Dr Jones and Partners

Burbage Surgery

Tilton Road



LE10 2SE


Burbage Surgery Patient Participation Group

March 2015

Burbage Surgery Patient Participation Report

March 2015

Practice Information:


Dr. D. A. Jones MBChB, FPCert (Female)

Dr W M Turner MBChB, DFFP, DPD (Male)

Dr S M Vincent MBChB, DRCOG, DFFP, MRCGP (Male)

Dr P C Thomason MBChB, MRCGP, DipENT (Male)


GP Registrars:

Dr V Patel (Male), Dr D Steadman (Male), Dr A Hussain (Male)

Practice Manager: Wendy Shaw

Surgery Opening Times and Contact Details

Burbage Surgery, Tilton Road, Burbage, Leics LE10 2SE

Tel: 01455 634879 Fax: 01455 891264

Monday 8.00 am to 6.15 pm

Tuesday8.00 am to 6.15 pm

Wednesday8.00 am to 6.15 pm

Thursday8.00 am to 6.15 pm

Friday 8.00 am to 6.15 pm

Dispensary:Monday to Friday 08.30 am to 12.30 pm,

2.00 pm to 6.00pm

Office HoursMonday to Friday 9am to 6.00 pm

Wolvey Surgery, 7 The Square, Wolvey, Leics LE10 3LJ

Tel: 01455 221331 Fax: 01455 221332

Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays8.30 am to 12.30 pm

Monday and Thursdays2.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Sapcote Surgery

Tuesdays12.00 noon


Tuesdays11.00 am

Out of Hours Provider – Emergencies only

This is currently provided by Leicestershire County and Rutland Community Health Services who can be contacted by ringing 111.

Practice Profile
Capitation Report
Age Range / Male / Female / Total
0 – 5 / 312 / 302 / 614
6 – 45 / 2227 / 2223 / 4450
46 – 64 / 1346 / 1351 / 2697
65- 74 / 664 / 637 / 1301
75 – 84 / 331 / 394 / 725
85 – 94 / 103 / 194 / 297
95+ / 1 / 14 / 15
Total / 4984 / 5115 / 10099
Ethnicity Report (Ethnicity and First Language recorded)
Ethnicity / Patient Count / % of the total
(9S1..) White - ethnic group / 204 / 12.7 %
(9S41.) Black British / 1 / 0.1 %
(9S6..) Indian / 12 / 0.7 %
(9S7..) Pakistani / 1 / 0.1 %
(9S8..) Bangladeshi / 3 / 0.2 %
(9SB..) Other ethnic, mixed origin / 5 / 0.3 %
(9T1C.) Chinese / 4 / 0.2 %
(Xa8Es) Race / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaE4B) Ethnic group not given - patient refused / 8 / 0.5 %
(XaFwD) White British / 260 / 16.1 %
(XaFwF) Other white ethnic group / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaFwy) Other black ethnic group / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaFx0) Other Asian ethnic group / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaFx1) Other ethnic group / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaIB5) Black Caribbean and White / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJQv) British or mixed British - ethnic category 2001 census / 705 / 43.7 %
(XaJQw) Irish - ethnic category 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJQx) Other White background - ethnic category 2001 census / 57 / 3.5 %
(XaJQy) White and Black Caribbean - ethnic category 2001 census / 8 / 0.5 %
(XaJQz) White and Black African - ethnic category 2001 census / 3 / 0.2 %
(XaJR0) White and Asian - ethnic category 2001 census / 10 / 0.6 %
(XaJR1) Other Mixed background - ethnic category 2001 census / 8 / 0.5 %
(XaJR2) Indian or British Indian - ethnic category 2001 census / 26 / 1.6 %
(XaJR3) Pakistani or British Pakistani - ethnic category 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJR4) Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi - ethncateg 2001 census / 2 / 0.1 %
(XaJR5) Other Asian background - ethnic category 2001 census / 3 / 0.2 %
(XaJR7) African - ethnic category 2001 census / 2 / 0.1 %
(XaJR8) Other Black background - ethnic category 2001 census / 2 / 0.1 %
(XaJR9) Chinese - ethnic category 2001 census / 4 / 0.2 %
(XaJRB) Ethnic category not stated - 2001 census / 252 / 15.6 %
(XaJRC) English - ethnic category 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJSD) Gypsy/Romany - ethnic category 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJSF) Baltic Estonian/Latvian/Lithuanian - ethncateg 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJSP) Oth White European/European unsp/Mixed European 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaJSS) Arab - ethnic category 2001 census / 1 / 0.1 %
(XaQEa) White British - ethnic category 2001 census / 19 / 1.2 %

PPG Profile

Detail of the gender mix of PPG:
% / Male / Female
Practice / 2 / 1
PPG / 3 / 8

Detail of the age mix of PPG:

% / <16 / 17-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65-74 / > 75
Practice / 2 / 1
PPG / 1 / 2 / 1 / 4 / 3

Detail of the ethnic background of PPG:

White / Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups
British / Irish / Gypsy or Irish
traveller / Other white / White &black Caribbean / White &black African / White &Asian / Indian
Practice / 3
PPG / 9 / 1 / 1

Burbage Surgery Patient Participation Group was formed in 2005 by

Dr P Thomason GP and Wendy Shaw, Practice Manager. The practice was actively seeking interested patients who might be willing to be part of the patient participation group. When the group was initially formed, membership consisted of 10 patients. Representation was from patients living in Hinckley, Burbage, Sapcote/Sharnford and Wolvey. At that time there was no structured selection process, as the objective was to form the group with any patients, irrespective of their age or gender. However, there was always a longer term objective to have ethnic representation and members from all villages/areas covered by the practice.

