Surgical specialty (General, Vascular, CT, Urology, etc.)


m  Male

m  Female


Text Response

Practice Setting/Institution

Text Response

Training level

m  Attending (please specify years of practice below) ______

m  Resident or Fellow (please specify PGY level, including lab years if any) ______

m  Intern or Medical Student (please specify intern, M3, or M4 below) ______

Lateral predominance

Primarily right / Ambidextrous / Primarily left
Writing / m  / m  / m 
Sports/Athletics / m  / m  / m 
Operating / m  / m  / m 
Musical instruments / m  / m  / m 

Part 2a. Teaching left-handed surgical trainees (VISIBLE TO RIGHT HANDED ATTENDINGS ONLY)

How many left handed trainees have you worked with and to what depth?

m  Few trainees with superfluous interaction

m  Greater than 5 trainees and/or actively worked on left-handed specific issues

m  Greater than 5 trainees and/or focused on developing operations specifically for left handed surgeons

m  I have never worked with a left-handed trainee

In general, rate the difficulty teaching operating procedures to left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level.

m  I find it more difficult to teach left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in difficulty teaching left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I find it easier to teach left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

Based on your answer above, please comment on any specific difficulties teaching left-handed trainees.

Text Response

On average, rate the technical ability of left-handed trainees to learn/perform operating procedures in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I find left-handed trainees have more technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in technical ability between left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I find left-handed trainees have less technical ability than right-handed trainees

In general, rate your comfort level teaching left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I am more comfortable teaching left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in comfort teaching left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I am less comfortable teaching left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

When working with left-handed trainees, do you make any of the following modifications to the operating procedure or surgical technique to accommodate their left-hand dominance? Please select all that apply and add comments in text as applicable.

q  Switch sides of the operating table ______

q  Modify preparation or positioning of patient ______

q  Modify choice of instruments for procedure ______

q  Provide left-handed instruments for the trainee ______

q  Change order of steps in procedure ______

q  Change technique in any steps of procedure ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change port position? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change instrumentation? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change monitor position? ______

q  Other (comment in text box below) ______

Are any procedures specifically more challenging than others to teach left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same level? If yes, comment below. If no, leave blank.

Text Response

If you have any additional comments about teaching left-handed surgical trainees, please share them below.

Text Response

Thank you for participating in our survey!As a participant you have the opportunity to win one of five $5 Starbucks gift card. To be entered into the raffle, please provide your email below. Winners will be notified by email at the close of the study.

Part 2b. Teaching left-handed surgical trainees (VISIBLE TO LEFT HANDED ATTENDINGS ONLY)

How many left handed trainees have you worked with and to what depth?

m  Few trainees with superfluous interaction

m  Greater than 5 trainees and/or actively worked on left-handed specific issues

m  Greater than 5 trainees and/or focused on developing operations specifically for left handed surgeons

m  I have never worked with a left-handed trainee

In general, rate the difficulty teaching operating procedures to left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I find it more difficult to teach left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in difficulty teaching left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I find it easier to teach left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

On average, rate the technical ability of left-handed trainees to learn/perform operating procedures in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I find left-handed trainees have more technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in technical ability between left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I find left-handed trainees have less technical ability than right-handed trainees

In general, rate your comfort level teaching left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I am more comfortable teaching left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

m  I find no difference in comfort teaching left-handed and right-handed trainees

m  I am less comfortable teaching left-handed trainees than right-handed trainees

When working with left-handed trainees, do you make any of the following modifications to the operating procedure or surgical technique to accommodate their left-hand dominance? Please select all that apply and add comments in text as applicable.

q  Switch sides of the operating table ______

q  Modify preparation or positioning of patient ______

q  Modify choice of instruments for procedure ______

q  Provide left-handed instruments for the trainee ______

q  Change order of steps in procedure ______

q  Change technique in any steps of procedure ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change port position? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change instrumentation? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change monitor position? ______

q  Other (comment in text box below) ______

Are any procedures specifically more challenging than others to teach left-handed trainees in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same level? If yes, comment below. If no, leave blank.

Text Response


Do you make any of the following modifications to the operating procedure or surgical technique to accommodate your own operating left-handed dominant? Please select all that apply and add comments in text as applicable.

q  Switch sides of the operating table ______

q  Modify preparation or positioning of patient ______

q  Modify choice of instruments for procedure ______

q  Change order of steps in procedure ______

q  Change technique in any steps of procedure ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change port position? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change instrumentation? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change monitor position? ______

q  Other (comment in text box below) ______

Are any procedures specifically more difficult for you to perform because of your left-hand dominance?

