Narrogin Senior High School
As part of the Society and Environment course at Narrogin Senior High School, Year 9 students are conducting a survey to investigate the perceived past, present and future needs of the settlement of Narrogin. The results of this survey are to be used by the students to make recommendations to the Town and Shire of Narrogin, local service clubs and other organisations regarding future projects. This action research project has been made possible with a grant through the Commonwealth funded, Discovering Democracy Project.
Please answer all questions using a tick unless otherwise specified.
Volunteers and Community Service
- Are you involved in any volunteer work or community service within the Narrogin region?
YesNo If no, then please go onto the next section of the survey.
- What type of volunteer work or community service are you involved in?
You may choose more than one option.
Emergency ServicesSporting Organisations
Service GroupsEducational Support
Environmental GroupsAged Care
Religious GroupsYouth Organisation
Other (Please specify)______
- On average, how many hours per week do you dedicate to being a volunteer?
0–2 Hours2–4 Hours4–6 Hours6–8 Hours
8–10 HoursMore than 10 Hours
- For how many years have you conducted regular volunteer work?
1–5 years5–10 years10–15 yearsmore than 15 years
- What motivates you to be a volunteer in your community? You may choose more than one option.
Self-satisfactionPersonal Experience
Community RecognitionReligious Beliefs
Family InfluenceEnhance Employment Prospects
Social BenefitsArea of Need in the Community
Other (please specify)______
Please Complete the Section Below…
a.Please indicate your gender:MaleFemale
- Please indicate your age:
10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60
- In which settlement is your permanent place of residence?
Narrogin Kulin Williams Wagin Pingelly Boddington
Arthur River Brookton Beverley Lake Grace Other ______
- For what period of time has this been your permanent place of residence?
Less than 1 year 1–5 years 6–10 years 11–20 years More than 20 years
Employment and Education
- What was the highest level of schooling you received?
Primary Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
- Have you completed any post-secondary school qualifications?
NoIf No, then go onto question 8
If Yes, then what is the highest level of education achieved?
Business College Apprenticeship/Traineeship
Technical College/TAFE University
Other ______
- What is your current employment status?
RetiredIf you have ticked any of last 3 boxes,
On a pension (eg. Disability, single mother’s etc)then go onto question 9
If currently working, what is the status of your current employment?
Full-time Part-time Casual Seasonal
Other (please specify)______
- In what industry are you currently or most recently employed?
Agriculture Banking and Finance
Retail Education
Health Small Business
Community Service Justice
Other (please specify) ______
- On average, how many hours per week are you currently engaged in employment?
Nil 1–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 Over 50
For Office Use Only
a.Please indicate your gender:MaleFemale
- Please indicate your age:
10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60
- In which settlement is your permanent place of residence?
Narrogin Kulin Williams Wagin Pingelly Boddington
Arthur River Brookton Beverley Lake Grace Other ______
- For what period of time has this been your permanent place of residence?
Less than 1 year 1–5 years 6–10 years 11–20 years More than 20 years
Sport and Recreation
- What recreation facilities do you use in the Narrogin region?
Recreation Centre Town Ovals Tennis Courts
Bowling Greens Community Parks Golf Course
Speedway Pony Club Foxes Lair
Dryandra State Forest Gun Club BMX Track
Gliding/Aero Club None
Other (please specify) ______
- What recreation facilities would you like to have in the Narrogin region? Please tick TWO boxes only
Mini Golf Skate Park Water Slides
Ten-pin Bowling Archery Park Wave Pool
Dancing Qazar Go-Karts
Children’s Activity Park Other (please specify) ______
- What is your level of understanding of the features of the new Narrogin Recreation Centre in terms of what is being developed, new facilities provided and special features?
