Changes suggested from the meeting –

Fixed Categories to be implemented

  • Events to be removed
  • Campus News to be removed
  • Scholarship to be removed
  • Sciences to be added at a future date

Category Definitions

  • Campus Life is now defined as “any non-academic student-related story”. This category should not include items that are only about faculty-staff (such as achievements)

Suggested tags

  • All majors and minors will be listed, lower case, in the suggested tags listing. Majors and minors are as-listed in the Skidmore catalog (and thus may not be exact matches for the department name!)
  • Athletics styling has changed. Sport will be written out, all lower case, no apostrophe
  • “faculty-staff achievements” will be the consistent tag for any story of faculty-staff scholarship, including the period Faculty-Staff Achievement notables postings (all lower case)
  • “Annapolis” will be the consistent tag for all stories to be flagged for the Annapolis group (upper case)

Be careful of your punctuation in your tags and keywords!

Do not use semicolons or ampersands, only use commas between your keywords. Semicolons and ampersands are computer code within an RSS feed, and will cause issues with the news page. It may look very odd to writers and be gramatically incorrect, but you may only use commas within the keyword field.

Correct keywords: Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, CSNY, folk music

Incorrect keywords/tags list: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; CSNY, folk music, CSN&Y

Fixed Categories (CURRENT)
  • Academics
  • Alumni
  • Athletics
  • Arts
  • Community
  • Current Students
  • Diversity
  • Faculty
  • Parents
  • Prospective Students
  • Staff
Fixed tags (CURRENT)
  • Admissions
  • Athletics
  • Campus Life
  • Career Development
  • Community
  • Music
  • SGA
  • Student Clubs
  • Student Committees
  • Tang Teaching Museum
  • Zankel Music Center

Suggested tags

Departments/Programs tags
(camel case)
  • American Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Art
  • Art History
  • Arts Administration
  • Asian Studies
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Classics
  • Computer Science
  • Dance
  • Economics
  • Education Studies
  • English
  • Environmental Studies
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Gender Studies
  • Geosciences
  • Government
  • Health and Exercise Sciences
  • History
  • Intercultural Studies
  • Intergroup Relations (IGR)
  • International Affairs
  • Latin American Studies
  • Management and Business
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Neuroscience
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Religion
  • Self Determined Major
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Theater
/ Majors (lower case)
  • american studies
  • anthropology
  • art
  • art history
  • biology
  • business
  • business-economics
  • business-french
  • business-german
  • business-government
  • business-spanish
  • chemistry
  • classics
  • computer science
  • dance
  • dance-theater
  • economics
  • education studies
  • english
  • environmental studies
  • exercise science
  • french area studies
  • french
  • gender studies
  • geosciences
  • german
  • government
  • government-french
  • government-german
  • government-history
  • government-spanish
  • history
  • international affairs
  • mathematics
  • music
  • neuroscience
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • political economy
  • psychology
  • psychology-sociology
  • religious studies
  • self-determined major
  • social work
  • sociology
  • sociology-anthropology
  • spanish
  • theater
/ Minors(lower case)
  • american studies
  • anthropology
  • art
  • art history
  • arts administration
  • biology
  • business
  • chemistry
  • chinese
  • classics
  • computer science
  • dance
  • economics
  • education studies
  • english
  • environmental studies
  • exercise science
  • french
  • gender studies
  • geosciences
  • german
  • government
  • history
  • intergroup relations
  • international affairs
  • italian
  • japanese
  • latin american studies
  • mathematics
  • music
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • religious studies
  • sociology
  • spanish
  • theater
Event Type
  • lecture
  • prformance
  • panel
  • discussion
  • SGA
/ Alumni tags
  • First Last ‘YY
  • regional clubs
  • baseball
  • mens basketball
  • womens basketball
  • mens crew
  • womens crew
  • ice hockey
  • field hockey
  • mens lacrosse
  • womens lacrosse
  • golf
  • volleyball
  • mens tennis
  • womens tennis
  • mens swimming and diving
  • womens swimming and diving
  • riding
  • mens soccer
  • womens soccer
  • softball
Other Common Academic Tags (each is different)
  • MALS or Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
  • FYE or First-Year Experience
  • Honors Forum or Periclean Honors Forum
  • SEE-Beyond program
  • Skidgenuity
  • service learning
  • collaborative research
  • OCSE or Off-Campus Study and Exchanges
  • internship or internships

Tags versus Categories versus Keywords

Keywords – are for external searches. That’s why this field is auto-populated with the generic Skidmore search terms to begin with – please leave those in place. Simply add your own keywords after those initial ones, using commas to continue the list. When you’re done, copy your additional keywords to the Additional Tags line of the form (down toward the bottom.)

Skidmore, Skidmore College, liberal arts, tag, tag, tag

Categories – these are used internally for sorting stories into our top-level pages (Current Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, Community, etc.)

Tags – used for internal searching and for sorting stories to various special pages for display. Your Additional Tags field should include everything that you typed into the Keywords field after the generic Skidmore keywords.

  • Plan ahead when coming up with a new tag for a new event or program, so that all news team members will be informed and use the same tag consistently.
  • Be conisistent! Choose a tag and to use it for all related calendar and news items.
  • To a news or calendar feed, Chemistry, chemistry, CHEMISTRY, and Chemistry Program are all completely different variables – they are not interchangeable. A news feed that has only been given the tag “chemistry” will not pick up stories with Chemistry, CHEMISTRY, or Chemistry Program – consistency counts!
  • Don’t change how you spell or capitalize your tag once you decide on it.
  • Changing the tag part-way through a program will effect whether or not your news story displays on a News feed that has already been set up to use an existing tag, whether events using the same tag will show up, and so forth. If your news story doesn’t have anything displaying in the Related News or Related Events area (or is not displaying what you expect it to,) consider whether you’re using the right tags.
  • If you change or add tags while working on an event (Moseley, Moseley Lecture, Moseley 2013), you have to notify the news team to update any/all news feeds that might be using those tags – It’s all connected, and all has to be changed every time the tag is changed, so it’s much better to agree on a tag at the beginning and stick with it.

Be careful of your punctuation in your tags and keywords!

Do not use semicolons or ampersands, only use commas between your keywords. Semicolons and ampersands are computer code within an RSS feed, and will cause issues with the news page. It may look very odd to writers and be gramatically incorrect, but you may only use commas within the keyword field.

Correct keywords: Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, CSNY, folk music

Incorrect keywords/tags list: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; CSNY, folk music, CSN&Y