Ms. B. Gonzalez


Room 332/ 937-2576

Tutoring Hours: Mon. &Wed. 8:00am-8:40am or Afterschool by appointment

Geometry/PreAP Geometry Syllabus for Student and Parent(s)

I. Introduction:

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year. This class will prepare all students for real world math applications in Geometry. In order for this to occur, classroom procedures must be followed.

II. To Parents:

a. Discipline will always be handled with a call to the parent.

b. Parents, please feel free to e-mail me with ANY concerns about your child.

c. All cell phones must be turned off within school premises. Please do not call your

child’s cell phone during school hours. Contact the office first to reach your child.

d. Expectations/Materials

1. Supplies

- One composition book

- 6 glue sticks

- 1 box of tissue paper

2. If a student is absent, all assignments must be made-up within 2 days.

3. Grading system:

50% SBG

30% Common Assessment/Notebook Check

20% Final

e. Tutoring will also be offered at the Math Lab, room A300, Monday- Friday before

school, during lunch and after school.

III. Parent/Teacher Night and Progress Reports

a.  Parent/Teacher night: September 7, 2016 and January 11, 2017.

b.  Class progress reports will be issued the 4th and 7th week of each marking period.

IV. Student Compositions

Compositions are graded at the end of the quarter and will be counted as a test grade.

Students must keep the composition book in the classroom. They are not to be taken


V. Signature

This syllabus must be signed by a parent or guardian. The top portion is for parents to keep and the bottom portion is to be returned by the student as soon as possible. This will be for a grade. Points will be deducted if turned in late.

Cut and keep top portion.

*We have read the course outline and will comply with SISD rules.

*Student Signature

*Parent or Guardian Signature

Assertive Discipline

Classroom Rules

1. Respect- Respect yourself, others and their property. This also includes school property. Please keep classroom neat, throw all trash in the trash can and do not touch the teacher’s belongings.

2. Tardy- Come to class prepared and on time. If the student arrives more than 10 minutes late, they will be counted absent but must remain in class. The bell does not dismiss you, I do.

3. Assignments- Turn in all assignments on time. You are responsible to let the teacher know if you were absent. Failure to makeup any missing assignments will result to a zero.

5. Listen and follow directions!

6. NO texting, NO headsets and NO Earbuds- I will take it away and follow the school’s cellphone policy (located in the student handbook).

7. 10-minute Rule- Must follow the 10-minute rule. Students may not leave the class the first and last 10 minutes. Also, you must sign out and sign in to leave class.

8. Raise your hand if you have any questions or comments.

9. Cheating- Do your own work and do not give any other students your work. Cheating and copying is not tolerated.

10. No food or drinks. Bottle water is allowed. No going to the restroom to buy food or a drink. Restroom breaks are no longer than 10 minutes; it will result to a referral and be marked absent.

Negative Consequences

1st time Verbal Warning and Documentation

2nd time Student-Teacher Conference

3rd time Contact Parents/Conference

4th time Referral

Severe Cause Referral/SAC/Keys

Positive Reinforcements

-Free quiet time (independent study)


-Fun activities

Daily Routines- Every day, as you walk in, you must get your notebook, the notes, glue stick, scissors and a calculator. Do not take too long in cutting and pasting. Look at the board for cutting and pasting instructions. Be ready to take notes!!!

Assertive Discipline
Classroom Rules
1. Respect- Respect yourself, others and their property. This also includes school property. Please keep classroom neat, throw all trash in the trash can and do not touch the teacher’s belongings.
2. Tardy- Come to class prepared and on time. If the student arrives more than 10 minutes late, they will be counted absent but must remain in class. The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
3. Assignments- Turn in all assignments on time. You are responsible to let the teacher know if you were absent. Failure to make-up any missing assignments will result to a zero.
5. Listen and follow directions!
6. NO texting, NO headsets and NO Earbuds- I will take it away and follow the school’s cellphone policy (located in the student handbook).
7. 10-minute Rule- Must follow the 10-minute rule. Students may not leave the class the first and last 10 minutes. Also, you must sign out and sign in to leave class.
8. Raise your hand if you have any questions or comments.
9. Cheating- Do your own work and do not give any other students your work. Cheating and copying is not tolerated.
10. No food or drinks. Bottle water is allowed. No going to the restroom to buy food or a drink. Restroom breaks are no longer than 10 minutes; it will result to a referral and be marked absent.
Negative Consequences
1st time Verbal Warning and Documentation
2nd time Student-Teacher Conference
3rd time Contact Parents/Conference
4th time Referral
Severe Cause Referral/SAC/Keys
Positive Reinforcements
-Free quiet time (independent study)
-Fun activities
Daily Routines- Every day, as you walk in, you must get your notebook, the notes, glue stick, scissors and a calculator. Do not take too long in cutting and pasting. Look at the board for cutting and pasting instructions. Be ready to take notes!!!