Updated February 2016

Equality Objectives / Actions / Performance Measures / Targets / Outcome to date / Lead / By when
Objective 1:
Increase affordable housing / Improve housing opportunities for vulnerable people / Provide adaptations to the homes of 35 disabled people / >35 adaptations provided / Head of Regulatory
Services / March 2016
Support 130 social housing tenants affected by Welfare Reform to access financial and budgeting advice by March 2016, and where necessary, help move home / 150 persons supported / Head of Housing / March 2016
Objective 2:
Increase business growth and job creation / Help new businesses to start / No. of people under the age of 25 supported in starting a new business / 6 young people under 25 supported / Head of Regeneration and Policy / March 2016
Objective 3
Maintain street cleaning, waste collection, safe and healthy communities / Provide services which reflect the communities of the Derbyshire Dales and are accessible to all users / % of people very or fairly satisfied with household refuse collection / 93%
satisfied with refuse collection service / Serco / Head of Environmental Services / March 2016
Agree and progress the corporate programme of priority Equality Impact Assessments for 2015-16 / Programme for 2015-16 completed including:
  • Review of Bring Sites
  • Charging for wheeled bins
  • Public Conveniences – second review
  • Taxi Licensing Policy
  • Health & Wellbeing Strategy
  • Local Plan
  • Council Tax Support Scheme 2016-17
  • Equality Plan 2015-2016
  • Corporate Plan 2015-16
  • Capability Procedure - review
  • Family Friendly Policy
  • Budget
  • Leisure Review
  • Events Strategy
/ 9 completed
5 rolled forward to
(2 not required) / Heads of Service / March 2016
Service Reviews – any potential equality impacts to be identified through EIAs /
  • Service Reviews
-Dev management
-Environmental Health
-Licensing / Ongoing / Heads of Service / Ongoing

Corporate Equality Performance Indicators 2015-2016

Updated February 2016

Service / Priority / Performance measures / Targets / CP ref / Action / target / Outcome to date / Lead / By when
Housing / CP1 / TA2
Improve housing opportunities for vulnerable people / CORP2 / Support 130 social housing tenants affected by Welfare Reform to access financial and budgeting advice by March 2016, and where necessary, help move home / 150 / Head of Housing / March 2016
CORP3 / Provide adaptations to the homes of 35 disabled people by March 2016 / >35 / Head of Regulatory Services / March 2016
Environmental Services / CP3
Maintain street cleaning, waste collection, safe and healthy communities / % of people very or fairly satisfied with household refuse collection / PS8(b) / 91% / 93% / Head of Environmental Services / Serco / March 2016
Economic Development & Tourism / CP2
Increase business growth and job creation / No. of people under the age of 25 supported in starting a new business / ED1 / 10 / 6 / Head of Regeneration & Policy / March 2016
Environmental Services / CP1
Increase affordable housing / Replace car parking machines and undertake alteration work to comply with disability requirements / PSS6 / Phase 2 near completion. All machines replaced by April 2016. / Head of Environmental Services / Parks & Streetscene Manager / Ongoing
Environmental Health / CP1
Increase affordable housing / Number of households in fuel poverty who received assistance through the Healthy Homes project / EH7 / 50 / 40 - 50 / Head of Environmental Services / March 2016
Housing / CP1
Increase affordable housing / Produce 4 group assessments of the housing needs of vulnerable groups people / 4 / 2 / Head of Housing / March 2016
Increase affordable housing / No. of vulnerable households supported to access social, training and employment opportunities through an enhanced signposting service, helping them move on from supported accommodation / HP2 / 115 / 115 / Head of Housing / March 2016
Estates & Facilities Management / % of Council buildings open to the public in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled people / BV 156 / 82% / 87% / Head of Resources / Estates & Facilities Manager / March 2016