Lisa O’Connell – Owner 619-971-4625 Your Immediate Contact #______

Lisa’s FurBabies Pet Sitting Service

Outside Daycare / Boarding Request



Your Phone#______E-Mail______

Pet(s) Name______


Emergency Contact phone#______

Information: Collar (on), License (must have), Leashcolor______,Harnesscolor______

Feeding: Aggressive eater , Keep separate , Do-Not-Disturb while eating

Special Food Supplied by pet owner: ______

Amount to be given:______Allergies to:______

Treats allowed: Supplied:, Can Not have______

Medications:______Flea Treated when______

Notes:Barks , Bark Collar Supplied, Digs , Crate/night , Bed suppliedcolor ______,* Escapes

*Lisa’s FurBabies cannot be held responsible for dogs that are a flight risk from yardOR sensitive to weather/dust/dirt. This is not anindoor kennel. This is a home yard atmosphere. All precautions will be taken.

Special Needs/Notes:______

Full Payment Due at Drop-Off: Boarding Dates: ______

Rateper Day $20 x # of Days______Partial Day $10 + Holiday $10 = Total $______

Receipt: Cash paid , Check#______, requires Credit Card Invoice

Please be advised that your pet may/will get dirty/dusty here! Play Time is All theTime

Print Name:______



Pet Boarding

Lisa’s FurBabies Pet Sitting Service agrees to exercise due and reasonable care with client’s pet(s).

Pet Owner, ______, represents that he /she is the legal owner of the pet(s) ______, and that pet(s) has/have been licensed, spayed/neutered, has not been exposed to ANY infectious illnesses within the last 30 days, and has Not had any signs of coughing.

Pet Owner, ______, hereby certifies that pet(s) is friendly and has shown NO inclination to bite or attack other animals or humans. Should anyone be bitten by or otherwise be injured by client’s pet(s) or vice-versa, the client agrees to pay all medical costs and lost wages incurred by Lisa’s FurBabies due to such injury.

Pet owner, ______, agrees to release Lisa’s FurBabies Pet Sitting Service and all Principals from ANY liability resulting from acts or omissions by Lisa’s FurBabies, including but not limited to, injuries to animals as a result of animal interplay/interaction, vehicle transportation, acts of God, or any resulting property damage caused by same.

Lisa’s FurBabies Pet Sitting Service reserves the right, within our discretion and judgment, to seek medical attention from a veterinarian of our choice if pet becomes ill or injured while in our care. Pet Owner agrees to pay such expenses in full, by allowing veterinarian to bill Pet Owner directly, or reimburse Lisa’s FurBabies in full within 14 days.

I have read this form thoroughly. I understand that my dog(s) will be socializing with other dogs, which may result in bumps, scratches, bites, etc, and will not hold Lisa's FurBabies and/or its Principals liable. I agree to keep my dog’s vaccinations current and inform Lisa’s FurBabies of any infectious illnesses my dog(s) may contact.Date Vaccinated ______

*By signing this release, you the Pet Owner hereby certify that your pet is not aggressive and has never bitten, attacked,or killed another animal, cat, or human being.If yesexplain ______.

You understand that this is for an outside/in-yard stay. All precautions will be taken to keep pet safe from extreme weather. Because your pet will be outdoors, we cannot be responsible for breed specific illnesses due to weather conditions.

You release and hold harmless Lisa’s FurBabies Pet Sitting Service and its Principals for any and all damages or injury caused to/by your pet during its stay. You also authorize Lisa’s FurBabies to take your pet to the Vet in an emergency and agree to be responsible for any medical expenses incurred.

Pet Owner: (print) ______Date______

Owner: (signature) ______

Pet’s Name: ______

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