There are now 11 members in the PPG, including 2 of the original group. 2 of our group are of ethnic origin. There are 8 female and 3 male members with an age range of between early 40stolate 70s.We are actively seeking representation from patients living in villages within the catchment area. The group would also welcome representation from patients aged between 18 and 40.

PPG and Practice Priorities for 2015

Feedback received verbally to Practice Staff, PPG members and responses from Friends and Family Test received between December 2014 and February 2015 were discussed with members of the PPG and priority areas agreed for the coming year. These are as follows:

Priority area 1
Redecoration of Premises. Raised by PPG members and discussed at PPG meetings on several occasions
The practice has obtained quotations for the redecoration of all clinical and patient areas at both sites and has now given instruction for this to be undertaken as soon as possible. The redecoration of our surgery premises will freshen up areas of the surgery accessed by patients and will make the surgery environment more pleasant both for patients and staff.
Priority area 2
Premises Development – Ongoing discussion between Practice, PPG and local authorities
The practice has had significant plans for expansion over the last 10 years but has been unsuccessful in obtaining and retaining funding to support the development. The practice has now submitted a bid for a share of available funding from the Primary Care Infrastructure Fund that will support the expansion of the premises and enable us to meet service expectations. We are still waiting for the decision from NHS England. Once the outcome of our bid is known, this will be discussed with the PPG. If the outcome is positive, the practice will work with the PPG to finalise plans
Priority area 3
Appointment System with a particular focus on the delivery of same day appointments and increased capacity of pre-bookable appointments. Identified through discussion and feedback from Friends and Family Test
Patients’ and staff views of the present appointment system were reviewed, particularly adverse comments received about the daily Open Access Clinics. As a result, a decision has been taken to phase out Open Access Clinics during April and May 2015. From the beginning of May 2015, all same day requests will be triaged initially by our Nurse Practitioners and/or a GP. The structure of each routine appointment session will be amended to provide a combination of prebookable slots released when the rotas are put on to the clinical system, prebookable slots released 7 days ahead, prebookable slots released 48 hours ahead and Nurse bookable slots into which triaged patients may be booked.
The duty doctor will support the Nurse Practitioners in dealing with same day access requests before 10.30 am.An emergency service will be available after 10.30 am each day with all requests for emergency appointments triaged by the duty doctor.
We believe this will address the risks that have been identified during a risk assessment of the Open Access Service e.g. overcrowding in waiting area, congestion in surgery car park, long waiting times causing frustration and the clinical workload of the GPs. From May 2015 onwards, the same day service will be run by 2 Nurse Practitioners and the duty doctor, compared to the input of 3 GPs at present. Therefore, more routine appointments will be reinstated and prebookable capacity increased
These actions are due to be implemented from 7th April 2015 onwards. Information on the revised appointment systemwill be publicised with flyers in our waiting area and attached to repeat prescription slips. An article will be included in the next PPG newsletter and practice staff will inform patients verbally wherever possible.

Progress on Action plan from previous year:

Action Plan 3rd March 2014

Terminate the 084 Telephone number by 30th June 2014 - Actioned

b) Review the greeting on the telephone system. – In progress


Provision of a Touchscreen self-check in system at Burbage Surgery – Actioned – purchased by PPG in 2014


The existing contract will not be renewed after its expiry on 31st March 2014. The practice will replace this with a self-managed system – Actioned – new website commissioned during 2014


Continue to seek opportunities to develop the premises – Actioned – Bid submitted for funding from Primary Care Infrastructure Fund


All Reception Staff to attend an enhanced Customer Care Course by December 2014. – Actioned during 2014


Encourage younger members on to the PPG and members from villages in order to widen representation – In Progress

All actions from the 2014 plan have either been actioned or are in progress. Patients have benefited significantly from actions achieved over the last year.

  • The termination of the 084 telephone number has been well supported by patients with complaints about telephone access significantly reduced. This has also ensured that patients are not being charged inappropriately for telephone calls to an NHS service.
  • The touchscreen enables patients with prebooked appointments to check themselves in on arrival, therefore negating the need to queue for a receptionist. This has also helped reception in the management of patients attending for their appointments.
  • The new surgery website is more informative, navigation around the site is easier with content easily updated by practice staff when changes arise.
  • All receptionists have undertaken an advanced customer care course which has enhanced their communication skills and increased their awareness of good customer care.

Our Patient Participation Group provides a valuable interface between patients and the surgery andworks collaboratively with theDoctors and Practice Manager. The surgery actively encourages the group to become involved in the shaping of services offered by the Practice.

The Partners would like to thank all members of Burbage Participation Group for their commitment and continued support.

Burbage Surgery PPG Report March 2015 Page 1