1) Examine this Interactive Lab on Earth-Sun Geometry hosted by the University of South Carolina closely. After you investigate several different latitude settings, write a brief paragraph describing how solar intensity varies with latitude throughout the year.
a) What are the maximum and minimum Sun angles at your latitude? On what dates do they occur? How do these angles compare to those that occur at the equator on the same dates?
b) What is the range of Sun angles at your latitude throughout the year? How does your range compare to the range at the equator and at the Arctic Circle?
(Interactive laboratory modules developed by Gregory Carbone, University of South Carolina, Copyright © 2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc.)
2) Using the sun angle calculator developed by Christopher Gronbeck at this Web site,
a) Calculate the noon Sun angle (altitude angle) at your location for today's date.
b) What are the times of today's sunrise and sunset at your location?
c) How does your calculated noon Sun angle in this question compare to the noon Sun angle for the same date and latitude in Question 1? Suggest a reason(s) for any difference.
3) Using the information at this U.S. Naval Observatory site, list the exact date and time of the equinoxes and solstices for the next one-year period.
4) Examine the information on Earth's radiation balance at this University of Wisconsin Web site.
a) What is OLR?
b) How is net radiation determined?
5) After you thoroughly review the information presented at this Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) site, answer the following questions.
a) In the Rad/Met Plots section, prepare a composite plot of downwelling solar, upwelling solar, and total
net radiation for the station nearest to your location for today's date.
Write a brief analysis of the plot you have generated.
b) In the Rad/Met Plots section, prepare a second composite plot illustrating downwelling infrared, upwelling infrared, and infrared net radiation.
Write a brief analysis of the plot you have generated.
At any time, was upwelling infrared greater than downwelling infrared? If so, describe when, and explain why.
(NOTE: Print and attach a copy of both plots to the form.)