Title: A day with Gulmira Urazova - reservoir engineering
Duration: 1:50 minutes
Description: Gulmira Urazova talks about her work at Nam
A day with Gulmira Urazova - reservoir engineering Film Transcript
[Background music]
Bright, pop, guitar music.
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A day with Gulmira
Reservoir engineer Nam
Interview with Gulmira Urazova
Gulmira Urazova
Reservoir Engineer
“My name is Gulmira Urazova. I am a reservoir engineer. I do field performance analysis and future forecasting.”
[Video footage]
Gulmira in a glass elevator.
“I collect data, I analyse data and come up with further planning and ideas. In the laboratory together with my colleagues, like geologists and geophysicists or petrophysicists, we review core data, try to understand and build subsurface picture for further development of the area.”
[Video footage]
Gulmira looking through a microscope. Close-up of substance going under microscope. Colleague looks through microscope. Gulmira and colleague talking. Room with materials laid out in rows for analysis. Gulmira and colleagues discussing something.
“I work on fields, small fields, and I have a degree of freedom and responsibility, and I can see that my ideas can be implemented and I can impact on the future of the field.”
[Video footage]
Close-up of computer monitor showing coloured diagram.
Gulmira working at computer, discussing diagram with a colleague.
Another close-up of a diagram with Gulmira working at desk.
Close-up of Gulmira smiling.
“Nam is a very big company, working for many years, decades. It’s well-organised, with many people, international staff and excellent knowledge and expertise. And it’s also a very good starting ground for young people, just graduate from the university, because Nam has a very good development programme.”
[Video footage]
Three computer monitors showing coloured diagrams. Diagram projected onto large screen in background, with people standing in front.
People standing in a circle in front of screen, talking.
Close-up of Gulmira.
People talking again.
Close-up of Gulmira and others as they talk.
“I’m looking for different colleagues, international people coming all over the world, different continent – India, Russia, China, America. People who will work together as a team and think out of the box, helping each other, supporting each other in achieving the goals.”
[Video footage]
Gulmira taking a cup of coffee from a machine. Chatting to a colleague. Another woman collects a mug and walks away. Gulmira and colleague chat as they walk.
“Work life balance is good; I’m happy about it. I have flexible hours and my manager is okay and supportive. I’m happy at work because I do very exciting work and I’m also happy at home, having my child and family.”
[Video footage]
Outside of office building. Gulmira emerging from underground car park with a bicycle, gets on and rides off. Camera follows Gulmira riding away.
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Copyright Shell International Limited 2014