SC Secondary Session 4

The Best you Can Be! Teaching Like a Champion

During this session I will be incorporating the Teaching Like a Champion Techniques

Voice – any time a student is not loud enough the word “Voice” is a signal to speak louder

Eyes – When the teacher says “eyes” all students track the teacher based on “Slant” from Teach Like A Champion Sit Up, Listen, ask and answer questions, nod, track the teacher

Post It – have objectives and activities posted on an easel every day

No Opt Out – ask a student and if they don’t know the answer ask a student that does and make the first student repeat the correct answer and then have the whole class repeat the correct answer.


l. 5,6,7,8,

After the music says time to begin jump on each count 5,6,7,8,

8cts. Grapevine to the right (4cts.) Grapevine left (4cts.)

8cts. Moving forward..angle step right clap, angle step L clap, angle step right clap, angle step left clap.

8cts. Slap right hand on right thigh, left hand on left thigh, right hand on right hip and left hand on left hip, clap hands together two times and point to your head and to your toe

8cts. Walk backward 4 steps, then jump in place 4 times(5,6,7,8,)

2. Gimme some Lovin-Spencer Davis Group

Gimme Some Lovin

l. clap knees once

2. clap own hands once

3. right hand in air to right like a high five

4. clap own hands

5. left hand in air to left like a high five

6. clap own hands

7. clap right knee clap left knee clap

8. clap both knees one hand on each at the same time

Variation: turn to a partner and do the same thing, the high five is clapping partners hands

Next Variation: Stand back to back and the high five is a cross behind you high fiving partner to each side

3. Grandma’s Feather Bed John Denver

8 steps Move the circle to the right (counter clockwise )

4 steps center of circle and 4 steps back

Repeat all but going to the left (clockwise)

8 count do-si-do partner Music – Grandma’s Feather Bed – John Denver

8 count do-si-do corner

8 count swing partner

8 count swing corner

Repeat All the above

10 steps in place repeat all the above only not the 10 steps

1.Soul Man

Soul Man 3-12

Partners facing each other around the circle

Slap knees 2 times

Clap own hands 2 times

Hand over hand 2 times (right fist over left fist)

Clap partner’s hands 2 times

8 count step close counter clockwise and clap own hands one time on 8th count

8 count step close clockwise and clap own hands one time on 8th count

4 count step close counter clockwise and clap own hands one time on 4th count

4 count step close step clockwise and clap own hands one time on 4th count

8 count do si do

repeat all

variation to change partners instead of do si do inside person moves counter clockwise to next partner as outside partner does count turn in place.

2. ApatApat

ApatApat 3-12

Partners facing each other around a circle

Both partners take 4 steps toward the outside of the large circle

Both partners take 4 steps toward the inside of the large circle

Both partners move 4 steps away from each other

Both partners move 4 steps toward each other and finish side by side facing counter clockwise

Inside person move 4 steps backward(clockwise) while outside partner moves forward 4 steps going forward

Inside person moves 4 steps forward and outside person moves 4 steps backward and they meet side by side

8 count do si do and end up facing your partner

Variation – clap on each walking 4 count

Variation – change partners on do si do inside moves forward to next partner and outside person does an 8 count turn in place

Girls Just Want to Have Fun 6-12

Partners facing center of a large circle behind each other

8 counts walking forward to the center

4 count turn face opposite direction

8 counts walk to outside of the circle

4 count turn and face partner

8 count step close step going in opposite directions outside goes counterclockwise and inside goes clockwise clap on 8th count

Repeat step close step and clap partners hands on 8 count

8 count clockwise circle, or pinky swing(hook pinky fingers and turn in a cirle), or right hand star or fake high five.

