F1 Post in Elderly Care / GIM (Ward 2)

This post will be based on Ward 2, a 30-bedded Elderly Care Acute/Rehabilitation Unit based within the Ingham Wing at South Tyneside hospital. Dr Rebecca Wiseman is the supervising consultant Physician/Geriatrician whose special interests are dementia/delirium. There are regular arrangements with consultant colleagues for cross cover at consultant level to account for annual leave, study leave and on-call responsibilities.

The ward accepts direct elective admissions from the community, transfers from other hospitals for rehabilitation, and emergency admissions via the AMAU/HDU/ITU with an average turnover of 3 – 5 admissions/24hours on weekdays. There is no age selection criteria for transfer to elderly care at South Tyneside although the vast majority of in-patients on the elderly care wards are aged over 70 years of age. Some younger patients with complex rehabilitation or social assessment needs who would benefit from an elderly care multi-disciplinary approach are also accepted.

The medical staffing of the ward in August 2016 will comprise:

·  2 F1 trainees

·  1.5 WTE F2 trainees

·  1 CMT-level teaching fellow

·  1 ST3+ trainee

·  1 Consultant Physician/Geriatrician

The F1 trainees will gain experience in the assessment, management, investigation and treatment of unselected elderly patients presenting acutely with all forms of medical illness and diagnosis in addition to the assessment of stable patients with rehabilitation needs. Particular experience will be available in the management and investigation of dementia, delirium and stroke, in the method of multi-disciplinary assessment of elderly patients with complex medical, nursing and social needs and in the provision and timing of high quality palliative care.

The F1 trainees will be expected to review all new patients admitted to the ward within the previous 24 hours or over the weekend, in conjunction with the F2 trainees, and be able to provide a summary of the diagnosis and initial management to their senior colleagues. They will provide prospective cover for other colleagues who may be absent from the ward. They will share responsibility for arranging investigations and documenting management plans with the other members of the ward medical staff.

There is a formal system of cross-cover in place with the stroke rehabilitation unit whereby the Ward 2 F1s will cover any additional duties required on the stroke unit in the event of the stroke unit F1 being on nightshift, on-call or on annual leave / sick leave. The F1s will be expected to attend all scheduled educational opportunities as per the timetable

Generic skills

·  Clinical method (history taking, examination and differential diagnosis) and diagnostic testing

·  Assessment of unselected acutely ill patients including acute management of all potential medical problems, patient counselling, therapeutics and appropriate liaison with allied health professionals including specialist nurses.

·  Co-ordinating treatment and investigative schedules

·  Arranging appropriate tests for the patients and checking results

·  Team working including handovers and presentations.

·  Communication skills.

·  Liaison with the wider hospital teams such as laboratories, radiology, endoscopy, critical care, pain team, infection control, palliative care and oncology.

·  Liaison with primary care teams via telephone and written communication

·  Playing a central role in co-ordinating discharge planning for the patient

·  Dictation skills

·  Note keeping

·  Medico-legal issues.

·  Understanding clinical governance and the role of audit

·  Death confirmation, certification and the role of the coroner

Specific skills

·  Multidisciplinary working with professions allied to medicine and social work.

·  Management of chronic diseases and longitudinal care of in-patients.

·  Ethical issues surrounding treatment of the disabled and elderly, for example DNR orders, nutrition and end of life issues.

·  Management of polypharmacy

·  Assessment of patients for Intermediate care and Continuing care

·  Management of patients requiring palliative care

·  Breaking bad news to patients and their families/carers

Clinical Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Wiseman

F1 This post is accompanied by on calls as part of the day time medical team and night time hospital at night team (Rota 15, which is a 1:9)

Ward 2 F1 Work Schedule

9-12 noon / Consultant
Ward Round (RW)
Ward Work / F1/F2
Ward Round
Ward Work / F1/F2
Ward Round
Ward Work / Consultant
Ward Round (RW)
Ward Work / F1/F2
Ward Round
Ward Work
12-2pm / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break) / Lunch
(30 minute break)
12-2pm / Protected (bleep-free) F1 Teaching
12.30pm – 2pm (Education Centre) / Trust Grand Round
1 – 2pm
(Education Centre)
2-5pm / Administration
Ward Work / Administration
Ward Work / Administration
Ward Work / CPD/Audit*
& Ward Work / Administration
& Ward Work

·  CPD/Audit time is not guaranteed on a weekly basis and will be dependent on clinical activity

Job Description for F1 in Elderly Care/GIM (Ward 2) 2017