Outlined below are the different types of fees you will be required to pay throughout the year.
Club Annual Membership Subscription
Each year we shall collect an annual subscription which goes towards the running costs of the Club. Annual subscriptions are due in October for the year to the following September. The annual fee is reduced for new swimmers / players joining the club from January onwards.
Scottish Swimming Membership (referred to as SASA fee)
Each year the Club has to pay Scottish Swimming a membership fee for every member. This fee covers the cost of insurance for the club and the swimmers as well as membership of the governing body. Scottish Swimming set the fee at their AGM in February and the Club makes a group payment on behalf of its members. Members will be asked for their fee in March. The fee is reduced for new swimmers joining the club from September onwards.
Squad Fees
Each month you will be expected to pay squad fees by standing order. These are used to cover the costs of pool hire and the coaching staff. Fees are agreed at the AGM each year in September and are split over 12 months to spread the cost.
Water Polo players that also swim in the Club Squad or the competitive squads will need to add the appropriate squad fee to the water polo fee.
Water Polo players are normally eligible to join the Club Squad.
Water Polo League Fees
Water polo players will be required to pay their share of any league or cup entry fees. Details will be provided by the Water Polo coach.
A few notes to avoid confusion:
There is a swimming squad called ‘Club Squad’ which is for non-competitive swimmers. A ‘Club swimmer’ is a more general reference to any swimmer in Stirling Swimming Club.
Water Polo tends to use the word ‘Player’.
Membership Fees
CLUB MEMBERSHIP / SCOTTISH SWIMMING MEMBERSHIPAnnual Fee – Month Joining:- / Annual Fee – Month Joining:-
October / Jan-Mar / Apr-June / July-Sept / Mar-Aug / Sept- Dec / Jan-Feb
Water Polo Player / Club Swimmer – 1st Child / £50 / £25 / £12.50 / £5 / £33 / £16.50 / £8.25
Water Polo Player / Club Swimmer – 2nd & subsequent children in same family / £30 / £15 / £7.50 / £2.50 / £33 / £16.50 / £8.25
Monthly Squad Fees
Water Polo £13 Born 2000 or earlier
Water Polo £6.50 Born 2001 or later
Club Squad £26
By bank transfer to the club account
Sort code 80-91-29
Account 00829926
(always quote player’s name as a reference and email with details when paid)
There is a trial period of 4 training sessions after which the player will need to complete membership. At this time there is no waiting list but it is best to speak with a coach before proceeding.
The membership (annual) and squad (monthly) fees should start for the month you join.
- Name, age, emergency contact and medical details using the Club Membership form
è Pool-side coaches (some of this is already noted during the 4 trial sessions)
è Membership secretary (by email or post)
- SASA membership form
è Membership secretary (by email or post)
- Make the annual Club and SASA payments; set up standing order for monthly fees
è Treasurer, copying membership secretary
Contact details and other information
Membership information on the website: http://www.stirlingswimming.co.uk/?q=node/6
David Dalziel
Hilary Macarthur
Ilona Shilliday, 3 The Old telephone Exchange,
The Brae, Bannockburn, FK7 8LR