8 count circle etc.counterclockwise

4 count diagonal step close step forward and to the right(skater type motion swoop arms)

4 count diagonal step close step forward toward left with swoop arms

8 count retrace diagonal steps backward

2. Koosh Ball Pass-Pump up the Jam

Have students have an object that doesn’t bounce. Have students have two each. Put one in front of them on the floor if they loose theirs. Start with a ball in the right hand and hold your left hand open so that you can receive the next ball in your left hand. “Up and Pass” lift the ball up in the air with your right hand bring it down and pass counter clockwise to the next person. Do this four times. The next sequence is toss the ball to the other hand four counts and then do “up and pass” do this sequence 4 times. The last sequence is circle the ball around your head and around your waist and then up and pass. So for this last one it is “around your head around your waist up and pass. Once they have learned all of these put them together for 4 times each in the sequence.


Day 1

*History – First played in the country of India. (ask a student to show the country on the world map)

*racket parts – head, throat, handle

*forehand side of racket (palms up) 1 minute - ups for 15 sec. 2x’s try to beat your record on second try hold shuttle on the plastic part to start. Choice of short or long handled rackets, use short handled for all of 6th grade on the first day.

*backhand palms down – l minute 15 sec. timings as above

* explanation of Eastern Forehand grip as in tennis – shake hands grip v-shape of thumb and first finger lines up with the edge (bring them to the brown circle to show them and so you can see they have the proper grip)

*Clears – Overhead Clear –hit shuttle up and use overhead clear and it as far as possible over the rope, take 3-4 shuttles with you. You will not get them back use what is being hit toward you

*Overhead Clear 1000- mark off court with cone or lines first line closest on other side of net 100 pts. next line farther away 4-6ft. 200pts., third line 4-6ft. 300 pts. play for 2 minutes and add up your score, play again and try to beat your score. Take 3 or 4 shuttles with you don’t go under the rope for more, use the ones that are coming from the other side.

*Underhand clear – up to self and hit deep underhand clear

*Underhand clear 1000 same as above

*backhand grip – turn hand ¼ turn and place thumb in back on handle for more strength (brown circle)

*backhand overhead and underhand clears to self from a forehand up

*serve – hold shuttle forward on plastic and use pendular swing, move grip up toward the head if you are not being successful take 4-5 shuttles and serve over rope

*serve and rally over the rope with a partner

Day 2

*Ups and overhead and underhand clears over the rope 3-4 shuttles

*serve over rope individually

*serve and rally with a partner

*demonstrate up and smash show angle of racket on contact – 2 squads do this into the wall and other squads over the net, net people do this only in one direction toward the bleachers, then switch after two minutes

*show drive shot – same as above only practice the drive shot

*Explanation of playing the game with rally scoring (which is different from the official rules) We will give you two chances to serve. You may serve a regular serve or a modified serve (put shuttle on racket and toss in air and hit an overhead, the resulting trajectory must be upward). Each person serves once and then it goes to the next person.

*Playing Doubles

Day 3

*serve and smash to a partner

*show drive shot ups and drive shot 2 squads into wall and other 2 squads over net for 2 minutes and switch

*show boundary lines and rules for game

*Partners for tournament

*Practice games for tournament

Day 4

*serve and drive shot

*show overhead drop (when shuttle is high coming over net) and underhand drop shot (net drop) when shuttle contact is made below the height of the net

*partners rally and do drop shots taking turns

*tournament play 5-6 minute games

Day 5

*Timings – 2 minute drill try to keep shuttle in air as long as possible. Count the times the shuttle hits the floor, low score wins, this is an individual challenge.

*Serving 1000 as in day one only doing serves. While this is going on set hoops on the floor for the next game in those areas for more accuracy.

*In the Hoop Step Back Game – Start with 4 shuttles 3 steps away from hoop serve four shuttles in a row and count up your score for 3 steps away, each shuttle in the hoop is worth 3 points if it hits inside hoop or the hoop or bounces out after landing inside is still worth 3 points, then serve 4 from 4 steps away, 5 steps etc.

*In the Hoop Two – Serve over net and try serve into hoops in the area of the short service line and also deep serves for singles, 3pts. for landing it in or on the hoop.