Text Response


Do you use left-handed surgical instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

Are left-handed surgical instruments readily available to you?

m  Yes

m  No

Do you have difficulty using right-handed instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

Do you have any difficulty with minimally invasive instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No


In your training, were you ever offered mentorship for laterality?

m  Yes

m  No

In your training, did you ever seek mentorship for laterality?

m  Yes

m  No

In your training, did you consider or try to change handedness? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, were you advised to change handedness? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, did you encounter problems learning from right-handed surgeons? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, did you consider switching specialties (surgical or non-surgical) because of your laterality? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

At what point in your training did you feel comfortable taking control of your own surgical technique (modifying procedures, etc.) based on your laterality?

m  Medical student (M3, M4)

m  Intern

m  Resident

m  Fellow

m  Attending

If you have any additional comments about teaching left-handed surgical trainees or operating left-handed, please share them below.

Text Response


In general, rate the difficulty learning operating procedures from right-handed surgeons in comparison to left-handed surgeons

m  I find it more difficult to learn from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

m  I find no difference in difficulty learning from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

m  I find it easier to learn from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

On average, rate your technical ability to learn/perform operating procedures in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I find that I have more technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find that I have no difference in technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find that I have less technical ability than right-handed trainees

Do you make any of the following modifications to operating procedures or surgical technique to accomdate your left-handed dominance? Please select all that apply and add comments in text as applicable.

q  Switch sides of the operating table ______

q  Modify preparation or positioning of patient ______

q  Modify choice of instruments for procedure ______

q  Change order of steps in procedure ______

q  Change technique in any steps of procedure ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change port position? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change instrumentation? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change monitor position? ______

q  Other (please specify below) ______

Are any procedures specifically more challenging than others because of your left-hand dominance? If yes, please comment below

m  Yes ______

m  No


Do you use left-handed surgical instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

Are left-handed surgical instruments readily available to you?

m  Yes

m  No

Do you have difficulty using right-handed instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

In laparoscopic or robotic procedures, do you have difficulty using minimally invasive instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No


In your training, have you ever been offered mentorship for laterality?

m  Yes

m  No

In your training, have you ever sought out mentorship for laterality?

m  Yes

m  No

In your training, have you considered changing handedness? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, have you felt pressured by others to change your handedness? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, have you encountered difficulty learning from right-handed surgeons? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, do you feel you are at a disadvantage because of your laterality? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

Do you think that your laterality negatively affected your grades on surgery clerkship and/or the feedback on technical competency during training? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

In your training, did you consider switching specialties (surgical or non-surgical) because of your laterality? If yes, please comment below.

m  Yes ______

m  No

At what point in your training did you feel comfortable taking control of your own surgical technique (modifying procedures, etc.) based on your laterality?

m  Medical student (M3 or M4)

m  Intern

m  Resident

m  Fellow

If you have any additional comments about your experiences as a left-handed surgical trainee, please share them below.

Text Response


In general, rate the difficulty learning operating procedures from right-handed surgeons in comparison to left-handed surgeons

m  I find it more difficult to learn from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

m  I find no difference in difficulty learning from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

m  I find it easier to learn from left-handed surgeons than right-handed surgeons

On average, rate your technical ability to learn/perform operating procedures in comparison to right-handed trainees at the same experience level

m  I find that I have more technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find that I have no difference in technical ability than right-handed trainees

m  I find that I have less technical ability than right-handed trainees

Do you make any of the following modifications to operating procedures or surgical technique to accommodate for your left-hand dominance? Please select all that apply and add comments in text as applicable.

q  Switch sides of the operating table ______

q  Modify preparation or positioning of patient ______

q  Modify choice of instruments for procedure ______

q  Change order of steps in procedure ______

q  Change technique in any steps of procedure ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change port position? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change instrumentation? ______

q  If laparoscopic or robotic, change monitor position? ______

q  Other (please specify below) ______

Are any procedures specifically more challenging than others because of your laterality? If yes, please comment below

m  Yes ______

m  No


Do you use left-handed surgical instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

Are left-handed surgical instruments readily available to you?

m  Yes

m  No

Do you have difficulty using right-handed instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No

In laparoscopic or robotic procedures, do you have difficulty using minimally invasive instruments? If yes, which ones?

m  Yes ______

m  No


In your training, have you ever been offered mentorship for laterality?