London Borough of Lewisham
Local Plan Submission Library- updated February 2014 for hearing
Development Management Local Plan (DMLP)
List of supporting documentation (evidence base documents)
Document Reference / Document(note: press CTRL and click the document names to link to the relevant internet page or the document directly) / Date of publication (final version) / Available online? / Available electronically? / Available as paper copy?
DMLP1 / Development Management Local Plan – Submission Documents
DMLP1.1 / Development Management Local Plan (DMLP) – Submission Version / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.2 / Sustainability Appraisal – Submission Version / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.3 / DMLP – Habitats Regulations Assessment / Aug-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.4 / DMLP – Response from Natural England (Note this document is the same as CTCLP1.4) / Jun-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.5 / DMLP – Equalities Analysis Assessment / Apr-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.6 / Reference number not used
DMLP1.7 / Schedule of suggested modifications to the DMLP / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.8 / Statement of Community Involvement (Note this document is the same asCTCLP1.9) / Jul-06 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.9 / Folder of all representations from DMLP proposed submission consultation / Various / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.9a / Responses to the Development Management Local Plan – Proposed Submission Consultation / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.10 / DMLP Consultation Statement / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.11 / DMLP Self Assessment Soundness Checklist / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.12 / DMLP Legal Compliance Tool / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.13 / Reference number not used
DMLP1.14 / Minutes from 26th June Full Council Meeting (Note this document is the same as CTCLP1.15) / Jun-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.15 / DMLP RegulationStatement (Note this document is the same as CTCLP1.16) / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.16 / Service Level Agreement LBL - PINS (Note this document is the same as CTCLP1.17) / Aug-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.17 / DMLP Submission Notice (Note this document is the same as CTCLP 1.19) / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP1.18 / DMLP Duty to Cooperate Statement / Nov-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2 / Development Management Local Plan – Supporting Documents
DMLP2.1 / DMLP Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report / May-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2 / DMLP Issues and Options Housing / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2a / DMLP Issues and Options Urban Design and Conservation / Jun-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2b / DMLP Issues and Options Sustainable Environment / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2c / DMLP Issues and Options Waste Mangement / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2d / DMLP Issues and Options Open Space and Biodiversity / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2e / DMLP Issues and Options EmploymentLand / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2f / DMLP Issues and Options Transport and Parking / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2g / DMLP Issues and Options Retail and Town Centres / Oct-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.2h / DMLP Issues and OptionsSite Allocations / Oct-05 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.3 / Development Policies and Site Allocations Preferred Options Report / May-07 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.4 / Development Policies and Site Allocations Preferred Options - Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment / Apr-07 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.5 / DMLP Further Options Report / Dec-12 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.6 / DMLP Further Options - Sustainability Appraisal / Nov-12 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.7 / DMLP Proposed Submission / Aug-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.8 / DMLP Proposed Submission - Sustainability Appraisal / May-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.9 / DMLP Proposed Submission – Equalities Analysis Assessment / Apr-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP2.10 / All consultation responses from GOL and GLA / Various / N / Y / Y
DMLP3 / Development Management Local Plan – Examination Documents
DMLP3.1 / Inspector’s Introductory Note and Initial Queries / Dec-13 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP3.2 / Council Responses to Inspector’s Initial Queries / Jan-14 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP3.2a / Consultee Responses to Council Responses to Inspector’s Initial Queries / Jan-14 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP3.3 / Inspector’s Hearing Agenda / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP3.4 / Inspector’s Hearing Agenda Additional Item / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
DMLP3.5 / Council Responses to Inspector’s Hearing Agenda / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1 / Core Submission Documents (supporting both submitted Local Plans)
CSD1.1 / Unitary Development Plan / Jul-04 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.2 / Unitary Development Plan - Proposals Map / Jul-04 / Y / N/A / Y
CSD1.3 / Original Local Development Scheme / May-05 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD1.4 / Local Development Scheme 2010 / Sep-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.4a / Local Development Scheme 2013 (current) / Feb-13 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.5 / Lewisham Core Strategy / Jun-11 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.5a / Core StrategySustainability Appraisal / Sep-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.5b / Core Strategy Policies Map / Jun-11 / N / N / Y
CSD1.6 / Planning Newsletters / Various / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.7 / Annual MonitoringReport 2011 – 2012 / 2012 / Y / Y / Y
CSD 1.7a / Annual Monitoring Report 2009 -2010 / 2010 / Y / Y / N
CSD 1.7b / Annual Monitoring Report 2010 - 2011 / 2011 / Y / Y / N