*Serve and rally and do drop shots

*Knock Out – groups of 4 two people on each side of the net standing one behind the other. Shuttle is served and when contact is made move to the back behind your partner. If you make a mistake you get a point and low score wins. You can use a regular or modified serve.

*Tournament Play

Day 6

*Shuttle –Groups of 4 two on each side of the net standing behind each other, put shuttle in play and after you hit, run and touch the baseline on your side and come back to receive the next hit after your partner hits

*Around the World No Net- same set up as above only have a line on the floor designating the net, after you hit cross the line into the opposite court and take the next hit.

*Around the world – groups of 4, shuttle is put in play with serve or modified serve. Once you hit run under the net or abound and get in line for hitting the shuttle

*Tournament Play - singles

Day 7

*Foot bag Badminton- form a circle with 4 players and just do ups with one shuttle. Try to keep shuttle below head height. You can do a total consecutive team score.

*Foot bag Two – Same as above only each person must hit it once before anyone can hit it a second time.

*Partner Smash Drill – one person serves or clears, other person smashes and play out the point, then the other partner serves

*Relay-minton – regular game only you alternate hits each time with your partner(similar to doubles table tennis)

*Tournament play singles

Day 8

*Move and Do- All students have a racket it their hand. The teacher will give a movement command and let us say that all movement will be 3 steps. Teacher may say 3 right and overhead clear, students will shuffle to the right and show the position of the racket for an overhead clear. Forward and smash, students will shuffle or run 3 steps forward and smash, etc.

*Count Down Overhead Clear – Partners rally overhead clears over net counting down from 10, if you miss you start over, how many sets of 10 can you do in 3 minutes.

*Partner Overhead Drop – one partner serves, other partner returns to mid court to set up an overhead drop for serving partner. Switch server each time.

*Smash It – same as above only smash from center court

*tournament play singles

Day 9

*Short Serve – Have a line on the floor to designate the short service line. Students serve three short serves in a row over the net. If the shuttle lands within a racket head beyond the short service line 3 points are scored. If it lands within the length of the entire racket one point is scored. Do this straight first and then on the diagonal. Have partner on other side of the net keeping score and then they serve 3 in a row. Make it a total team score first and then an individual score.

*One and Out Quick Serve – Have 3 doubles teams on one court and each person has a shuttle in their hand. Establish one side of the court as the Champs Court and the other side as the Challengers Court. The serve always starts in the Champs court. One team is waiting on the sideline of the challenger’s court, ready to sub in quickly. If the champs win the point they stay and they serve quickly as the sub team comes in to replace the team that lost the point. If the challengers win they run under the net to the champs court and quickly serve to the replacement team. A variation of this would be for the champs team to choose which court to serve to depending where the sub team is standing.

*Cross Country Badminton – same as regular badminton only when you rotate to a new team you take your score with you and keep adding on to that score.

Day 10

Solo – This is an individual activity. A student hits the shuttle over the net or rope and then runs under the rope to return the shuttle to the other side. This is a very challenging workout. You might want to have a partner or groups of 3 do this one at a time because the student will need a rest especially if they are able to rally 4-5 points in a row. You can make this an individual or team total event. One point for each hit, and the student can start with a regular serve, modified serve, or a toss and a clear. Have the rope or net about 6’ high so it is easy for them to go under it.

*Short Serve Drill – partner serves short serve and other partner does an underhand or over hand clear.

*Drive It – partner serves, other partner makes a clear to mid-court and server executes a drive shot

*Popcorn – 6 team members in a 20’x20’ area. Each member has a number from one to six. Team members hit ups in order of the numbers and see how many consecutive hits they can make. Then use these variations. Even numbered players go in order followed by the odd, so 2,4,6,1,3,5 is the order. Then odd then even, then odd first then even, regular 1-6 backward. Even then odd backward -6,4,2,5,3,1. Then you can count by multiples of 2,3,4,5,6,7,etc. to see how far they can go.

*4 square Volleyball- crisscross ropes off volleyball standards and have two people in each section of the court with a substitute team waiting to come in.

*tournament play singles