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Dear Dr./Mr./Ms./,

I was excited to learn about the available teaching position at Sesame Street School District. I am seeking my teacher certificate from The University of Texas at San Antonio in EC-6. I will complete my student teaching in December 2013 and I have passed all state exams.

I have had the opportunity to develop many skills, through the completion of my degree plan, that are an essential part of a professional teaching position. Some of the skills I have developed include: curriculum development, written and verbal communication skills, sensitivity for diverse cultures. In addition, I have the opportunity to creatively develop lessons for all subjects as well as observe and teach under the supervision of a certified teacher. Lastly, I have received excellent evaluations from my cooperating teacher and student teaching supervisor.

During my semester of student teaching, I was able to put into practice all the lessons and classroom management techniques that I developed/was exposed to in my upper level courses. Curriculum development and lesson planning became processes that I became more comfortable with because I could visualize how the lessons were going to impact the students. However, the best part of student teaching, were the relationships I developed with the students. It was an affirmation of why I chose this profession, working first hand with children and making a difference.

The skills that I have developed through my academic career and work experience will make me an excellent teacher for your school district. I am very excited to meet with you and discuss the opportunities in more detail. If you have any questions please, call me at 210-123-4567 or email me at .


Zoe B.

Enclosure: Resume