MAY 18, 2011

Members Present: Alderpersons Balcerzak, Kassis, Darling, Bauknecht, Kapusta and Mayor Brandt

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services; Jon Petroskey, Fire Chief; Bill Obenauf, Infrastructure Alternatives; Eric Roller, Police Chief; Mark McKinney, Antigo Fire Department; Rick James, Wisconsin Emergency Management; Alderperson Steve Dunn; and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical.

This meeting of the Finance, Personnel & Legislative Committee was called to order on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall. Mayor Brandt served as Chairperson and Jaime Brown recorded the minutes thereof.

1.  Approval of Minutes from the April 20, 2011 Meeting

Bauknecht moved, Darling seconded, to approve the minutes from the April 20, 2011 meeting as previously distributed. Carried 6-0.


2.  Approval of Sewer Credit Request for 111 Morse Street

Kaye Matucheski, Clerk-Treasurer, distributed a memo indicating that Shari Kramer of 111 Morse Street, Apartment 1, is requesting a credit for the sewer portion of the utility bill as an outside faucet was turned on and left running unbeknownst to the resident. The credit would be $176.78 for 52 units. A Water Department employee did verify that the water was coming out of the hose and the ground was saturated with water. Accompanying Ms. Matucheski’s memo was a letter from Ms. Kramer requesting the credit.

Balcerzak moved, Kassis seconded, to approve the sewer credit request for 111 Morse Street, Apartment 1 in the amount of $176.78. Carried 6-0.


3.  Request to Reconsider Pitbull Ordinance

Michael Winter, City Attorney, provided a letter indicating that he has reviewed some of the case law outlined in the letter sent to Mayor Brandt by the individuals at Globe University regarding the pit bull ordinance. He noted that none of the cases cited are from our jurisdiction, whether federal or state. Mr. Winter continued to advise that he believes the City’s ordinance will likely withstand a constitutional challenge based on the Wisconsin case laws that he references in his letter and suggests it remain in place.

Mayor Brandt indicated that if Mr. Winter feels the ordinance is appropriate that he recommends leaving it as is.

Kassis moved, Kapusta seconded, to change the pitbull ordinance. Motion denied 0-6.


4.  Approval to Contract with the State of Wisconsin for Collapse Rescue Team

Mayor Brandt questioned Chief Petroskey as to whether or not the City Attorney had his questions answered to which Chief Petroskey indicated he was not sure. The last he spoke with Mr. Winter he advised that other cities have already adopted it and he found it interesting that no one had a problem with it.

Mayor Brandt indicated that Ms. Matucheski had spoken with CVMIC, the City’s insurance company, and they are concerned with the liability aspect of the agreement as well.

Chief Petroskey, indicated that the training that the participating individuals would receive would be phenomenal and it would be grant funded training.

Rick James, Wisconsin Emergency Management, indicated that section 5.3 of the contract’s intent is to indemnify the state when that employee is acting outside the scope of the responsibilities under this agreement rather than acting under the scope of the responsibility of the grant.

Mayor Brandt indicated that the liability issue is not the only issue with the contract. He is not happy with six members of the department being part of the team. Chief Petroskey indicated that the City still has “homefield advantage” and can choose how many individuals to send.

Mayor Brandt indicated that Chief Petroskey has come in wanting more people because he has a hard time filling time and getting people to come in resulting in missing calls and if an event happens he does not want to hold people back.

Mr. James indicated that the intent of the three platoon system was to only activate one platoon at a time. Any request for staffing outside of the State’s ability to respond would be handled by a non-affected state. The system is modeled after the FEMA model. It is a 72 person platoon wherein the platoon would be divided in half with each half of the platoon covering 12 hour operational periods. Because Antigo would have six members, only one-third, or two individuals, would be activated at a time.

Alderperson Balcerzak noted he feels uncomfortable with the insurance liability aspect of the contract.

Chief Petroskey described how the contract was drafted noting that when the original contract was drafted in 1995 there were 7 teams that agreed to the contract and now there are an additional 13 and no one else has had a great concern or loss with this contract.

Mark McKinney, Antigo Fire Department, noted that the training brought back to the community is the most valuable. To have six individuals trained by the state to have resources in this City is very critical. The ambulance personnel deal with the possibilities of trench rescues all the time.

Upon inquiry by Mayor Brandt, Mr. James and Mr. McKinney indicated that even with three individuals considered trainers, they cannot provide certifications to other members of the department. They can train them, just cannot offer certifications.

Mayor Brandt indicated that he is not certain on the insurance aspect of the contract, and does not want to make a decision without all of the information. He believes there is going to be a lot of discussion regarding this and would rather hold a special meeting before Council if need be.

Mayor Brandt also questioned the need for six individuals on the team. Upon inquiry, Chief Petroskey indicated that neither Merrill nor Rhinelander are participating. Mayor Brandt indicated that Appleton has 11 members, which represents a tenth of their workforce, compared to 6 in Antigo, or one-third of our workforce.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Balcerzak, Mr. James indicated that the training would be quarterly after this year for eight hours and it is intended that the individual attend training on their day off so that their department is able to run with normal staffing.

Alderperson Darling noted that he feels three members would be enough, one on each shift.

Alderperson Balcerzak, Bauknecht, Kassis, and Kapusta indicated that they have no problem with six individuals.


5.  Approval to Purchase Generators for Wastewater Plant

Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services, provided a memo with two quotes for auxiliary generators to run the sewer lift stations when power is lost. A year ago one of the portable generators, which was used as a back up source of power, became inoperable and because of its age and condition was not economically repairable being over 30 years old. Additionally, there is not enough back up power to run all of the generators in a prolonged event. This has led to several close calls recently and the situation needs to be corrected.

Of the two proposals one is for a permanent installation of a generator at the Fifth Avenue and Field Street lift station. This station needs power within 20 minutes of a power failure or it will begin to flood into homes.

The other is for a portable generator which can be used between the Lake Park and North Avenue lift stations. This unit will also work as an alternative for the Forest Avenue and Fifth Avenue lift stations if their power units fail. This unit will also be set up for multi purposes so that the street department can use it as a major power source if necessary.

Mr. Soumis further noted that financing for these units have been planned in the new sewer rate study which will be implemented in August. However, due to lag time and the threat of major interruptions the City cannot afford to wait till the new rates go into effect.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kapusta, Mr. Soumis advised that the new rates will be proposed to the City in July.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Darling, Mr. Soumis noted that this does not need to go out for bid as they are custom built for the City’s needs.

Balcerzak moved, Bauknecht seconded, to approve the purchase of a portable generator and permanent generator for the wastewater plant for a total quoted price of $72,587.00 from Galarowicz Electric, Inc. Carried 6-0.


6. Approval to Waive Shelter Fee for the 2011 Kids Fishing Day

Scott Henricks, Antigo Chapter Trout Unlimited, forwarded a letter to the committee stating that for many years the Antigo Chapter of Trout Unlimited on the first Saturday of June holds their annual Kids Fishing Day and will again hold this fishing day for the kids on Saturday, June 4, 2011. They are asking the committee and the City of Antigo to waive the $40.00 shelter fee for the east side of City Park. They are hoping to see at least 400 kids that day for fishing, food and prizes.

Balcerzak moved, Kapusta seconded, to waive the shelter fee for the 2011 Kids Fishing Day. Carried 6-0.


7. Approval of Phase 3 of City Hall Heating Modifications

Mr. Soumis provide a memo with two proposals from North Central Mechanical. One proposal is to install a recirculation heating and cooling unit in the Fire Department. This unit will address some serious problems with loss of heat in winter and excessive cooling in the summer. This unit will temper the condition of incoming air from the outside to help preheat in the winter and cool in the summer. This will help level out the heating and cooling cycles in the building as well as reduce energy costs. This is part of the CIP for the Fire Department. The proposal for this is $9,828.00.

Mr. Soumis noted the second proposal is to replace a worn out roof top air conditioner with a more efficient and better sized unit over the Fire Department. The old unit will be cannibalized for parts to keep a second unit on the north end of the building running. This is part of the building repair and maintenance and is another part of the heating and cooling changes to bring about greater energy savings. The proposal for this is $13,061.00.

Mr. Soumis noted the City would purchase both units direct from the company at a cost reduction and North Central would install them. North Central has been doing the heating and cooling upgrades as well as all of our heating and cooling maintenance for City Hall.

Mr. Soumis advised this is a savings measure. The cooling unit on the roof which takes care of the Fire Department and Clerk’s office is beyond repair and the company who manufactured the unit went out of business therefore the City cannot get parts. This is for an air to air heating exchange so we are not heating 100% of the air coming in.

Chief Petroskey indicated that the size of the unit can be reduced and the City should qualify for the Focus on Energy grant.

Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Mr. Soumis indicated that this is a specialty unit and the bidding process is not required.

Balcerzak moved, Kassis seconded, to proceed with the Phase 3 of the City Hall Heating Modifications as presented with direct purchase of the equipment and accepting the proposals from North Central Mechanical Inc. for the air conditioning replacement and installation of energy recovery ventilation system at a proposed total amount of $22,889.00 from North Central Mechanical Inc. for the installation work. Carried 6-0.


8. Update on Current Hiring Process and Review of Current Staffing Shortage

Eric Roller, Police Chief, advised that at the Police and Fire Commission meeting, a new officer was hired. Joe Husnick will be joining the Antigo Police Department. Mr. Husnick worked in the jail for the past six years and Chief Roller believes he will be an asset to the team.

Chief Roller noted with the hiring of Mr. Husnick, the Police Department is still one officer short, however, with the budget concerns he does not want to hire another officer and have to turn around and lay that person off. Chief Roller advised that it has been tough with two officers missing. He is concerned with morale, safety, and burn out. He would like his department to stay a proactive department and not end up a reactive department.

Mr. Soumis advised that he recommends holding the department short one officer until the budget numbers come back. Mr. Soumis is looking at having to cut the budget by approximately $150,000, which may lead to three positions being cut. This does not mean that one officer position will be cut; he is simply stating his recommendation to hold that position open until further discussions can be held on the budget.

Mayor Brandt reiterated that just because Chief Roller’s department has one position vacant does not mean that the position will not be refilled, simply that until more discussions and solid budget numbers can be obtained the second open position should not be filled. Mayor Brandt added that the budget will be discussed thoroughly.

Alderperson Bauknecht inquired as to if anyone in any department was getting ready to retire soon to which Mr. Soumis advised that no one is looking at retiring for a few years yet.

Mr. Soumis further added that all departments have slowly been cut in previous years and are operating with the minimum already.

Chief Roller indicated that he is going to proceed with the Police Liaison as the school pays for one half of this officer’s salary. This position will be filled by one of the current officers.