CSD 1.7c / Annual Monitoring Report 2012 – 2013 / Dec-13 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.8 / LDF Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report / May-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.9 / LDF Issues and Options - Housing / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.10 / LDF Issues and Options - Urban Design / Jun-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.11 / LDF Issues and Options - Sustainable Environment / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.12 / LDF Issues and Options - Waste Management / Jul-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.13 / LDF Issues and Options - Open Space / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.14 / LDF Issues and Options - Employment Land / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.15 / LDF Issues and Options - Site Allocations in defined employment areas / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.16 / LDF Issues and Options - Site Allocations in strategic employment locations / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.17 / LDF Issues and Options - Transport and Parking / Sep-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.18 / LDF Issues and Options - Retail and Town Centres / Oct-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD1.19 / LDF Issues and Options - Education, Health and Community Services / Oct-05 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2 / Evidence Base Documents (supporting both submitted Local Plans)
CSD2.1 / Shaping our future: Lewisham Sustainable Community Strategy (2008-2020) / 2008 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.2 / Lewisham Strategic Housing Market Assessment / Dec-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.3 / South East London Boroughs’ Strategic Housing Market Assessment / Jan-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.4 / Housing Implementation Strategy / Oct-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.5 / Affordable HousingViability Study / Jun-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.5a / Housing Conversions in Lewisham / Oct-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.5b / Affordable Rent Study 2014 / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.5c / Housing Reform, Mayor and Cabinet Meeting April 2011 / Apr-11 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.6 / Employment Land Study / Nov-08 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.7 / Local Economic Assessment 2012 / Mar-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.8 / Lewisham Regeneration Strategy 2008-2020 / Dec-07 / Y / Y / Y
Open space, recreation and biodiversity
CSD2.9 / Leisureand Open SpaceStudy / May-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.10 / Biodiversity Action Plans (A natural renaissance for Lewisham) / 2005-2007 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.11 / Lewisham Borough Sports Plan / Dec-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.12 / Ravensbourne River Corridor Improvement Plan / Sep-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.13 / Green Chain Policy Document (available on request) / 1977 / Available as a hard copy at Lewisham Planning Office
Retail and town centres
CSD2.14 / Retail Capacity Study / Nov-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.14a / Addendum 1 to the Retail Capacity Study / Sep-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.14b / Briefing Note on Retail Capacity / Dec-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15a / District and Major Centres Retail Survey / Sept-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15b / Neighbourhood Local Centres Retail Survey / Sept-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15c / Local Parades Retail Survey / Sept-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15d / Catford Retail and Economic Impact Assessment / Jan-13 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15e / Hot Food Takeaway Shops: An Evidence Base Study / May-13 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15f / Pubs in Lewisham: An evidence base study / Apr-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15g / District and Major Centres Retail Study 2012 / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15h / District and Major Centres Retail Study 2013 Part I / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.15i / District and Major Centres Retail Study 2013 Part II / Feb-14 / Y / Y / Y
Infrastructure Delivery/Planning
CSD2.16 / Social Infrastructure Framework / Dec-08 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.17 / Infrastructure Delivery Plan / Aug-10 / Y / Y / Y
Waterways and flooding
CSD2.18 / Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) / Jul-08 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.19 / Sequential Test (SFRA) / Jul-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.20 / South East London Boroughs’ Joint Waste Apportionment Paper / Mar-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.20a / South East London Boroughs’ Joint Waste Apportionment Paper Updated January 2014 / Jan-14 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.21 / Municipal WasteManagement Strategy / 2008 / Y / Y / Y
Renewable energy and climate change issues
CSD2.22 / Lewisham Renewables Evidence Base Study / Feb-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.23 / Carbon Reduction and Climate Change Strategy / Jul-08 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.24 / Air Quality Action Plan / Jan-08 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.24a / London Heat Map Study / May-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.24b / Catford Sustainability Strategy / Nov-12 / N / Y / Y
CSD2.25 / Deptford and New Cross Transport Infrastructure Study / Jan-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.26 / Lewisham Town Centre Transport Study / Oct-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.26a / Lewisham Town Centre Transport Study - Addendum / Jan-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.27 / Borough-wide Transport Study / Aug-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.28 / Lewisham Local Implementation Plan / Apr-11 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.29 / North Lewisham Links Strategy (available on request) / 2007 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.29a / Catford Gyratory Modelling Summary / Jan-13 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.29b / Catford Town Centre Parking Capacity Study / Jan-13 / Y / Y / Y
Design and the historic environment
CSD2.30 / Lewisham Borough Wide Character Study / Oct-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.31 / TallBuildings Study / Sep-10 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.32 / Deptford New Cross Master Plan (available on request) / Nov-07 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.33 / Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans / Various / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.34 / Cultural Strategy / Nov-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.35 / Arts Strategy / 2009 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.36 / Locally listed buildings / Aug-11 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.37 / Southend Village Bromley Road SPD / May-09 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.38 / Forest Hill Urban Design Framework / Mar-03 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.39 / Hither Green Urban Design Framework / Mar-06 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.40 / Brockley Cross Urban Design Framework / Jul-04 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.41 / Areas of archaeological priority for Lewisham (English Heritage) / N/A / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD2.42 / Maritime Greenwich: A World Heritage Site Management Plan / Dec-04 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.43 / Maritime Greenwich: Important Views and Tall Buildings / Nov-06 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.43a / CatfordTown Centre Heritage Asset Assessment / Nov-12 / N / Y / Y
