Call to Action: Improving AMI Care Through Timely Administration of Thrombolytic Agents / Safer Healthcare Now! Atlantic Node in Partnership with Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia and
New Brunswick Heart Health invites you to participate in anAMI Virtual Learning Collaborativedesignedto improve the timely administration of Thrombolytic Agents
CCORT Guidelines[1] (2008) set a standard that 90% of eligible patients should receive:
  • Electrocardiogram within 10 minutes after hospital arrival
  • Fibrinolytic therapy within 30 minutes after hospital arrival
Atlantic Node SHN! Teams that report data showed on average 78% of patients receive thrombolytics within 30 minutes. There is wide variation between the teams providing a great improvement opportunity. / BENEFITS OF A LEARNING COLLABOARTIVE
•Learn to apply improvement methodologyto achieve local success
•Share learning and network with Atlantic AMI care colleagues: ‘everyone teaches and everyone learns’
• Improve care, standardization of evidence based clinical care protocols and documentation, and produce measurable results in a defined time
Learning Session 1 A October 07, 2009 08:30-1200
Learning Session 1B October 14, 2009 08:30-1200
Learning Session 2 November 25, 2009 0830-1200
Learning Session 3: January 27, 2010 08:30-1200
Closing Congress: March 25, ,2010, 08:30-1200

All Learning Session and Team Calls will be held using Webex Technology / MEMBERS MUST:!
  • Be enrolled in SHN
  • Pay fee in advance
  • Attend a Pre-Collaborative Call
  • Have access to a computer and a productive learning room
  • Obtain signature of CEO or Designate
  • Be committed to participation in action oriented learning, conference calls, reporting requirements and measurement
  • Have enthusiasm for learning & sharing
  • Be willing to test system & process changes.
  • Be interested in testing, evaluating and shaping the virtual learning approach

Call Dannie Currie at 1-902-574-3854

ImprovingAMI Care Through

Timely Administration of Thrombolytic Agents

Atlantic Node

Collaborative Fees:

$600 per Team or $1000 for Organizations with Multiple Teams

Please ensure all teams are enrolled in SHN! AMI

Please Register by:

  1. Complete the Registration Form below and email it


  1. Mailing a cheque made payable to Atlantic Node SHN! to:

Theresa Fillatre at 7 Mellor Avenue, Unit 5, Dartmouth, N.S.B3B 0E8.

Inquires can be directed to Dannie Currie Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm by calling: 902-574-3854

You may request an invoice

Deadline for registration: September 25, 2009

Cancellation Policy: Refunds, less $25, will be processed if notice ofcancellation is received in writing or by email by September 25, 2009.There will be no refunds processed after Sept 25, 2008.

ImprovingAMI Care Through

Timely Administration of Thrombolytic Agents

Atlantic Node

Please complete the registration form below by adding the Team Leader’s name and email address. The email address provided will be used for all correspondence and should be kept current.
Team #1: (Team Leader Name & email) / Team #4(Team Leader Name & email)
Team#2(Team Leader Name & email) / Team #5(Team Leader Name & email)
Team #3 (Team Leader Name & email) / Team #6 (Team Leader Name & email)
Phone: / Fax:
Please invoice me:
Yes No / Cheque mailed:
Yes No
Name of Executive Sponsor :
Collaborative Participation Discussed with Executive Sponsor: Yes No

[1] J.V. Tu, L Khalid, L. Donovan, and D.T. Ko, “Indicators of quality of care for patients with acute myocardial infarction” Canadian Medical Association Journal, (2008); 179(9):909-915.