Story: Barbie

Author: Gary Soto

Genre: Narrative realistic-fiction

Session 1

Before Reading

Text Opener

Ever heard of a Barbie doll? Here are a few facts you may not have known:

1.  Barbie first debuted in 1959.

2.  Barbie has held more than 80 careers, including teacher, docdtor, veterinarian, president, police woman, firefighter, lifeguard, paleontologist, McDonald’s employee, Spice Girl, Olympic athlete, princess, astronaut, soldier, diplomat.

3.  Barbie has five sisters named Skipper, Tutti, Stacie, Kelly, Krissy.

4.  Barbie’s boyfriend is Ken.

5.  Barbie has had more than 43 pets, including dogs, cats, parrot, giraffe, zebra, panda, chimpanzee.

6.  If Barbie were real, she would be 5’6”, weigh 110 lbs., with a 39-inch bust, 18-inch waist, and 33-inch hips.

7.  Barbie’s full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts, and she’s from Willows Wisconsin.

8.  Barbie is sold in more than 150 countries.

9.  Barbie has been created to represent more than 45 nationalities.

10.  According to the maker, Mattel, more than two Barbies are sold per second—enough to circle the earth seven times!


·  Why is Barbie such a popular doll?

·  What do girls imagine when they play with Barbie? What kinds of places does Barbie go? What sorts of people are Barbie’s friends?

·  Why do girls like to pretend that they might one day be like Barbie?

During/After Reading

Sharing Questions

During the first read of the story, what were some things you would like to clarify? What was something you wondered about? (i.e. why an event happened the way it did, or why a character did or said a particular thing?)







Point of View From whose point of view is this story told? What proof can you provide?

Story at a glance Provide appropriate details regarding this story in a few words.






Session 2

Directed Notes

During your second reading of the story, mark at least 5 places where Veronica is being reasonable [Use R] and 5 places where she is being unreasonable [Use UN]

Reasonable = when you think things through in a sensible way

page / Summary of evidence

Unreasonable = you don’t think clearly and can act unfairly

page / Summary of evidence

Interpretive Questions

Look over our notes from page 3 of your INB and write down your own interpretative question(s) and an answer. [See pages ix through x to review what an interpretive question is.]

If you write down more than one interpretive question, you must only answer one question, unless you want to answer a second question for extra-credit.

My interpretive question:

My response to my interpretive question:

Session 3

Interpreting Words

Veronica thinks that an imitation Barbie is “the worst kind of doll.”


·  not real

·  made to look like something that is better

What are at least two things Veronica doesn’t like about the imitation Barbie?



How does Veronica feel when she gets the imitation Barbie?



Why doesn’t Veronica’s mother think it’s important for Veronica to have a real Barbie?

(1 well-written paragraph)

Why does Veronica like playing with the real Barbie so much more than the imitation Barbie?

(1 well-written paragraph)

List any additional vocabulary you don’t understand:

Session 4

Shared Inquiry Discussion

Basic Question #1:

“Why is having a real Barbie so important to Veronica?”

Suggested pages for textual analysis: pages 72-73: beginning, “Veronica liked this show...” and ending, “ of the eyelashes was peeling off like a scab.”

pages 76-77: beginning, “Veronica pretended to look happy...” and ending, “He would die for me.”

1.  Why does Veronica like to watch Barbie commercials on TV?

2.  Why does Veronica think that an imitation Barbie is “the worst kind of doll?”

3.  Why does Veronica throw the imitation Barbie against the wall? Why does she call it an “ugly thing?”

4.  Why is it Donna who gives the real Barbie to Veronica?

5.  Why does Veronica pretend that everything about Barbie is better than the fake Barbie? Why does she give Barbie the best boyfriend and the best sandwich?

6.  Why does Veronica want to make Barbie “the happiest person in the world?”

7.  Why does Veronica have Barbie say that she likes the fake Barbie, even though she isn’t pretty? Why does Veronica have the fake Barbie compliment the real Barbie?

8.  Why does Martha, who has two Barbies and a Ken, try to take Veronica’s new Barbie?

Other questions you might have related to the “Basic Question” above?

Basic Question #2:

Why does Veronica get so angry with Barbie when the doll’s head is lost?

Suggested pages for textual analysis: pages 79-80: beginning, “Where are you?” and ending, “...she had been holding Barbie while she fought Martha.”

1.  Why does Veronica call Barbie a “stupid thing” and blame her for the lost head?

2.  Why does Veronica go back to Martha’s house and ask if she has seen Barbie’s head?

3.  Why does Veronica ignore Martha’s chatter as they search for Barbie’s head?

4.  Why does Veronica have a hard time concentrating when she is searching for Barbie’s head? Why does she have to keep reminding herself of what she is looking for?

5.  Why does Veronica move from blaming Barbie to blaming herself, and then Martha for the loss of Barbie’s head?

6.  Why does Veronica think that she jinxed her Barbie when she pushed Martha against the chest of drawers?

7.  Why does Veronica finally yell at Martha that losing Barbie’s head was all Martha’s fault?

8.  Why does Veronica come to feel that she has “betrayed” Barbie by not caring for her?

Other questions you might have related to the “Basic Question” above?

Basic Question #3:

Why does taking both the headless Barbie and the fake Barbie to bed make Veronica feel better?

Suggested pages for textual analysis: pages 80-81: beginning, from “That night Veronica sat in her room...” to the end of the story.

1.  Why does Veronica think that her mother would scold her for being a mensa if she finds out that Barbie’s head is gone?

2.  Why does Veronica think that Uncle Rudy’s girlfriend, Donna, would understand how she feels and would do something to help?

3.  Once she is alone and in bed, why does Veronica start blaming herself again for what happened to Barbie? Why does she say she should have stayed home and played by herself?

4.  Why doesn’t reading a made-up story about a girl who lost her cat help Veronica feel better?

5.  Why isn’t Veronica able to “lull herself to sleep with sad thoughts?”

6.  What is it that Veronica can’t stand anymore when she finally goes to pick up her two flawed Barbies?

7.  Why does Veronica act “lovingly” toward both the fake Barbie and the headless Barbie?

Other questions you might have related to the “Basic Question” above?








Thematic statement(s):







Extra Credit: Write a well-written paragraph elaborating on one of the themes of this story.

Note: Additional extra credit will be given for additional paragraphs completed. Each grade is equivalent to a “quiz” grade. Quizzes are 25% of your grade.