LuLu G. Graves Nutrition Education Award

Application Requirements

1.  Any group may apply.

2.  The applicant must be a registered dietitian (RD) who is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

3.  The project or program is a volunteer effort of the group applying for the award.

4.  Award money must be used for programs of nutrition education. Fundable activities include a program or development of materials for use with a specific population group (such as parents of grade school children, pre-school children, persons 70years of age, etc.)

5.  Materials developed for the program will be made available without charge to Academy for consideration for publication.

Application Instructions

1.  Complete the attached face sheet and assurances

2.  Describe the program (use up to three additional pages)

Follow this outline and include:

·  Program summary

·  Importance and value of the program

·  Goals and objectives

o  Audience

o  Materials used or developed

o  Procedures

o  Time frame

·  Evaluation plans

·  Program budget

Application Face Sheet and all enclosures should be submitted electronically as one single document to by February 1st

Multiple attachments will not be accepted.

Please do not include this application instruction page with your application. Page one of your application should begin with the Application Face Sheet.

Award amount is $500. Multiple projects may be funded.

Face Sheet

Group applying


Description of group

Contact Person





(Write yes or no in the space provided. We/I refers to the group and contact person.)

This is an application from a volunteer group.

We/I will provide a final report to the Academy Foundation by which will summarize the use of the Graves Award and the program’s achievements.

We/I will return any unused funds to the Academy Foundation.

Educational materials developed as part of this program will be available to the Academy without charge for consideration for publication.

The person signing this document accepts responsibility for communications with the Academy Foundation and for the final report.

Signature Date

LuLu G. Graves Award Application