Investigation Task Grade 9 First Additional Language

Form of assessment: Research taskTopic: Relationships

DUE DATE: Tuesday 17 August 2009Name: ______

Learning Outcomes and Assessment StandardsGrade 9: __

1.3 / Listen for specific information
1.4 / Listen actively in discussion
2.4 / Debate social and ethical issues by arguing persuasively and responding critically
3.4 / Read for information
5.3 / Collect and record information in different ways
5.2 / Use language for thinking
4.1 / Write to communicate information
2.6 / Give a short formal talk/presentation


Activity 1: Group- and class discussion

You can work in groups of 4, 3, 2 or 1.

Important note:

You can gather your information as a group but each individual must hand in a report that he/she has written.

Each group will be given one of the following topics:


Boyfriend & Girlfriend

Husband & Wife

Mother & Daughter

Mother & Son

Father & Daughter

Father & Son

Child & Stepparent

Child & Grandparent

What am I going to research?

Choose which type of relationship you want to investigate. Make a hypothesis about the relationship and do research to see if the information you get supports the hypothesis or not.

(Hypothesis: a statement that is assumed to be true for the sake of argument)

e.g Girls chase boys.

Activity 2: Research (This part can still be done by the group)

Find at least one article from a magazine, newspaper or the internet that is about your hypothesis?

Formulate 10 questions which will test if your hypothesis is true or not. If people answer yes to most of these questions it will prove your hypothesis, if the answer is no to most of the answers your hypothesis is false. The questions must have YES or NO answers.

Write these questions down. The paper with the 10 questions will have to be handed in.

When you have your questions, ask your questions to at least 10 people.

Creating questions for a survey.

  1. There are a few things to keep in mind when setting questions for a survey:
  2. Questions should not have a very wide variety of answers.
  3. If different answers must be given, give a few possibilities to choose from.
  4. Don’t set a survey form with more than 10 questions. (people very easily feel that you are wasting their time with a long survey form).
  5. Questions must be short and to the point.
  6. Make use of yes/no questions where applicable.

Activity 3 (This part must be done by yourself, ALONE!)

Interpret your information.

Compare the answers you received of each questions.

Write short statements like:

4 out of 10 boyfriendssay the girl talked to them first.

7 out of 10 boyfriends say they never thought of having a girlfriend until they talked with the girl.

After you have written your short statements you must present your information visually by using a bar chart or a pie chart:

bar chartpie chart

Activity 4: Writing you report (This part must be done by yourself, ALONE!)

Paragraph 1:Hypothesis – Write in your first paragraph what you wanted to prove with your research.

Paragraph 2:Write in paragraph two how you gathered your information. Mention what the article says that you found. Explain who you asked questions to and write down the questions.

Paragraph 3:Explain what you have discovered. Use words as well as a pie chart or a bar chart. You must explain in words what your bar chart or pie chart says.

Paragraph 4:Conclusion. Sum up the results of your research.

Provide a bibliography: Write down the date of the publication. Write down the name of the author of the article. Write down the title of the article. Write down on which page or on which web address you found the article. Write down the name of the magazine, book or web page. Write down the date it was published.

1998Jones, GloriaThe Girl who chased her boyfriend. p.32., You, 23 April 2005,

Length of typed or written report: two pages.

What to hand in?

  • Your article you found
  • Your original 10 questions that you designed
  • The names of the persons you interviewed
  • The answers of all the people you interviewed
  • The report you have written
  • All the instructions I handed out to you.
  • It must all be done on A4 paper
  • It must be stapled together, top left.
  • No binding.
  • It must be able to fit in your flipfile.

Length: Two typed pages

Use formal, appropriate language.

Time Frame (Dates)
1. Hypothesis finished / 01August 2009
2. Information gathered / 12 August 2009
3. Information, layout of report / 14 August 2009
4. Final touches / 15 August 2009
5. Due Date / 17 August 2009

Names of persons interviewed:


Rubric – Investigation Task (Activity 1 – 4)

Additional Lang
(20) / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Use of language / Learner shows wide range of
vocabulary, correct sentence
Language usage mainly
Correct spelling and
punctuation / Learner shows correct use of
vocabulary, mostly correct
sentence and language
structure, spelling and
punctuation / Learner shows limited use of
vocabulary, generally correct
sentence and language
structure, spelling and
punctuation / Learner shows poor use of
vocabulary, incorrect sentence
and language structure,
spelling and punctuation
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Locating, accessing
information / Learner is able to locate and
access a number of different
types of media / Learner is able to locate
and access information
independently / Learner is able to locate and
access a limited amount of
information / Learner is unable to locate
and access information
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Accuracy and relevance
of selected information / Learner is able to select information
that displays a high
degree of accuracy and
relevance / Learner is able to select information
that displays acceptable
accuracy and relevance / Learner is able to select information
that displays limited
accuracy and relevance / Information is inaccurate and
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Organisation of information
and development
of argument / Learner is able to synthesise/
integrate information showing
a high degree of coherence
and logical
development of
a reasoned argument / Learner is able to synthesise/
integrate information showing
acceptable coherence and
logical development of a
reasoned argument / Learner is able to produce a
product that shows synthesis
of information but is not
always coherent and logical.
The argument is not always
reasoned / Learner is unable to synthesise
The product is incoherent and
illogical, lacking a reasoned
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Presentation of results / Learner is able to present
results in a clear, structured
and concise manner using a
variety of appropriate formats. / Learner is able to present
results in a fairly clear,
structured and concise
manner using different
formats / Learner is able to present the
results in a limited number of
formats but clarity and structure
are weak / Learner is unable to present the
results in a structured or logical