CMAA National Committee Service Guidelines
As a membership organization, CMAA is governed by members to serve members. Standing and special committees (i.e., task forces, at-conference and/or ad hoc committees) are an important part of CMAA’s leadership structure and vital to its success. Committees help CMAA achieve its strategic goals by identifying needs within the profession, studying and discussing issues, and proposing programs and policies. Additionally, ad hoc and at-conference committees and task forces may be appointed by the CMAA President for a short duration for assistance with a CMAA program/initiative or to address timely issues that emerge.
Benefits - Committee service is a rewarding professional growth experience, providing members with opportunities to increase their knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the profession, to meet and learn from colleagues, and to influence the future of the organization and the profession.
Expectations - If you are appointed to a standing committee, you are usually committing to at least one year of service and will be requested to:
Be present at required meetings. Some standing committees are requested to meet in-person for a one- to two-day meeting (typically held in early May) near the CMAA Headquarters in Alexandria, VA; CMAA covers the committee members’ costs associated with travel and lodging for this meeting.
Participate in conference calls and online discussions as needed.
Prepare for all meetings by reading relevant materials in advance.
Complete assignments such as gathering information, surveying colleagues and making presentations.
Respond to requests for feedback by the requested deadlines.
Attend the World Conference on Club Management if you are asked to serve on an at-conference committee. These various service committees are held in conjunction with CMAA’s World Conference annually and require between two to four hours of your time on site.
Eligibility - All Professional/Alumnus members are eligible to serve on national committees. At the discretion of the CMAA President, National Board or national staff, exceptions may be made to this policy. Appointments to certain standing committees may require prior or current service.
Committee Chairs - Committee chairs oversee the work of the committees, prepare for and chair committee meetings, and report to the Board of Directors. As a general rule, chairs are current National Board Members and designated by the CMAA President.
Committee Staff Liaisons - Each committee is assigned a professional staff liaison who supports the committee’s work by preparing background materials and assisting in the planning and implementation of meetings and programs.
Committee Service Volunteer Forms - Committee appointments will be made from the pool of members who submit committee service materials by the set deadline (typically October). Close to 150 committee and special group openings are anticipated annually. National committee information and the Volunteer Form are
available here.
Appointments - In order to appoint the most representative and effective national standing committees, the Association strives to develop a large pool of qualified members from various sectors of our membership. Expertise, professional experience, as well as CMAA and local chapter experience will be considered in the appointment process. Additionally, CMAA national and chapter leaders may be asked to identify potential applicants and encourage them to submit the required volunteer information. Appointments are made by the CMAA President and approved by the CMAA Board of Directors to achieve balanced representation from members, chapters and regions, club types, gender, age group, skill sets, and experience.
As national committee placements and needs vary annually, CMAA cannot guarantee selection of all volunteer applications in a given year. Many more requests to serve are received than there are national committee openings. Volunteer forms of members not selected may be maintained, with permission, for consideration for future service. You may also wish to look into getting involved with your local chapter.