Excellent understanding
Satisfactory understanding
Limited understanding
Not aware that a new recreation centre is being developed
- What facilities would you use at the new Recreation Centre? Tick a maximum of THREE boxes
Hockey Turf Basketball Courts Netball Courts
Squash Courts Gymnasium Leisure Pool
Laned Swimming Pool Family Activity Centre None
Other (please specify) ______
- How would you rate the new Recreation Centre in terms of : (Please CIRCLE your answer)
- Money Spent/Value for Money12345
- Facilities Available12345
Where 1=excellent2=very good3=satisfactory4=unsatisfactory5=no comment
For Office Use Only
a.Please indicate your gender:MaleFemale
- Please indicate your age:
10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60
- In which settlement is your permanent place of residence?
Narrogin Kulin Williams Wagin Pingelly Boddington
Arthur River Brookton Beverley Lake Grace Other ______
- For what period of time has this been your permanent place of residence?
Less than 1 year 1–5 years 6–10 years 11–20 years More than 20 years
The Environment
- The following issues have been identified as being of significance to the Narrogin region. Please rank them in order of importance to you where 1 = most important
___Youth Issues___Lack of Community Services
___Health Services___Racism and Prejudice
___Other ______
- Identify ONE environmental issue that you deem to be the most important issue affecting the Narrogin region
Litter/garbage Noise Pollution Salinity
Global Warming Introduced Species Water Pollution
Clearing of Native Vegetation Endangered Species Ozone Layer Depletion
Other ______
- For the issue that you have identified in the previous question, what efforts are you currently making to find solutions to remedy this problem? You may tick more than one option
Member of the local Landcare/catchment group/environmental organisation
Making Individual Efforts eg. planting trees
Educate others about the issue
Lobby government agencies
Part of my employment
Nothing at the moment
Other (please specify) ______
- Would you support a financial levy on local ratepayers by the Narrogin Town Council or Shire Council if the money went directly into improving the regional Narrogin environment?
Yes No
- Would you support an environmental tax on Australian workers if the funds went directly into improving the Australian environment?
Yes No
For Office Use Only
a.Please indicate your gender:MaleFemale
- Please indicate your age:
10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60
- In which settlement is your permanent place of residence?
Narrogin Kulin Williams Wagin Pingelly Boddington
Arthur River Brookton Beverley Lake Grace Other ______
- For what period of time has this been your permanent place of residence?
Less than 1 year 1–5 years 6–10 years 11–20 years More than 20 years
Youth Issues
- What do you consider to be the greatest challenge that faces the youth of Narrogin today?
Please choose ONLY ONE response
Employment Family Life Education
Entertainment Crime Drugs
Cultural Unity Lack of a specific youth centre
Other (please specify) ______
- What will be the greatest challenge for the youth of Narrogin in the future?
Please choose ONLY ONE response
Employment Family Life Education
Entertainment Crime Drugs
Cultural Unity Lack of a specific youth centre
Other (please specify) ______
- What do you think is the greatest advantage the youth of Narrogin have compared to the youth in the city?
Choose ONLY ONE response
Better education Safer environment
Strong sporting community Better family relationships
Gain greater responsibility at a younger age Greater sense of community
Sheltered from problems of the city Build better relationships with people
Other (please specify) ______
- What disadvantages do you think the youth of Narrogin have compared to the youth in the city?
Choose ONLY ONE response
Fewer educational opportunities Fewer entertainment options
Limited multicultural exposure Fewer employment options
Cost and distance of travel to take up opportunities Harder to be different in a small community
Other (please specify) ______
- How would you rate the services available for the youth of the Narrogin region?
Very Good Satisfactory Inadequate Particularly Poor
Thank you for completing our survey
Please return (if lost) to the Society, Environment and Languages Department at Narrogin Senior High School
For Office Use Only
a.Please indicate your gender:MaleFemale
- Please indicate your age:
10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 Over 60
- In which settlement is your permanent place of residence?
Narrogin Kulin Williams Wagin Pingelly Boddington
Arthur River Brookton Beverley Lake Grace Other ______
- For what period of time has this been your permanent place of residence?
Less than 1 year 1–5 years 6–10 years 11–20 years More than 20 years