El proyecto de la familia- El Árbol Genealógico DUE: __ November 11______

Family project- The Family tree PRESENTACIONES EL 11___Y _12__DE NOVIEMBRE

Vas a hacer un árbol creativo de tu familia en español. You are going to introduce us to your family. In order to do so, you may create your family tree on poster board or you may wish to use another option. Your family tree doesn’t even have to be a tree. It could be a bubble gum machine or a fishbowl. It could be a house with a family member in each window. BE CREATIVE!

Options for family project:

You may choose the manner in which you would like to create your family tree. Your options include:

-  Poster board (sturdy board)

-  Photo story

-  scrapbook

-  Prezi

-  FACETIME (you must schedule a time with me in advance)

* For all five options, you must follow the specifics below and will be assessed using the same rubric.


-  Include at least 5 family members (including yourself- pets count) with at least 3 photo (you may include more) representation of each family member. If photos are not available you may find alternate pictures to represent the person.

-  Include a family tree which contains at least 1 side of the family. It must have at least 3 generations (you, parents, and grandparents.)

-  Include the family member’s name. No other writing should be on the slide or poster board.

Oral Presentation:

For the 5 family members:

v  Your oral presentation must be memorized and in Spanish. No papers or note cards are allowed.

v  Describe each family member, include their:

o  Discuss Tree( whether it is big, small etc.)

o  1. Name and role in family (sister, brother etc.)

o  2. Age and brief description (2 physical and 1 personality).

o  3. Say what they like to do and with whom.

o  4. Mention at least 2 things the person does in complete sentences (a conjugated form of a verb)

v  Use a variety of adjectives. Try to avoid using an adjective more than once

v  If you chose the video or photo story option, we will watch the video in lieu of giving an in-class oral presentation.

IMPORTANT: You MUST present 3 people as individuals and you MUST present at least 2 people as a pair or a group to demonstrate that you can use plural grammatical forms correctly

Por ejemplo...

1. (Yo) Me llamo Srta. Jerry. Soy la hija de Mervyn y Laura. Tengo veintitrés años. No tengo hermanos pero tengo dos hijos. Soy una profesora. Soy baja e inteligente. Tengo pelo corto y soy fuerte. A mí me gusta bailar. Escucho música en mi casa y bailo con mis hijos.

2. Éste es mi hijo. Él se llama Jaden. Tiene 4 años. Él es un estudiante de Eastvalley. Jaden es flaco y cómico. Tiene pelo corto y ojos castaños. Jaden juega con Legos su dormitorio.

Your performance must be 100% in Spanish, and must be memorized.

Visual Aid / 20
Exceeds expectations. artistic and creative.
Organized and interesting. Time & effort obvious / 17
Meets expectations
Requirements met,
neat and organized.
Some creativity evident, etc. / 13
Very Basic Product
Very little artistic and creative effort evident. / 10
Does not meet
expectations. Messy and/or unorganized, etc. / 8
Very little effort evident and /OR visual aid incomplete
Messy & unorganized
Pronunciation & Fluency / 20
Clear and easy to understand; little or no hesitation; natural flow of language.
Excellent accent for Level I French! / 17
Listener is able to comprehend speaker. Some hesitation; attempt made at authentic French accent. / 13
Some difficulty understanding speaker. Hesitation interrupts natural flow. Some attempt at French accent. / 10
Significant difficulty understanding speaker. Little attempt at a good French accent. / 8
Speaker struggles to express complete thoughts in the target language. Heavy English accent.
Grammar: / 25
Wow! No significant grammatical mistakes were made. / 22
1-2 significant grammatical mistakes and /OR 3-4 minor grammar slips were made. / 18
3-4 significant grammatical mistakes / 15
5-6 significant grammatical mistakes / 10
7+ significant grammatical mistakes
Grammar Feedback:
Adjective Agreement / 25
Wow! All of your adjectives were accurate – masculine and feminine! / 22
1-2 Adjective Agreement Errors / 18
3-4 Adjective Agreement Errors / 15
5-6 Adjective Agreement Errors / 10
7+ Adjective Agreement Errors
Adjective Agreement Feedback:
Task Completion / 10
Excellent!! You included all of the required information both in your oral presentation and on your visual aid! / 8
Oops… you left out 1 requirement in your presentation or on your visual aid / 6
Oops… you left out 2 requirements in your presentation or on your visual aid / 4
Oops… you left out 3 requirements in your presentation or on your visual aid / 2
Oops… you left out 4+ requirements in your presentation or on your visual aid
Task Completion Feedback: