Table S1Strains and constructs used in this study.

E. coli
Name / Description / Reference
E.coli S17-1λpir / Tpr, Smr, recA, thi, hsdR–M+, RP4::2-Tc::Mu::Km::Tn7, λpir lysogen / Simon et al 1983
E.coli OP50 / Uracil auxotroph / Brenner 1974
E.coli Transformax EPI300 / F-mcrAΔ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80dlacZΔM15ΔlacX74 recA1 endA1 araD139Δ(ara, leu)7697 galUgalKλ-rpsLnupG / EPICENTRE Biotechnologies, Madison, USA
Vectors and Constructs
Name / Description / Reference
pLAFR6 / Cosmid pLAFR1 with trp terminators flanking MCS; Tcr / Huynh et al 1989
pTn5gfplux / Mini-Tn5 transposon-carrying suicide plasmid (de Lorenzo et al., 1990) containing gfp::luxABCDE reporter cartridge; Kmr, Apr / P.Hill;Fones et al 2010
pRK2013 / Helper strain for triparental mating; Kmr / Figurski and Helinski 1979
pME3258 / Broad host range vector containinggacS from P.protegensCHA0; Tcr / Zuber et al 2003
pUIC3 / Tra–, Mob+, R6K replicon; Tcr / Rainey 1999
pRK415 / Broad host range vector, Tcr / Keen et al 1988
pCR2.1 / PCR cloning vector, Kmr / Invitrogen, UK
pJET1.2 / PCR cloning vector, Apr / Fermentas
pMQ83 / Source of sacB gene / Shanks et al 2006
pCC1FOS / Fosmid vector, Cmr / Epicentre Biotechnologies, USA
pLAF4EDB / pLAFR6 containing NZI7 EDB cluster ORFs 1-12; Tcr / This study
pFOS_6h8 / Fosmid containing the EDB gene cluster, intermediate in construction of pLAF4EDB; Cmr / This study
pEDB_DIS1 / Construct to disrupt the NZI7 EDB gene cluster by insertion of nptII gene into 1st ORF; Tcr / This study
pGACKOF2 / Construct to delete the NZI7 gacS gene / This study
pEDBORF1KO / Construct to delete EDB ORF1, Tcr / This study
pEDBORF1-12KO / Construct to delete EDB ORF1-12, Tcr / This study
pEDBORF9-12KO / Construct to delete EDB ORF9-12, Tcr / This study
pDAPGKO / Construct to delete DAPG biosynthetic locus, Tcr / P. Frey-Klett, in preparation
Selected NZI7 transposon mutants
Name / ORF interrupted / Source
5E3 / Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase required for biosynthesis of tolaasin-like toxin TOL / This study
11G5 / thiG / This study
21A6 / gacS / This study
50C11 / anthranilate synthase / This study
54G10 / EDB ORF 8 / This study
64D2 / hcnB / This study
91G1 / chorismate synthase / This study
79G1 / EDB ORF 1 / This study
Name / Description / Source
P. gingeri NCPPB3146 / Mushroom pathogen / NCPPB
P. fluorescens NZI7 / Mushroom pathogen / Godfrey et al 2001b
Other ‘NZ’ strains / Mushroom pathogens / Godfrey et al 2001a; S. Godfrey, unpublished
P.chlororaphis PCL1391 / Biocontrol strain / Chin-A-Woeng et al 1998
P. aeruginosa PA01 / Opportunisitic human pathogen / Stover et al 2000
P. aeruginosa PA14 / Opportunisitic human pathogen / Lee et al 2006
P. entomophila L48 / Drosophila pathogen / Vodovar et al 2006
P. fluorescens PfO-1 / Soil bacterium / Silby et al 2009
P. protegens Pf-5 / Biocontrol strain (formerly P. fluorescensPf-5) / Paulsen et al 2005
P. fluorescens SBW25 / Soil bacterium/biocontrol strain / Bailey et al 1995
P. fluorescens EJP115 / Mycorrhiza helper bacterium / Bending et al 2002
P. fluorescens EJP116 / Mycorrhiza helper bacterium / Bending et al 2002
P. fluorescens BBc6r8 / Mycorrhiza helper bacterium / Collignon and Dexheimer 1994
P. fluorescens WCS365 / Biocontrol strain / Simons et al 1996
P. fluorescens WCS417 / Biocontrol strain / Leeman et al 1995
P. fluorescens WCS374 / Biocontrol strain / Leeman et al 1995
P. fluorescens OE28.3 / Soil bacterium / de Mot and Vanderleyden 1991
P. fluorescens F113 / Biocontrol strain / Shanahan et al 1992
P. fluorescens WH6 / Herbicidal activity / Kimbrel et al 2010
P. marginalis CTA23 / Plant pathogen (soft rot) / Godfrey and Marshall 2002
P. putida KT2440 / Soil bacterium / Nelson et al 2002
P. reactans NCPPB 387 / Mushroom pathogen / Mortishire-Smith et al 1991
P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 / Plant pathogen / Buell et al 2003
P. syringae pv. syringae B728a / Plant pathogen / Feil et al 2005
P. syringae pv. syringaeB301D / Plant pathogen / Gross et al 1984
P. syringae pv. syringae 61 / Plant pathogen / Huang et al 1988
P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A / Plant pathogen / Joardar et al 2005
P. syringae pv. pisi 870A / Plant pathogen / Taylor et al 1989
P. tolaasii NCPPB 2192 / Mushroom pathogen / Zarkower et al 1984
P. tolaasii PMS117S / Mushroom pathogen / Wu et al 1998
P. viridiflava PC006 / Plant pathogen (soft rot) / Godfrey and Marshall 2002
NZI7 mutants
Name / Description / Source
ΔgacS / Deletion of NZI7 gacS gene / This study
ΔEDB_ORF1 / Deletion of NZI7 EDB ORF 1 / This study
ΔEDB_ORF9-12 / Deletion of NZI7 EDB ORFs 9-12 / This study
ΔEDB_ORF1-12 / Deletion of NZI7 EDB ORFs 1-12 / This study
ΔDAPG / Deletion of NZI7 DAPG cluster / P. Frey-Klett, in preparation
64D2_E2 / hcnB transposon mutant 64D2 with EDB mutation introduced using pEDB_DIS1 / This study
ΔgacS_5E3 / Deletion of gacS in 5E3 (tolaasin biosynthesis) transposon mutant / This study
ΔgacS_79G1 / Deletion of gacS in 79G1 (EDB locus) transposon mutant / This study
ΔgacS_54G10 / Deletion of gacS in 54G10 (EDB locus) transposon mutant / This study


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