CSD2.43b / Lewisham Public Art Strategy / Oct-09 / Y / Y / Y
Community services
CSD2.44 / Children and Young People’s Plan / 2009 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.45 / North Lewisham Health Needs Assessment / Jan-10 / N/A / Y / Y
CSD2.46 / Planning Obligations SPD / Jan-11 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.47 / NHSSouth EastLondon Commissioning Strategy Plan 2012-2016 / 2012 / Y / Y / Y
Financial viability
CSD2.48 / Community Infrastructure Levy – Economic Viability Study / Jan-12 / Y / Y / Y
CSD2.49 / Community Infrastructure Levy – Economic Viability Study - Addendum / Sep-12 / Y / N/A / Y
CSD3 / Regional Guidance (supporting both submitted Local Plans)
CSD3.1 / The London Plan - 2011 / Jul-11 / Y / Y / N/A
CSD3.1a / Revised Early Minor Alterations to the London Plan / Oct-13 / Y / Y / N/A
CSD3.1b / Inspector’s Report on the Revised Early Minor Alterations to the London Plan / Jun-13 / Y / Y / N/A
CSD3.1c / Mayor’s Response to Inspector’s Recommendations on the Revised Early Minor Alterations to the London Plan / Jun-13 / Y / Y / N/A
CSD3.1c / Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan (FALP) / Jan-14 / Y / Y / N/A
The London Plan Supplementary Planning Documents (SPG)
CSD3.2 / Sustainable Design and Construction / May-06 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.3 / Land for Transport Functions / Mar-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.4 / Land for Industry and Transport SPG / Sep-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.5 / View Management Framework / Mar-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.6 / London’s Tree and WoodlandFramework / Mar-05 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.7 / East London Green Grid Framework / Feb-08 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.8 / Shaping Neighbourhoods: Play and Informal Recreation / Sep-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.9 / Accessible London: Achieving an Inclusiveenvironment / Apr-04 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.10 / Industrial Capacity / Mar-08 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.10a / Housing / Nov-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.10b / All London GreenGrid / Mar-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
The London Plan Best Practice Guidance (BPG)
CSD3.11 / Managing the Night TimeEconomy / Mar-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.12 / Health Issues in Planning / Jun-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.13 / Wheelchair Accessible Housing / Sep-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
The Mayor’s Strategies
CSD3.14 / The London Housing Strategy / Feb-10 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.14a / Draft London Housing Strategy / Nov-13 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.15 / Draft Revised London Housing Strategy / Dec-11 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.16 / Mayor’sTransport Strategy / May-10 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.17 / Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy / Dec-10 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.18 / Mayor’s Economic Development Strategy for London / May-10 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.19 / Mayor’s Biodiversity Strategy: Connecting with London’s Nature / Jul-02 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.20 / Mayor’s Cultural Strategy / Nov-10 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.21 / London’s Wasted Resource: Mayor’s Municipal Waste Management Strategy / Nov-11 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.22 / Delivering London’s energy future: The Mayor’s Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy / Oct-11 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.23 / The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for London / Oct-11 / Y / N/A / N/A
Other Mayor of London documents
CSD3.24 / London Strategic HousingMarket Assessment / Apr-09 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.25 / The London Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and Housing Capacity Study 2009 / Oct-09 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.26 / London Town Centre Health Check Analysis / Dec-09 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD3.27 / Powering ahead: Delivering low carbon energy for London / Oct-09 / Y / N/A / N/A
Other regional documents
CSD3.28 / Wild weather warning: a London climate impacts profile / 2009 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4 / National Guidance (supporting both submitted Local Plans)
National Planning Policy Framework and associated documents
CSD4.1 / National PlanningPolicy Framework / Mar-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.1a / National Planning Practice Guidance / N/A / Y
CSD4.2 / Planning Policy for Traveller Sites / Mar-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
Planning Policy Statements
CSD4.3 / Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment – Practice Guide / Jun-12 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.4 / Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management / Mar-11 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.5 / Planningfor Sustainable Waste Management: Companion Guide to PPS 10 / 2006 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.6 / Circular 07/2009: Circular on the Protection of World Heritage Sites / Jul-09 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.7 / Circular 11/2005: The Town and Country Planning Green Belt) Direction / Dec-05 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.8 / Circular 15/93: Town and Country (Shopping Development) (England and Wales) / Nov-93 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.9 / Code for Sustainable Homes / 2010 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.10 / Guide on TransportAssessment,CLG and DoT / Mar-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.11 / Guidance on Tall Buildings / Jul-07 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.12 / Building for Life, CABE and the Home Builders Federation with Design for Homes / Nov-08 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD4.13 / Securedby Design / N/A / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD5 / National Legislation (supporting both submitted Local Plans)
CSD5.1 / Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act / May-04 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD5.2 / Planning Act / 2008 / Y / N/A / N/A
CSD5.3 / LocalismAct / 2011 / Y / N/A / N/A
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