September 24, 2013
The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, and Tom Peper, with Lori Schaefers, Auditor as Clerk of the Board. Also present were Billy Stitz with the Moody County Enterprise, Laura Krebsbach – Paralegal, Randy Hanson, and County residents Jan Gullickson, Janelle Weatherly, and Gordon Leraas.
Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to approve the minutes of September 3, 2013. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to adjourn to conduct business as Board of Adjustment at 9:02 AM. All voted “aye”. Motion by Peper, seconded by Doyle to resume Regular Session at 9:12 AM. All voted “aye”.
County residents Bob Hemmer and Jon Scofield joined the meeting.
Auditor Schaefers reviewed the 2013 expenditure and revenue budgets with the Board.
Discussion was held on the travel reimbursements submitted by Amanda Stade, 4-H Advisor. The Board requested that Stade meet with the Board quarterly to present travel requests and update the Board on 4-H matters.
Auditor Schaefers informed the Board that VSO Jim DeLay successfully passed the 2013 Veterans Benefits School annual exam.
Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to declare the following property surplus, with all members voting “aye”: Auditor’s HON Swivel Chair (to be sold).
Schaefers presented a request for employee flu shot immunizations. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to authorize the payment for flu shots for all full-time County employees, all permanent/regularly scheduled part-time County employees, and part-time EMTs that have been active within the last year. All voted “aye”.
Auditor Schaefers informed the Board that she was elected to the South Dakota Association of County Officials Executive Board for a 3-year term at the County Convention.
Paul Lewis, State’s Attorney met with the Board to discuss the County implementing a nuisance ordinance.
All additional attendees, excluding Billy Stitz, left the meeting.
Mark Bonrud, Ambulance Supervisor met with the Board to present the August 2013 ambulance report and to discuss the County possibly forming an Ambulance District.
Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent met with the Board. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to authorize Blum and Barb Warborg, Highway Office Manager to attend the D-Ware Meeting in Deadwood October 15-17 and to authorize Blum to attend the Annual Regional Local Road Conference in Rapid City October 22-24. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to enter into Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2, at 10:40 AM. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to resume regular session at 11:00 AM. All voted “aye”.
Sam VonEye, County Health Nurse and County Coroner met with the Board to present the Moody County Public Health Office Quarterly Report and to present a travel request. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to authorize VonEye to attend the Coroner Training in Sioux Falls October 7-8. All voted “aye”.
Janelle Weatherly, County resident joined the meeting.
Discussion was held on meeting procedures.
Brad Ciavarella, Architect along with John Giles, Engineer met with the Board to discuss the courthouse air conditioning/heating system. Motion by Peper, seconded by Doyle to approve the plans submitted by Ciavarella Design for the courthouse air conditioning/heating system and to authorize the advertisement for bids on October 2 and 9. All voted “aye”.
Janelle Weatherly, County resident left the meeting.
Gail Meyer, Personnel Board Member met with the Board to present the 2014 insurance renewal rates and to inform the Board that the Personnel Board maintains their request for a 5% wage increase for 2014. No action was taken at this time.
Gail Meyer, Register of Deeds met with the Board to discuss the Moody County Courthouse 100th Anniversary celebration.
Jim DeLay, Veterans Service Officer met with the Board to discuss the Veterans’ Memorial flags.
Troy Wellman, Sheriff joined the meeting via teleconference to discuss the 2014 Sheriff Budget.
Auditor Schaefers presented the 2014 Annual Budget to the Board. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to adopt the 2014 Annual Budget Resolution as set forth with amendments to the Provisional Budget as outlined below. All members voted “aye”.
January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
Provisional Annual
General Fund:
Expenditure Budgets
211 Sheriff 539,250 583,250
213 Coroner 4,500 6,500
Capital Accumulations 0 10,000
Total General Appropriations 4,113,975 4,169,975
Cash Balance Applied 661,219 720,008
311 Current Property Tax Levy 3,146,061 3,146,219
Net Total Taxes 3,164,061 3,164,219
Subtotal 4,330,500 4,389,447
Less 5% (SDCL 7-21-18) -216,525 -219,472
Net Means of Finance 4,113,975 4,169,975
Total General Appropriations 4,113,975 4,169,975
Fire Fund:
Cash Balance Applied 3,688 2,765
311 Current Property Tax Levy 75,516 76,439
Net Total Taxes 75,891 76,814
Net Means of Finance 75,600 75,600
Total General Appropriations 75,600 75,600
For the Year January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
Tax Levy in
COUNTY TAX LEVIES Dollars $'s/1000
*General County Purposes
(10-12-9) 3,146,219 4.299
Fire Protection (34-31-3) 76,439 .119
* These Amounts include the 25% to be distributed to cities. As of September 24, 2013, these levies are not approved by the Department of Revenue.
Whereas, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year and,
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law and,
Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations, and additions have been made thereto.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That such provisional budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, SHALL BE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES FOR Moody County, South Dakota and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014 and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Moody County, South Dakota, this 24th day of September, 2013. The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the County Auditor Moody County, South Dakota. The accompanying taxes are levied by Moody County for the year January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014.
Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Jerry Doyle, Commissioner
Tom Ehrichs, Commissioner
Dan Miles, Commissioner
Tom Peper, Commissioner
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers
Moody County Auditor
Auditor Schaefers presented the supporting resolutions to the Annual Budget. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to approve the following resolution with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners may authorize the accumulation of funds for a period longer than one year for capital outlay purposes, and
WHEREAS, Moody County does not have the funding available of a single-budget year and
WHEREAS, Moody County has projected plans for highway projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Moody County accumulate funds for overlay projects to allow transfers from these reserves with the maximum accumulation of $5,000,000. Moody County will designate $250,000 in 2014 for overlay projects.
Dated at Flandreau this 24th day of September 2013.
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Moody County Auditor Jerry Doyle, Commissioner
Tom Ehrichs, Commissioner
Dan Miles, Commissioner
Thomas Peper, Commissioner
Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the following resolution with all members voting “aye”:
WHEREAS, the County Commissioners may authorize the accumulation of funds for a period longer than one year for capital outlay purposes, and
WHEREAS, Moody County owns and operates an ambulance service, and
WHEREAS, Moody County has long-term needs but with tax limitations does not have the funding available in a single-budget year.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Moody County Commissioners do hereby agree to accumulate funds out of the General Fund as cash reserves to allow for the purpose of replacement of the ambulance. Moody County hereby agrees to designate $10,000 in 2014 for General Fund Capital Accumulation projects.
Dated at Flandreau, South Dakota this 24th day of September 2013.
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Moody County Auditor Jerry Doyle, Commissioner
Tom Ehrichs, Commissioner
Dan Miles, Commissioner
Thomas Peper, Commissioner
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to enter into Executive Session pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2, at 2:37 PM. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to resume regular session at 2:50 PM. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: A&B Business, supplies/copier maintenance 253.58, Alco, supplies 48.49, Avera Flandreau Medical, blood alcohols 475.00, Barnes & Noble, publications 108.54, Bendix, supplies 114.99, Bob’s Electric, T8 lighting 3453.31, Booster, advertisement 50.00, Bruning & Lewis, office expense 1913.75, Cardmember Service, postage/gasoline/registration 209.50, Lisa Carlson, services 40.80, CenturyLink, telephone 312.62, Ciavarella Design, service 3520.00, Credit Collections, service 35.00, James DeLay, travel/registration 198.80, Dept. of Revenue, blood alcohols/drug test 157.00, Detco, supplies 620.04, Dust-Tex, supplies 65.66, Ekerns, service 385.50, Eng, service 340.00, Enterprise, publications/subscription 691.65, Hillyard, supplies 157.23, IBS, service 738.75, ICAP, service 481.34, Knology, telephone/internet 284.06, Jeffrey Larson, ct apt atrny 427.46, Lewis, supplies 51.68, Lutheran Social Services, service 295.80, Marco, copy repairs 361.66, Master Blaster, supplies 29.50, McLeods, supplies 254.85, Dan Miles, travel 32.19, Arapahoe County Sheriff, service 46.50, Mystery Guild Book Club, books 16.23, Napa, supplies 39.26, Northern Hills Collections, service 155.36, OfficeMax, printer/chair/supplies 408.28, Pennington County Sheriff, transport 460.80, Kay Peterson, travel 62.00, PCC, service 1148.60, Physio-Control, service agreement 200.33, Powers-Dakota Stop, jail meals/gasoline 2289.38, Ramkota, lodging 870.00, Reader Service, books 49.92, Rhapsody Book Club, books 32.46, River’s Edge, diesel/gasoline 1598.98, Santel Communication, IT service/supplies 3950.00, Lori Schaefers, travel 375.02, SD Achieve, service 60.00, Skroch Funeral Chapel, service 180.00, State Treasurer, monthly remit/services, 720.00, Steve’s Tire, service 1347.61. Highway: A&B Business, supplies 21.43, Allied Oil & Tire, tires 612.54, Bierschbach, rental 50.00, Butler, repairs 464.82, City of Colman, utilities 53.75, Detco, supplies 830.26, Dust-Tex, supplies 82.50, Dware, registration 85.00, Eng, service 100.00, GCC Ready Mix, concrete 388.00, Hillyard, supplies 206.22, I-State Truck Center, repairs 658.73, Jebro, MC800/MC3000 27806.27, Jim’s Automatic Transmission, repairs 330.00, Johnson Brothers, pea rock 5382.99, Justice Fire & Safety, service 484.00, Knology, cable/internet/telephone 239.58, Maynards, supplies 42.27, Napa, repairs 46.40, North Central International, repairs 36.00, Powers Oil, gasoline 1394.40, Quality Oil, oil 1009.12, Ramsdell F&M, supplies 239.41, River’s Edge, diesel/oil/grease 29797.31, SD LTAP, registration 70.00, Sheehan Mack, repairs 544.30, Sturdevant’s, repairs 11.94, Westman Freightliner, repairs 1361.59, Wheelco, supplies 12.90. 911: CenturyLink, telephone/trunking fees 527.83, Knology, telephone 20.17, Federal License Management, license renewal 100.00. Emergency Management: Knology, telephone 20.17, Powers-Dakota Stop, gasoline 75.02. Water Conservation: EDWDD, monthly remit 84.15. State Remittance: State Treasurer, monthly remittance 108858.83. Modern & Pres: SDACO, monthly remit 244.00.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM.
ATTEST: Lori Schaefers Rick Veldkamp, Chairman
Moody County Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners