Study Guide Engel’s earth science savers©


Directions: Please complete the question by placing the best answer in the blank.

1. Where does the movie Jurassic Park begin? The story begins in the badlands of the state of Montana.

2. The introduction to any story is called the Expostion or Introduction .

3. What are some of the control variables that an island site might offer to a future dinosaur park? It allows for the control of variables, food water plants and the spread of animals.

4. What stage of life is to be smuggled out of the park by the character Dennis Nedery? Embryo

5. Herbivore (plant eating) dinosaurs like the brontosaurus move in herds.

6. In the movie Jurassic Park, the miracle of cloning starts with a single drop of blood that contains DNA.

7. DNA is the blueprint for building any form of life made of DNA.

8. Fossilized tree sap is called Amber.

9. A full DNA strand contains over 3 billion genetic codes.

10. Because all known forms of life uses the same DNA codes the complete DNA of a present day frogs is used to fill in the missing gaps in the dinosaurs DNA.

11. The dinosaurs DNA are inserted into ostrich eggs, to grow and then they would hatch.

12. John Hammond insisted on being there when a dinosaur is born so the dinosaur would imprint on his face and trust him.

13. Homoeothermic means your body temperature stays the temperature.

14. Dr. Woo states that vertebrate embryos are inherently female, and if they are given testosterone at a certain stage in development they become male.

15. You were at one time a female. (Or may still be one!) (Thank goodness!!)

16. Is the Velociraptor a consumer or producer? Consumer

17. The statement that Malcolm makes is that scientist were so preoccupied in the question of if they could, that they did not stop to ask if they should.

18. Dinosaurs and man are separated by 65 million years of evolution.

19. Jurassic Park was largely run by computer.

20. The goat represents what to the T-Rex? Prey/food.

21. Chaos theory attempts to address the unpredictability in complex systems.

22. Why are the embryos of the dinosaurs stored in liquid CO2? To slow development

23. The Tyrannosaurus’s target tracking vision is based on movement.

24. Dennis Nedery is attacked and eaten by a diplosaurus, which spits venom that blinds.

25. Is it a wise idea to be using flashlights to find their way around with the T-Rex out of its paddock, why? Tracks on movement.

26. What does Dr. Sadler mean when she says “Jurassic Park is all an illusion”? Control is largely an illusion.

27. The Brachiosaurus is an Herbivore, what does this mean? Herbivores eat plants
28. Some West African Frogs have been known to change their Sex in a single sex environment.

32. The Lysine contingency happens when the animals DNA has been modified so that they do not manufacture the enzyme Lysine, which makes proteins, due to a faulty gene inserted by Dr. Woo, and they die.

33. Tim, the human piece of toast, had what happen to him when the electricity came back on? _Electrocuted

34. List the steps to performing CPR Check the scene Check ABC (Check pulse, breathing and respiration.)

Find compression point, give 30 compressions, two breaths, and repeat cycle three times, check for pulse.

35. From the behavior of the last two Velociraptors and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, make an inference about how the Velociraptors live. Pack hunters.

36. What is the significance of the flock of pelicans that the doctor’s see flying outside the window of the helicopter as the movie ends? Dino’s may have evolved into birds.

37. List the event that you feel best represents the movie “Jurassic Park” exposition-The island Isle Nuba

38. List the event that you feel best represents the movie “Jurassic Park” complication-Power is turned off and things go badly.

39. List the event that you feel best represents the movie “Jurassic Park” climax- Control room and T-rex.

40. List the event that you feel best represents the movie “Jurassic Park” resolution- Tex rex munches raptors, people escape in the helicopter.

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