2017-2018 Enrollment Application
Name of Child: ______Boy or Girl
Address ______zip code______
Date of birth:______age______Home Phone ______
Cell Phone ______(Can we text you at this number? YES or NO )
Father’s Name______work or cell phone #______
Works at: ______
Father’s home address & phone if different from child’s ______
Mother’s Name ______work or cell phone # ______
Works at:______
Mother’s home address & phone if different from child’s ______
Other Children in family (names & ages) ______
Parent Staff Should Contact FIRST: ______Phone ______
We communicate throughEmailA LOT we need the email address that you check daily. ______
Are you an active member of First Baptist Church here in McPherson? Yes or No
To secure placement a $25.00 non-fundable fee must accompany this application.
Sonshine Preschool Offers Scholarships- If you are in need of assistance, please ask for an application. You may apply at any time throughout the school year.
Sonshine Preschool has the right to turn down applications if any information given is known to be untruthful or unlawful. Sonshine Preschool does not discriminate in relationship to sex, race, religious beliefs, physical handicap, color or ethnic background.
Enroll my child in the following class:
_____ Mon/Wed/Fri Pre-Kindergarten 8:45am-11:45am
$95.00/month (This class is for children who will enroll in Kindergarten in the fall of 2018)
_____ Tuesday/ThursdayPreschool 8:45am-11:45am
$70.00/month (must be 3 by Aug. 31- Children who will enroll in Kindergarten in the fall of 2019)
Enrollment Requirements:All Children must be “potty” trained on or before the first day of September to be eligible to enter the Preschool/Pre-K classroom. (Pull-ups may not be worn.) To be eligible for enrollment in Preschool a child must turn 3 by Aug. 31st and for Pre-K turn 4 by Aug. 31st
I agree that at the time of enrollment I will pay a Non-Refundable Fee of $25.00 per child to secure placement in a class at Sonshine Preschool. Iunderstand tuition is due the first of each month beginning in September and ending in May, thus making a total of 9 monthly tuition payments. I agree to make all necessary payments in a timely manner. There is no refund for days missed due to person reasons (vacation/illness). A 30-day written notice of withdrawal is required by me. I am responsible for tuition for these 30 days. In cases of extreme circumstances the Sonshine Preschool Director andPreschool Board will consider them.
Sonshine Preschool may withdraw mychild at any time during the school year after consultation with the parents, Director and Board Members.
_____ (Yes) I give my permission for my child’s photo to be used in press releases, school web site and other social media hosted by Sonshine Preschool as well as brochures distributed by the school and or church.
______(NO, please explain.)______
To secure placement a $25.00 non-refundable fee must accompany this application. Please do not combine this fee with any other Sonshine monies.
Return to:
Sonshine Preschool
Attn: Treva Prieb
600 East Marlin
McPherson, KS 67460
Your signature below indicates your understanding and acceptance of our Enrollment Agreement as well as our social media policy. Placement of class will be determined on a first come basis. You will be notified of acceptance within 30 days of receipt of this application.
Parent Signature Date