Advertising and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Advertising and marketing experts have long followed developments in the fields of psychology. Marketing techniques have been developed based on psychological research of the past. Your job is to analyze the impact of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs on modern-day advertising. Follow the directions below to get started.
1. Collect 20 advertisements for different product. Absolutely no products that would be considered inappropriate for school, if you are not sure ask!!!! Any ads that are considered inappropriate will not be accepted and you will not receive credit for that ad.
2. Take a sheet of paper and create a chart or create a digital chart to create the document. The chart will have 3 columns: Product; Need That the Product Satisfies; Needs That the Ad Appeal to. Fill out each column of the chart for each ad. Make sure that the chart is clean and neat.
3. Collins III: Now you will analyze your chart in a written response. Responses must be typed in times new roman 12 point font. Responses must answer the questions below and should fall between the one page minimum and two pages maximum in length. In your responses please include your answers, interpretations and analysis of the following questions: Are the second and the third columns identical or vastly different? What is your explanation for the comparison? Did your result turn out as you expected or were you surprised to see the needs that various products appeal to? Explain your response. Do you think these ads were effective? Please use specific examples from your ads.
Soda satisfies a basic physiological need: thirst. Advertisers however, in order to sell their products, appeal to our belongingness needs: they present images of friends having a good time. Also, they use slogans like “It’ll make you feel better about yourself.”
To Turn In:
Chart- complete, neat, decorative never hurt, legible, organized in an appropriate fashion
Explanation paper- well written, cohesive Collins III response to the questions presented above