Grand Ridge PTSA

Communications Agenda

The Grand Ridge PTSA (GRPTSA) Communications Director oversees all communications regarding the PTSA’s programs and events, including scheduling, editing, and disseminating all communications sent to the Grand Ridge community via various available communication mediums. Please use this Communications Agenda (CA) form to provide information to the GRPTSA Communications Director for all items you wish to have sent out via any of the communication tools listed below.

Please complete this form and forward it in electronic format to the GRPTSA Communications Director at prior to making any communication about your program or event. Please copy the GRPTSA VP or Director for your area on your email.


•Several of the distribution channels require approval from the GRPTSA President and/or the school administrators. The Communications Director will request the appropriate approvals and, if approved, forward the relevant information to all necessary parties.

•Several of the distribution channels have strict space and/or character limits. The Communications Director may edit your copy as necessary to fit.

•The deadline to submit communication requests for any communication channel is no later than the 15th day of the month BEFORE publication is desired. For example, for communication in December, the CA submission deadline is November 15th.

TOPIC: / Today’s Date:
Message Content
Please provide informative, concise, ready-to-go copy describing your program or event. Be sure to include date(s), time(s), location, cost (if any), a detailed description of the event/activity, website link (if available), and the name and email of a person to contact if a reader desires more information.
Distribution Channels
Please indicate with an “X” the ways by which you would like your message content disseminated, and the desired timing of publication.
“X” to Choose / Date(s) to be
sent or posted / Date to be removed,
if applicable
GR PTSA Newsletter
PTSA Website
Teacher Newsletters to parents
Room Parent Email to parents
Facebook and Twitter
Reader Board
(20 characters per line limit, 4 lines preferred, 5 max)
Downstairs Bulletin Board theme decor
Flyers for Bulletin Boards & Wing End Windows
Please attach poster/ flyer (9”x12” max) which must include the PTSA logo
Upstairs Bulletin Board
Downstairs Bulletin Board
Upstairs Bulletin Board
Wing End Windows
Community Channels: (Only if Activity is Open to the Community)
IH Connections and IH Email Bulletin
Extra Push: (Additional Approval(s) Required)
Phone Blast
Hands Stamps at Lunch
Event Chair is responsible for finding a person to be Gilman and a person to be Gilman’s “handler.”
Paper Handout delivered by kid mail

GRPTSA Communications Agenda - 1Revised 8/2015