OWNER: / Elaine Peach / DATE: / 25.02.2013
POSITION: / Corporate Health and Safety Manager
APPROVAL: / Ronald McGlade / DATE: / 20.03.2013
POSITION: / Head of Health and Safety


This procedure provides details on the ISS Barclays account procedure for managing Asbestos Containing Materials. The procedure is governed by the Barclays Minimum Standard Asbestos documents.

Risks in failure to manage this process may have local account implications, but also, potential litigation and criminal prosecution. Every effort must be made to ensure there is no deviation.


This procedure is to be applied throughout all ISS Barclays locations where work activities are being undertaken and will encompass all disciplines including sub-contractor activities and ISS Service Providers.


Barclays maintains an on-line Asbestos Management Database known as MiCAD and it is a requirement that before any works which MAY require any intrusive works or works that might disturb the building fabric can commence,ISS, including sub-contractor and ISS Service Providers activities, MUSTaccess the MiCAD database and check the asbestos information for the location they will be working at. This will give an indication of whether any asbestos containing materials may be present. Even if asbestos containing materials are not shown on MiCAD it will be the ISS, including sub-contractor and ISS Service Providers, responsibility to not commence or to halt works if they become suspicious that asbestos containing materials are present and will be disturbed by their work.

It will remain the service provider’s responsibility to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for the works they intend to carry out to determine whether access to MiCAD is required for works which are not likely to be intrusive but could nonetheless involve the disturbance of material that could contain asbestos.

If works are deemed “intrusive” (e.g. breaking the surface of a material; drilling into a wall; pulling / pushing cables through ceiling or floor voids; lifting of ceiling and floor tilesetc) MiCAD must be consulted to decide if the area in question has been previously surveyed or sampled.

If it cannot be shown beyond reasonable doubt that there is little likelihood of Asbestos Containing Materials in the area, a Limited Refurbishment or Demolition Survey must be requested.

The Asbestos Incident Log, available via the log in page of MiCAD, must be reviewed prior to attending site to verify if any Access Restriction Notices are in force.

ISS and ISS Service Providers MUST complete this Procedure for all work they carry out and that of their Contractors/Suppliers.


  • Initial engagement for all Asbestos works and or queries will be actioned by contacting the ISS Helpdesk who will forward all requests to Faithful+Gould (F+G).Barclays nominated Contractor.
  • ISS Helpdesk will issue / assign relevant Work order(s) to F+G. A premium service is available, 24hr turnaround but it should be noted that there is an additional cost. Surveys or samples by “unauthorised” companies will not be accepted as legitimate by Barclays.
  • Payment for treatment or removal of ACMs is made by ISS through the variable Barclays budget, with the payment directed to F+G. This is managed directly by the ISS Finance Team and Approval only sanctioned by them when the Sanction Process has been completed correctly and in accordance with the Monthly reporting requirements.
  • The ISS HSE team are responsible for planning and delivery of Asbestos Awareness Training which must be carried out annually. New starters must be notified to the HSE team within the first month of employment to ensure appropriate training is provided.
  • ISS are responsible forensuring Supply Partners receive the appropriate Induction which includes information on Asbestos Management, ifappropriate.
  • Paper copies of asbestos registers are banned on all Barclay’s sites as they are uncontrolled documents. Please note however, it is acceptable to print a screen shot of MiCAD to share information with Suppliers but this must be notated with the date and stamped “Uncontrolled Copy”.
  • If any reports are received of any personnel and or supplies experiencing difficulty in accessing data from the MiCAD system, this must be reported to the appropriate ISS Health & Safety Manger.
  • Should asbestos or asbestos containing materials be discovered or disturbed during contractor works, the ISS Manager should ensure that the appropriate Operational Incident Management Reporting Standard is followed in addition the Contractor Report following an Incident, Record of Potential Accidental Exposure and Report of Potential Damage form are completed and forwarded to the ISS Head of Health & Safety.
  • Barclays have stated that Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) will not be labelled once identified. In isolated cases ACMs may be labelled if; they have been historically labelled by a third party; or additional ACMs that have been identified during the course of removal works. ISS are responsible for ensuring any labelling which has historically been put in place, remains intact and is not interfered with.
  • ISS are not permitted to act as Project Management on treatment or removal projects. Project Management is delivered through Faithful+Gould with ISS facilitating local building requirements.
  • ISS HSE Team will receive a monthly MiCAD Dashboard, via Faithful+Gould, showing the level of access on MiCAD by ISS personnel and suppliers. HSE Team will use this data to report to the supply chain and escalate where necessary.
  • ISS Barclays HSE Team will notify / co-ordinate with H&S Advisors to access the nature and extent of any potential exposure to ISS personnel following disturbance of asbestos.


Name / Position / Phone / Email
Ronald McGlade / Head of Health and Safety / 07966563766 /
Robert Devine / HSE Manager Corporate/Retail / 07966563095 /
Elaine Peach / HSE Manager Corporate / 07764279731 /
Dominic O’Dea / HSE Manager Retail / 07748931051 /


Document Title / Document Number
Report of damage to ACM’s
Contractors report of Asbestos Incident
Potential Exposure to Asbestos


To be signed by relevant staff where applicable

I have read, understood and agree to the above procedure. I understand that it is mandatory for me to comply with the procedure to ensure service delivery, my safety and the safety of others.

Reference / ISS.BARC.UK.QMS.FM04 / Version / 1.0
Date / 07.01.13 / UNCONTROLED WHEN PRINTED / Page 1 of 5