and let them know it’s a fundraising party and ask for donations.

Clothing Drive

Host a clothing drive for WEN’s Professional Clothing Bank and ask co-workers to not only donate professional clothing, but money too. You could ask each co-worker to bring a purse with a donation inside. This was done in a previous Reach for the STARS campaign and raised over $1,200!

Designated Jeans/Casual Day

Have your co-workers donate money to wear jeans or dress casual on a designated day. Ask them to donate a bit more to dress casual all week.

Candy Sale

Who doesn’t need a little sugar from time to time? Rather than your co-workers buying it from the vending machine, have them get it from you and have money go to your campaign. Remember: candy can be purchased inexpensively in bulk.

Change Jar

Place a change jar at your desk or at the receptionist’s desk to collect donations. Send an e-mail to everyone letting them know where’s it’s at and what it’s for.

$10 for 10 Days

Ask 1 person for $10 each day for 10 days. This will help to jump start your fundraising efforts.

Raise $500 in 7 Days!

#1 Sponsor yourself first $25.00

#2 Ask 4 family members to sponsor you for $25 each $100.00

#3 Ask 5 co-workers to contribute $15 each $75.00

#4 Ask 5 friends to contribute $20 each $100.00

#5 Ask 5 neighbors to sponsor you for $15 $75.00

#6 Ask your company for a contribution of $50 (or more!) $50.00

#7 Ask 3 businesses you frequent for a donation of $25 each $75.00

Office Raffle

Try to get a couple of fun prizes donated and sell raffle tickets to your co-workers and have the money go to your campaign.

Brown Bag Days

A couple of days during the campaign ask your co-workers to bring a brown bag lunch and donate the cost of what they would have spent going out for lunch. Invite someone from WEN to come and speak at your lunch or show a WEN "Success Stories" DVD.

Double your donation with a match:

Find out if your company has a matching gifts program. Many organizations will match an employee’s charitable donation. It’s the fastest way to double your impact!

Garage Sale at Home or on eBay

Ask family, friends, or co-workers to donate items for the sale. Be sure to post a sign that all or a percentage of the sales will be going to the Women’s Employment Network – people’s willingness to buy and/or donate will increase.

Staff Party

Reserve a conference room and ask your co-workers to join you. Provide snacks and information about WEN. Give a brief presentation, talk about why you’re involved, and ask them to give to your campaign.

Office Happy Hour

Invite co-workers to join you after hours for a Happy Hour and while there discuss WEN and ask them to help your campaign. You could ask other patrons in the establishment for donations as well.

Office Dessert Reception or Potluck

Bring in a variety of sweets (cookies, muffins, cake, ice cream, etc) and ask co-workers to make a donation to WEN for a sweet treat in the middle of the day.

Coffee Breaks

Plan a one-day coffee break activity designed to promote awareness about WEN and to motivate co-workers to support your fundraising efforts. DVD’s of the WEN success stories are available for your use, just ask Nicole for a copy.