Volunteer’s Details

Your details will be kept securely and will only be used for monitoring purposes




What is your occupation (or your last occupation, if you are not working at the moment or retired)?

Are you retired?[ ] Yes[ ] No

Are you a refugee?[ ] Yes[ ] NoAre you an asylum seeker?[ ] Yes [ ] No

1. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self‐employed? (please tick)

[ ] Employee
[ ] Self-employed with employees
[ ] Self-employed/freelance without employees (go to question 4)

2. Number of employees

For employees: ‘How many people work for your employer at the place youwork(ed)?......

For self-employed: ‘How many people do (did) you employ?’……………….

(Go to question 3 when you have completed this question)

[ ] Less than 25

[ ] 25 or more

3: Supervisory status

Do (did) you supervise the work of other employees on a day-to-day basis?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

4. Please tick the box which best describes the type of work you do (did):

[ ] 1. Modern professional occupationssuch as: teacher – nurse – physiotherapist – social worker – welfare officer – artist– musician – police officer (sergeant or above) – software designer

Please turn over….

[ ] 2. Clerical and intermediate occupationssuch as: secretary – personal assistant – clerical worker – office clerk – call centre agent – nursing auxiliary – nursery nurse

[ ] 3. Senior managers or administrators(usually responsible for planning, organising and co-ordinating work, and for finance) such as: finance manager – chief executive

[ ] 4. Technical and craft occupationssuch as: motor mechanic – fitter – inspector – plumber – printer – tool maker – electrician – gardener – train driver

[ ] 5. Semi-routine manual and service occupationssuch as: postal worker – machine operative – security guard – caretaker – farm worker – catering assistant – receptionist – sales assistant

[ ] 6. Routine manual and service occupationssuch as: HGV driver – van driver – cleaner – porter – packer – sewing machinist – messenger – labourer – waiter/waitress – bar staff

[ ] 7. Middle or junior managerssuch as: office manager – retail manager – bank manager – restaurant manager – warehouse manager – publican

[ ] 8. Traditional professional occupationssuch as: accountant – solicitor – medical practitioner – scientist – civil/mechanical engineer

(For office use only: NS-SEC class …………..)

Are you: [ ] Female[ ] Male[ ] Prefer not to say

Which age group are you in?

[ ] 17-18[ ] 19-25[ ] 26-59[ ] 60+ [ ] Prefer not to say

Please tick your ethnic background: 

Asian (Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, other)
Asian (Chinese)
Black (Caribbean, African, other)
Mixed ethnic group
Other (please state)
Prefer not to say

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?[ ] Yes[ ] No [ ] Prefer not to say

If so, is there anything we can do to make volunteering easier for you?......

