Decatur High School Course Syllabus

Course Title:Agriculture Equipment Design & Fabrication

Instructor: Mr. Naumann

Room: Ag 101


Required Supplies:Required Attire:

  • School Issued LaptopLong Sleeve Collard 100% Cotton Shirt
  • Binder and notebook paper or spiralJeans or Long Pants (fire resistant)
  • Pen (black or blue) and PencilClosed Toed Leather Shoes

Course Objectives/Description:

To be prepared for careers in mechanized agriculture and technical systems, students attain knowledge and skills related to agricultural equipment design and fabrication. Students explore career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students reinforce, apply, and transfer their academic knowledge and technical skills in a variety of settings.

Grading Policy:Daily Grades will be taken based on participation within and outside the classroom and or agriculture setting. Test may vary from written, to technology, to verbal based on teacher’s discretion.

District Secondary Grading Policy

  • At the secondary level, students will be given a minimum of 10 daily grades, 2 weightedtest (major project) grades.
  • If over 30% of the class receives a failing grade on a test or major assignment, theteacher will reteach for mastery and the students will have an opportunity to redo thework. The teacher may choose to do a different assessment than he/she used the firsttime. District common assessments and semester tests will be exempt from this policy.
  • Students will be given 1 day + the number of days missed (e.g. If a student misses 2 days,he/she will be given 3 days to finish the work).
  • Tests and projects assigned before the absence(s) will be due or completed on the day thestudent returns.
  • Teachers may consider extenuating circumstances and adjust the timelines accordingly.
  • Teachers will input grades weekly.
  • Secondary students will be subject to the following penalties for late work:
  • 1 day late – 10 point grade reduction
  • 2 days late – 20 point grade reduction
  • 3 days late – 30 point grade reduction
  • 4 or more days late – 0
  • Teachers may consider extenuating circumstances and adjust the timelines accordingly.

Academic Dishonesty

  • A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties onassignments or tests and disciplinary penalties.
  • Secondary students will receive a zero on the assignment/test. They will be given theopportunity to do an alternative assignment/test, and the grade will be averaged in withthe zero for the final grade on the assignment/test. If they choose not to do thealternative work, they will receive a zero.
  • Students who engage in academic dishonesty will also receive disciplinary penalties.

Classroom / Laboratory Policy:

  • Be on time
  • Be Prepared
  • Participate
  • Follow all instructions
  • Follow the rules and regulations set forth by the DISD Code of Conduct
  • Ask before using the restroom or leaving the classroom.

Students will not…

  • Engage in horseplay with other students.
  • Deface school or other people’s property.
  • Use vulgar or offensive language.
  • Congregate near the door before the dismissal bell rings.
  • Enter the teacher’s office, storage areas, or other classrooms unless authorized to do so by the instructor.
  • Lie, Cheat, or steal.

Behavioral Intervention Policy:

1st Offense – Student will receive a verbal warning

2nd Offense – Student’s parents/guardians will be contacted.

3rd Offense – Parents/Guardians will be requested to have a conference with theteacher.

4th Offense – Student will be referred to the office for discipline.

Projected Course Schedule:

  • 1st Six Weeks:Welding Shop Safety, OSHA Certification, Metal Tool Identification
  • 2ndSixWeeks:Oxy-Acetylene Cutting & Welding, Theory SMAW
  • 3rdSixWeeks:Shielded Metal Arc Welding
  • 4th Six Weeks: Gas Metal Arc Welding Theory, Machine Design, & Maintenance
  • 5th Six Weeks: GMAW
  • 6thSixWeeks:Metal Projects & Certifications

Mr. Naumann

DecaturHigh School Agricultural Science

Student Information Sheet

The following information is needed for my records. Please take a few minutes tocomplete this form. This is your first assignment!



Father’s/Guardian’s name:______


Mother’s/Guardian’s name:______




I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines and rules for this course.



I have read and discussed the course’s guidelines and rules with my student.
