Vendor Round Tables

Each month San Diego Regional Center will host Vendor Round Tables at all of it’s San Diego office locations (SDRC Main on Ruffin Road, Carlsbad, National City, and Santee) to discuss the changes regarding employment, individual choice, and community access that affect day programs and group homes. This is a time to collaborate and network with each other to create new and innovative ideas to address the changes that affect us all. San Diego Regional Center will also share new and important information regarding requirements that will be coming in the near future. These meetings will be open to all vendors to attend.

The meetings scheduled for the National City and Santee Offices occur on the same day each month at different times.

There will also be time available to consult on issues regarding the Home and Community Based Services Final Rule both prior to and after each Vendor Round Table. This time is available to provide technical assistance, support and questions for program managers, service coordinators and providers from the HCBS Specialist. Please contact Melissa Crawford at 858-576-2957 or to coordinate time.

Scheduled Meeting Calendar for 2017:

SDRC Main Office Carlsbad Office National City Office Santee Office

2/22/17 10-11:30am No Meeting 2/23/17 10-11:30am 2/23/17 12:30-2pm

3/20/17 10-11:30am 3/21/17 10-11:30am 3/22/17 1-2:30pm 3/22/17 10-11:30am

4/17/17 10-11:30am 4/18/17 10-11:30am 4/19/17 10-11:30am 4/19/17 1-2:30pm

5/22/17 10-11:30am 5/23/17 10-11:30am 5/24/17 10-11:30am 5/24/17 1-2:30pm

6/19/17 10-11:30am 6/20/17 10-11:30am 6/21/17 1-2:30pm 6/21/17 10-11:30am

7/24/17 10-11:30am 7/25/17 10-11:30am 7/26/17 10-11:30am 7/26/17 1-2:30pm

8/21/17 10-11:30am 8/22/17 10-11:30am 8/23/17 1-2:30pm 8/23/17 10-11:30am

9/18/17 10-11:30am 9/19/17 10-11:30am 9/20/17 10-11:30am 9/20/17 1-2:30pm

10/23/17 10-11:30am 10/24/17 10-11:30am 10/25/17 1-2:30pm 10/25/17 10-11:30am

Thank you,

Melissa Crawford

HCBS Specialist, Community Services Department

San Diego Regional Center

A: 4355 Ruffin Rd, Ste 104, San Diego, CA 92123

P: 858-576-2957

F: 858-576-2827
