Connections Rules and Rituals

The following rules will apply in each Connections classroom. These rules and rituals are meant to insure the classroom is orderly and a pleasant place for everyone to learn. Please follow these rules; otherwise there will be consequences. These rules and rituals are reviewed in class with the student. Parents need to review these with the students at home also.

Entering The Classroom:

Students should enter each Connections classroom quietly. Students should immediately begin the bell ringer provided.

Leaving The Classroom:

Students are not dismissed from the classroom by the bell. The teacher dismisses students from the classroom. Students should remain seated until dismissed.

7 Mindsets:

The 7 Mindsets is a school wide initiative that will encourage seven mental habits foundational to an enriched life. These seven mindsets will be used consistently during all classes as we help students develop a comprehensive blueprint for happiness, meaning, and success.

PBIS (Positive/Preventative Behavioral Interventions and Support):

We are following a frame work known as PBIS. The purpose of PBIS is to help create an environment for learning that is positive and prevents undesired behaviors. School wide expectations will be taught so that all students understand what is expected in every area of the building. We want to see P.R.I.D.E. behaviors in every student every day at FCMS. Our use of the framework will encourage, support and recognize the students’ appropriate behaviors.


The PRDIE Card is a weekly chart used to document student behavior. The PRIDE Card eliminates the four-step discipline plan in each classroom. The PRIDE Card will provide the students and parents with daily feedback on student behavior. When a student does not meet behavior expectations, the incident will be documented on the weekly PRIDE Card and a consequence will be assigned. Consequences listed on the card include student/teacher conference, note home, working lunch and silent lunch. The incidents are cumulative from class to class and through each day of the week. As stated on the PRIDE Card, five incidents the week result in an automatic office referral. The teacher documenting the third incident will contact the parent or guardian via phone or email.

Bathroom Policy:

Students will be provided an opportunity to use the restroom prior to coming to the Connections classroom. Students should use the restroom at the times provided. If the student has a medical condition that would require more frequent restroom trips, the parent/student should make the teacher aware of this. Students (without medical issues) will be provided 2 emergency trips to the restroom per 8 weeks.


The counselors require that students have an appointment before coming to their office. The Connections teacher will email them if you feel you need to meet with a counselor.


The School Nurse is meant to be for occasional medical issues. Students should not need to go to the nurse daily. If a student has a medical condition that would require daily trips to the nurse, please make the teacher aware of this situation. Nurse’s trips will be recorded in the agenda.