Using Macromedia Contribute
Getting Started
Create a Connection to the webserver
Request permission from Kristine Wetherill () for Read/Write/Modify permissions for your URL. This will take a day or so to go through ITSD.
Connect to the Server
Once you have permission:
Go to My Computer(either on your desktop or in your Start Menu)
Right Click to Add a Network Location
The wizard will start and walk you through the next steps:
Click on Choose a Custom Network Location
Type in \\uncwweb\www-docs\ed\yourfoldername\
Type in the name you want to call this, i.e. “My Website”
Click Finish
Setting up Contribute
Open Contribute
Click on Create a Connection on the Start Up screen, or go EditMy ConnectionsCreate
The wizard will start and walk you through the next steps:
Browse to the website or type in
"How do you connect to your web server?" - choose Local/Network
"What is the Network path..?" –Type in your path \\uncwweb\www-docs\ed\yourfolder\
"What is your name" - just check to be sure it has your correct name and email
Click Done
Using Contribute to Edit the webpage:
Open Contribute
Click on “My Website” under Begin editing my websites on the Start Up page
Browse to the page you want to edit, i.e.
To begin editing, click Connect at the top left of the screen
If you do not see Connect, go back to “Setting up Contribute”
Then click Edit Page at the top left of the screen.
This downloads a draft of the web onto your computer so that you can edit it.
Now you can just click inside the page and edit it like you would a Word document.
You can only edit certain sections of your template. Other sections, like the navigation are protected and not accessible to you. If you need to alter these, please contact your webmaster.
Previewing your edits before you publish:
Because of the security on the UNCW website, you may not be able to view your page correctly while editing it. If you want to check your webpage to be sure it looks correct before you publish it, you can “Preview In Browser” to test it.
Go to FilePreview In Browser (or press F12)
Publishing your edited webpage:
When you are done with your edits and you have checked the page in “Preview In Browser”, simply click the Publish button at the top, left of the screen. Once you click this, your webpage is LIVE.
If you are not satisfied with your editing or you’ve made a horrible mistake, you can always Cancel the draft.
Save for Later:
If you are editing your page and are not quite done, you can Save For Later, which will save a draft on your machine that you return to edit later, saving your progress, but not forcing you to publish the page.
Hitting Enter vs. Shift-Enter:
Hitting enter to go to the next line will shift you down 2 lines because it is writing a <P>, or paragraph tag. To only move down 1 line, use Shift-Enter – that is called a Line Break.
Enter = 2 lines
Shift Enter = 1 line
Right Clicking:
Almost every action you will need is accessible by placing your cursor where you need to be and RT Clicking. A menu will expand listing things like Link, Table Properties, etc. If you can’t find it in the RT Click menu, then look to the toolbar or the Main Menus.
Edit Connection Name / Delete Connection:
Go to Edit
My Connections
Click on the connection you want and choose Rename, Remove, Create, etc.
Formatting Text with CSS:
When editing your text, you may want to make something bold or green or bigger! Highlight the word and notice the drop down menu on the top left of the editing screen. This is your Stylesheet list. I have pre-made styles for the WSE website and if you click on that menu, you will see them. Just select one to apply it to your word. You can also click “B” or “I” for bold or italic.
Add / Edit Photos:
To add a photo to your webpage:
Click on the Image button at the top of the screen
To edit a photo on your webpage:
Click on the image to select it
RT Click on the image to get Image Properties or Edit Image
Or use the menu that is now at the top of the screen
Click on the image to select it
RT Click on the image and choose Image Properties
Type in a description for the photo. Keep it short and sweet but explain the photo.
Add / Edit Links and Email:
Highlight the word that you need linked or that is already linked, RT Click and choose Link Properties or Insert Link (or click on the Link button at the top of the page and choose either Browse to a Web Page, Email, or File on My Computer – any of them will do).
To get your links to open a new webpage, choose the Advanced option in the Link Properties window. Then choose “_blank” from the Target drop down.
Add a Table
Place your cursor where you want the table.
Click on the Table button at the top of the page.
From here, you can choose how many rows and columns you need, border properties, etc. At anytime, you can click on the table lines, choosing the whole table and RT Click to get Table Properties
Add or delete a table row / column
Click inside the table where you want to add a column or row
RT Click and choose what action you need, i.e. Delete a row, Add multiple Columns, etc.