
PROGRAM: Information Technology


TITLE: ComputerMaintenance Essentials

INSTRUCTOR: Jeff Shannon

OFFICE: Prestonsburg HS (Satellite)

CLASS/LAB: Information Tech

OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 10:30-11:00 a.m. & 3:30-4:00 p.m.


PRINCIPAL: Lenville Martin


SEMESTER: Fall and Spring


PREREQUISITES: At Teacher’s Discretion

TEXT: Comptia A+ Guide (Managing, Maintaining, & Troubleshooting)


Introduces basic computer hardware and operating systems, covering installing, building, upgrading, repairing, configuring, troubleshooting, optimizing, diagnosing and preventive maintenance, with additional elements of soft skills and security. Course objectives map closely to the CompTia A+ Essentials National Examination that validates the basic skills needed by any entry-level computer service technician


1 / Apply work site and lab safety procedures.
2 / Apply personal safety rules and procedures
3 / Apply fire prevention rules and procedures
4 / Demonstrate accountability of and the safe and careful use of company equipment, machines, etc.
5 / Logically organize workflow and analyze, organize, and develop concepts into practical applications.
6 / Effectively present a precise and accurate written communication using proper grammer, spelling, punctuation, etc.
7 / Effectively present a precise and accurate oral presentation using proper grammer.
8 / Demonstrate the ability to work as a team member as well as using conflict resolution techniques.
9 / Demonstrate correct use of computer terminology and ethical usage of software and hardware.
10 / Demonstrate ethical behavior in the workplace: ie, harrassment, honesty, discrimination, professionalism, etc.
11 / Prepare resume, letter of apllication and participate in an interview.
12 / Implement new process steps given oral instructions.
13 / Identify opportunities for a nd apply problem solving techniques
14 / Identify potential safety hazards and take preventative action.
15 / Use Material Safety Date Sheets (MSDS) or equivalent documentation and appropriate equipment documentation.
16 / Use appropriate repair tools
17 / Describe methods to handle environmental and human accidents including incident reporting.
18 / Identify potential hazards and implement proper safety procedures including ESD precautions and procedures, safe work environemnt and equipment handling.
19 / Identify proper disposal procedures for batteries, display devices and chemical solvents and cans.
20 / Identify potential hazards and proper safety procedures including power supply, display devices and environment.
21 / Use good communication skills including listening and tact/discretion, when communicating with customers and colleagues.
22 / Use job-related professional behavior including notation of privacy, confidentiality and respect for the customer and customers property.
23 / Identify names, purposes and characteristics of storage devices.
24 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of motherboards.
25 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of power supplies.
26 / Identify the names purposes and characteristics of processor/CPUs
27 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of memory.
28 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of display devices.
29 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of input devices.
30 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of adapter cards.
31 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics or ports and cables.
32 / Identify the names, purposes and characteristics of cooling systems.
33 / Add, remove, and configure personal computer components including selection and installation of approprate components.
34 / Add, remove and configure internal and external storage devices.
35 / Install display devices
36 / Add, remove and configure basic input and multimedia devices.
37 / Identify differences between operating systems (e. g. Mac, Windows, Linux) and describe operating system revision levels including GIU, system requirements, application and hardware compatibility.
38 / Identify names, purposes and characteristics of the primary operating system components including registry, virtual memory and file system.
39 / Describe features of operating system interfaces.
40 / Identify the names,locations, purposes and characteristics of operating system files.
41 / Identify concepts and procedures for creating, viewing, managing disks, directories and files in operating systems.
42 / Use command-line functions and utilities to manage operating systems, including proper syntax and switches.
43 / Identify concepts and procedures for creating, viewing and managing disks, directories and files on operating systems.
44 / Locate and use operating system utilities and available switches.
45 / Identify procedures for installing operating systems.
46 / Identify procedures for upgrading operating systems.
47 / Install/add a device including loading, adding device drivers and required software.
48 / Identify procedures and utilities used to optimize operating systems.


Attendance is very important as we will be covering new material daily. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask what you missed and you are to make up the missed work within three days of your returning to class (NO EXCEPTIONS).

If you miss a test, you must have an excused absence and you will be required to make up the test on the day that you return to school.


The safety requirements for this program will be covered by the instructor during the orientation process.


The following grading scale is in effect:





Below 60F

The following criteria will be used for arriving at a grade:

Lab Work (Daily Exercises)50%

Written Tests and Quizzes40%

Final Exam10%

All assignments must be completed in order to pass the class.


Written assignments should be typed if possible, but must always be legible.


All work missed due to absences must be made up within three (3) days after returning to class. Tests must be made up on the day you return to school. Quizzes cannot be made up.


You will receive a reduction of five points on a scale of 0-100 for each day your assignment is past due.


In addition to the specific course competencies listed above, students are expected to have and continue to develop the following general competencies:

Writing – to communicate effectively using standard written English.

Reading– to analyze, summarize, and interpret a variety of reading materials.

Integrated Learning – to think critically and make connections in learning across the disciplines.

Creative Thinking – to elaborate upon knowledge to create new thoughts, processes and products.

Ethics/Values – to demonstrate an awareness of ethical considerations in making value choices.


Writing – Students will complete written assignments and possibly answer essay questions in which he/she will demonstrate effective written communication skills using Standard English.

Reading – Students will be responsible for reading assignments from the assigned text and other sources. Students will be expected to participate during in-class discussions and answer questions in writing over the reading assignments.

Integrated Learning – Students will utilize the knowledge they acquire throughout this course to make connections between the various principles and procedures by applying certain skills such as analysis, discussion, interpretation, and problem solving.

Creative Thinking – Students will elaborate on acquired knowledge to create thought processes and products that are new to the student. This can be demonstrated by raising/answering hypothetical questions and contributing to the learning process in various ways.

Ethics/Values – Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethical values and consideration by:

A. Showing commitment and responsibility for their own academic


B.Respecting opinions in contradiction to their own.

C.Subscribing to a code of courtesy and etiquette in dealing with


D.Understanding what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and avoiding

such conduct.

E.Showing and understanding of ethics or related to this course.

F.Discussing other ethical/value issues.


All requests to drop or add a class must be approved by the instructor of the class.


Classes will be cancelled according to the PrestonsburgHigh School Closure Plan.


Students will be provided a copy of classroom rules and procedures during initial orientation.


See Attached Task List for Course


  • More one on one time
  • Read questions on exams, quizzes, etc. as necessary
  • Present information in alternate manner
  • Work with resource teacher on modifications
  • Other modifications