2015-2019Fort Frances Aboriginal HPS Program Application Checklist

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed

Please ensure criteria is complete and attached

Submissions with original signatures must be delivered to OFIFC by January 30, 2015 by 4:00 pm EST.

All applications are submitted only on 8 1/2 x 11 letter size paper, including attachments.

All applications must be typed. Hand written applications are not acceptable.

All sections must be complete and all questions answered.

Not Applicable is not an answer and will be classed as incomplete; Explanations are required.

Work plan has sufficient details regarding program components, goals, activities, timeline and anticipated results.

Budget information requested has been detailed as required.

Application is signed by at least one (1) authorized signatory.

Any letters of support from partnering organisations will enhance your submission but are not mandatory.

Supporting documentation to be attached:

Proof of non-profit incorporation and letters of patent

Proof of valid liability insurance at the date of application in the amount of at least one million dollars

Current list of Board of Directors (addresses/phone numbers of each person)

Constitution and by-laws

Complete Consolidated audited financial statements from last fiscal year

IMPORTANT: By signing, your sponsoring organisation is acknowledging that the HPS Program Application and Guidelines have been read, and hard copy paper submission is complete with required documentation attached.


Print NamePrint Name


Signature Authorized Signature/Title (i.e.: Executive Director or Board President)

Date: ______Date: ______

Section A: Sponsoring Organisation Information

Total amount of funding requested: $ (maximum of $356,180)
1. Name of Sponsoring Organisation:
2. Mailing Address:
3. Principal Contact:
Executive Director (if different from above): / Telephone:
4. Mandate or Mission of the Sponsoring Organisation:
5. Describe your experience in delivering culturally appropriate programming to urban Aboriginal people:

Section B: HPS Project Information

1. Program Name:
2. Program Summary:
3. Program Start Date: / 4. Program End Date: (*Note: Projects cannot go beyond March 31, 2019.)
5. Describe how your project will benefit urban Aboriginal homeless individuals and those at risk of becoming homeless in Fort Frances.
6. Please describe how your project fits the HPS objectives and outcomes and/or the Fort FrancesCommunity Plan priorities.
7. Please explain the plan for sustainability or the exit strategy of this project beyond March 31, 2019.

Section C: HPS Project Workplan

The sponsoring organisation must provide a work plan identifying program goals/activities, objectives, and outcomes by priority.
Priority 1: Support Services Outside Housing First
Target Groups: Aboriginal general population
Goal / Activity / Objectives / Timeframe / Expected Outcomes
Priority2: To ensure coordination of resources and leveraging
Goal / Activity / Objectives / Timeframe / Expected Outcomes

Section D: HPS Project Budget & Cashflow

Note: Without a full budget explanation, a funding application is considered incomplete.
The applying organisation will provide all financial information related to its activities, which provides an item by item breakdown identifying all costs attached to various items. All items that appear in the budget should relate to an element of the HPS Project Work Plan and this relationship should be easily identified. Please ensure that the budget includes all anticipated revenues and expenditures. Only eligible project budget expenditures will be considered.
Please provide and attach detailed information for each budget item identifying:
  • A detailed and complete breakdown of each budget line item, including the total amount of funding requested from the OFIFC, over the two years.
  • A detailed narrative rationale for each budget line item.
  • Important: Administrative expenses must be directly related to delivering project funding to the community under this initiative and cannot be more than 15% of the total amount requested & approved.

Section D: HPS Project Budget (cont.)

Overall Budget Request Template

A submission cannot exceed $349,056(over four years).
Budget Item / Detailed Expense / Priority % / Rationale / Amount
Example: Salary/benefits / 1 housing support worker
1 coordinator / HF, 100%
HF,50%, support services, 50% / The housing support worker will provide support and services to the HF clients of the HPS project
The coordinator will oversee the housing support worker and provide support services to non-HF clients/participants / 37,500
Total / $
HPS Budget (cont.)Project Budget
Projected Cashflow
Complete the projected cashflow detailing, per quarter, how funds will be expended.

Section D: HPS Project Budget (cont.)

Partnerships/In-kind Contributions/Co Funding

The organisation applying for HPS funding should demonstrate the partnerships, in-kind support and co-funding that further enhances the project.
Partner Organisation / Contribution Amount
(Amount or Detail) / Confirmed
(Yes or No)

Section E: Appendices and Supporting Material

If any sections or supporting materials are missing or incomplete, the proposal will not be evaluated. Please attach all supporting material pertaining to the funding proposal. Please ensure that this supporting material is appropriately referenced in the body of the proposal to allow for easy and quick identification.

  1. Proof of non-profit incorporation and/or notice of good standing from the applicable government department responsible for non-profit organisations.
  1. Proof of valid liability insurance (at the date of application) in the amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000).
  1. Current list of the applying organisation’s Board of Directors including the address and telephone numbers of each person.
  1. Copy of the constitution and by-laws of the organisation.
  1. Organisation’s complete consolidated audited financial statements from the previous year.
  1. The name(s) of any organisation(s) with which the applicant organisation is affiliated, (any letters of support – but not mandatory).
  2. The applicant must commit to providing timely activity, evaluation, and financial reports, annual audits and other related information as requested by the OFIFC/Service Canada.