Summary of the

MARCH 2ND, 2010

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

PRESENT: Rick Moore ALSO PRESENT: Nicky Clark Linda French
Dale Churchill
Justin Furbush


The summary of the February 16th, 2010 meeting was accepted as typed.


1.  Domain Name Information

The board reviewed email correspondence from Greg Goulette to Dale Churchill about the town’s domain name and an invoice for the past three years of registration and hosting our emails. The board agreed to wait to pay the invoice until Dale could discuss it in more detail with Mr. Goulette.

2.  Copyright Info-Tabled

This item was tabled until the AA can contact Ted Harlow.

3.  Miller Lane Info

The board reviewed information about Miller Lane that Dale Churchill and David Kincaid presented from research they did. In 1971 Harvey Johnson was road commissioner and the town spent $536.40 on the Miller Lane, which was for putting the extension on the end of the road from Adams driveway to Hastings driveway. David Kincaid worked for Warren Gravel Co. at that time and confirms that he worked on the extension for the town.

In 1972 Ernest Stevens was the road commissioner and stated that he ditched the end of Miller Lane on both sides from Adams farm to the Hastings driveway for the town.

A map dated 1910 was provided to the board, which has a scale measurement of 1” equals 1 Mile. The map shows when measured by scale that Miller Lane is just short of 1 Mile. Currently when Miller Lane is measured with an odometer it is 9.5/10ths of a mile to the current gate. The road commissioner, David Kincaid measured from the gate to the end of Miller Lane with the town’s measurement wheel and reported 5010 feet (270’ short of a mile).

On March 1, 2010 David Kincaid and Dale Churchill visited Ernest Stevens and he stated that the Miller Lane was know to end at the old county road, which is where the existing gate is located and is also consistent with the measurement from the 1910 map.

This information was sent to Walter Hastings and Karen Bloom for their review, the board agreed that unless shown other documentation the town public easement for Miller Lane is currently located where Mr. Hastings gate is.

4.  Petition for June Election Discussion

Linda French presented the board with information from MMA legal regarding the petition she received for a referendum question to be put to the voters at the June elections scheduled for this year. The board was concerned with the wording in the petition being legal. The letter explains that the board has to allow the petition question to be on the ballot and if anyone has issues with the wording if passed would need to look into it legally.

5.  Information Needed for Foreclosure Notice

The AA needed to have information to post the legal notice of a tax sale for the property that was foreclosed on and is being sold, 198 Lake View Drive. The legal ad will run for four days in the Morning Sentinel and will be posted around town.

6.  Copier Draw

The AA informed the board that she spoke with Roger from Augusta Business Machines and was informed that a third draw for the copier could be installed without purchasing a new stand.


1.  Election/Ballot Clerk Appointments

Dale Churchill motioned to appoint the election/ballot clerks presented to them by Linda French, Town Clerk for the upcoming March election and town meeting. Justin Furbush seconded the motion. All were in favor.

2.  Information from M.S.A.D. #54 Budget

The board reviewed information from M.S.A.D. #54’s superintendant Brent Colbry and School board Director Chair, Katherine Libby about the work the budget committee is doing, as well as a 6 yr expenditure comparison & percentage of towns shares to the M.S.A.D #54 budget.

3.  Town Warrant Signatures for Posting

Justin Furbush motioned to sign the signature page of the Annual Town Warrant that will be posted in town. Dale Churchill seconded the motion. All were in favor.

4.  Town Meeting

a.  Info on 3%

The AA presented the board with materials on the warrant articles that where being recommended for a three (3%) percent increase for the 2010-2011 budget.

b.  Room Set Up

Dale Churchill mentioned to the board that he attended Norridgewock’s town meeting and noticed that the board of Selectmen sit up front at a table and face the residents rather than sit in the front row and have their backs to the residents. The board agreed to try the different setup for this year.

5.  Request to Travel on Posted Roads

The Road Commissioner received a request to travel on Sand Hill Rd. when it is posted from February 23rd to May 31st, 2010 from Michael Salisbury. Mr. Salisbury had a letter of permission from the Dept. of Transportation to travel on some state roads, but route 8 (Village Rd.) was not included in the letter. The board discussed the request and decided that they would not grant permission to travel on Sand Hill Rd., while posted.

6.  Cintas Rug Service

a.  Price Increase

The AA informed the board that company Cintas that we have a rug services with has increase it service charge from $1.00 a week to $7.95 a week. Dale will call and talk to the company to see why such a huge increase.

b.  Info Letter

The board received a letter from Cintas about other company’s solicitations.

7.  Executive Session (M.R.S.A. Section 1, 405 (6) (A) Personnel Matter

Dale Churchill motioned to go into executive session pursuant to M.R.S.A 1, section 406 (6) (A) to discuss a personnel matter. Justin Furbush seconded the motion. All were in favor. The board came out of executive session and no votes where made. Dale Churchill motioned to have the janitor and the board sign the schedule for hours for janitorial duties to be performed. Justin Furbush seconded the motion. All were in favor.

8.  Adjourn and Sign Warrant #3-10

Justin Furbush motioned to adjourn and sign Warrant #3-10. Dale Churchill seconded the motion. All were in favor.