The fourth through tenth Commandments are about love of neighbor. We start with 4, 5, and 6:

  1. Honor your mother and father.
  2. You shall not kill.
  3. You shall not commit adultery

For each of the following statements below, indicate which of the Commandments it pertains to (4, 5, 6) and whether the action is Sinful (S) or Virtuous (V).

4, 5, 6 / S or V / Statements
5 / s /
  1. Allen has been so depressed lately that he sometimes feels he would be better off dead.

5 / v /
  1. Roland knew that there were tensions in the community between Christians and Muslims so he and some neighbors got together to plan a block party so they all could get to know one another better.

4 / s /
  1. Nicky knew that she was supposed to meet her mom and sister at her aunt’s house but she decided to blow it off and hang out with her friends instead.

6 / v /
  1. Ann knew that the hotel room that her friends reserved for after prom was going to be used for drinking and sex so she told her date that she preferred to go on a midnight lake cruise following the prom.

4 / s /
  1. When Gene’s Dad has a few too many drinks, he starts to talk to Gene and his siblings abusively.

6 / v /
  1. Phil and Donna volunteered at their parish to be on the marriage preparation team, helping young people to develop a healthy foundation for a lasting marriage.

5 / s /
  1. The radio talk show host said, “We can’t control all these illegal aliens from Mexico. We should just invade their country, take over the place, and fence them in.”

4 / v /
  1. Gus treats his teachers and coaches with respect, even though some of his friends like to make fun of them and give them a hard time.

4 / v /
  1. Kate was hoping to go out with her friends this weekend but she remembered that it was her brother’s birthday and the family was going out for dinner.

4 / s /
  1. Yvonne gets annoyed when her grandmother tells her what to do. She sometimes tells her grandma to “shut up and mind your own business.”

5 / s /
  1. Albert told his girlfriend, “We’re too young to raise a kid…you’ll just have to get an abortion.”

6 / v /
  1. Tim couldn’t believe the immature remarks his friends were making at the Art Institute when viewing some classic paintings of nudes. He gradually distanced himself from them.

4 / v /
  1. Ramona knows that her Mom is going through a very hard time because of the divorce from her Dad so she does all she can to show her affection.

4 / s /
  1. George talks back to his teachers in school and sometimes calls them names under his breath.

6 / s /
  1. Terry and his buddies often get together to surf the Internet looking for porn sites.

5 / v /
  1. Allison makes an effort to help out at the soup kitchen at least once a month, making sure that the homeless people are getting their meals.

5 / v /
  1. Joellyn was tempted to smoke when she was with her friends but she decided that her health was more important than being popular.

6 / s /
  1. Jennifer ran away from home to get away from her abusive father. She couldn’t find a job so she decided to resort to prostitution to earn some quick cash.

4 / s /
  1. Nicole knew that her parents set a curfew for her but she told her boyfriend, “Who cares? They don’t know what it’s like to be a kid today anyway.”

5 / v /
  1. Jim lives in a very tough neighborhood where people get hurt all the time so he’s been studying Martial Arts for self-defense.

6 / s /
  1. Sally was looking forward to prom night. Her boyfriend’s been pressuring her to have sex and she told him that she was ready to go all the way that night.

5 / s /
  1. Beth’s friends wanted to hang out at the cemetery and mess around but she told them that she thought it would be better if they just hung out at the park.

6 / s /
  1. Tom’s parents were divorced. Tom’s mom was upset that Tom’s Dad was getting re-married and refused to get an annulment. She said, “I know we’re divorced, but in the eyes of the Church, we’re still married.”

5 / s /
  1. Charlie doesn’t like the fact that a Black family has moved into a home on their block and he and a couple of friends are planning on leaving a hate sign on their lawn.

4 / v /
  1. Roy doesn’t care much for the current mayor’s policies but he knows that he’ll have a chance to let his “voice” be heard in the upcoming mayoral election.

4 / v /
  1. Ruben knows that his Great Aunt Ethel gets very confused because of the Alzheimers disease but he is always patient and gentle with her.

6 / v /
  1. Greg decided he didn’t want all the pressure of dating right now. Instead, he set his sights on making new friends and hanging out with a group of them.

5 / s /
  1. Stan makes a habit of bullying other kids at school - pushing, shoving, tripping, threatening, or just making fun of others whenever he gets a chance.

6 / v /
  1. One of the reasons that Bill enjoyed spending time with Angela instead of just hanging with the guys was that he felt he could talk more intimately about his feelings with her.

6 / s /
  1. Dan figured that since many teens were sexually active, they should just distribute birth control to everyone, and there’d be no problem with teen pregnancy.