2000Ph.D., School Psychology

Ohio State University

Department of Physical Activity & Educational Services

NASP Approved Ph.D. Program

1996M.A., School Psychology

Ohio State University

Department of Physical Activity & Educational Services

NASP Approved Specialist Program

1993B.A., Psychology

Arizona State University


2009 -Associate Professor with Tenure

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Department of Educational Psychology& Higher Education

2003 - 2009Assistant Professor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Department of Educational Psychology

2001 - 2003Lecturer

Ohio State University

Department of Physical Activity & Educational Services


2015 -Ed.S. Program Coordinator, School Psychology

UNLV Department of Educational Psychology & Higher Education

2014 -Co-Principle Investigator

Nevada Zoom Schools.

2013 -Doctoral Program Coordinator, School Psychology

UNLV Department of Educational Psychology & Higher Education

2012 -Faculty Supervisor & Consultant

UNLV Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Diagnostic Team.

2011 -Principle Investigator

UNLV/CCSD Reading Skills Development Center.

2009 - 2011Graduate Coordinator

UNLVDepartment of Educational Psychology

2003 -2012Director, School Psychology Clinic

UNLV Department of Educational Psychology

2000 - 2003School Psychologist

Columbus, Ohio Public Schools

1998 & 2000Trainer

Child Development Council Head Start, Columbus, OH

1998 - 2000Research Associate/Project Director

The Ohio State University

Department of Physical Activity & Educational Services

1994 - 2000School Psychologist/Mental Health Consultant

Child Development Council Head Start; Columbus, Ohio

1997 - 1998Intern School Psychologist

Muskingum Co. Educational Service Center; Zanesville, Ohio


Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Loe, S. A., & Jones, W. P. (2015). Do Dispositional Characteristics Influence Reading? Examining Personality and Reading Fluency. Reading Psychology, 1:1-17, DOI:10.1080/02702711.2015.1066908.

Loe, S.A. (2014). Examiner errors on the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales (RIAS) committed by graduate student examiners.Psychology in the Schools, 51(1),97-106.

Marks, W.J., Jones, W.P., & Loe, S.A. (2013). Using compressed speech to measure simultaneous processing in persons with and without visual impairment. Psychology in the Schools. 50(10, 1084-1091.

Krach, S.K. & Loe, S. (2013). Meeting the training blueprint: Diversity awareness and sensitive service delivery, Trainer’s Forum, 32(1), 66-82.

Jones, W.P. & Loe, S.A. (2013). Optimal number of response categories: More may not be better. SAGE Open, doi, 10.1177/2158244013489691.

Russler, K., Sanchez, I., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., Raines, T., & Hart, J. (2013) [Abstract published in Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 28, 584]. Impact of User Interface for Online Assessment of Simultaneous Processing with Compressed Speech.. Based upon poster presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology.

Stolberg, P. Nardi, N., Cohen, J., Jones, W.P, Loe, S.A., & Etcoff, L. (2013) [Abstract published in Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 28, 581]. Comparison of Digit Symbol Coding Performance in Youths with Attention and Learning Disorders.. Based upon poster presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology.

Loe, S.A. (2012). The effectiveness of online simulations for teaching verbal subtest item scoring on the WISC-IV. Trainers’ Forum, 31(1), 43-57.

Parriott, D., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Hughes. L. (2012). Adapting neuropsychological function scales for online administration: Study 2. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27, 680-681. [abstract]

Krach, S.K, Loe, S.A., Jones, W.P., & Farrally, A. (2009). Validity of the Reynolds Intelligence Assessment Scales (RIAS) using the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability, Third Edition (WJ-III). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.

Stolberg, P.C., Jones, W.P., Krach, S.K., & Loe, S.A. (2009). Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics processing efficiency and reading achievement. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24, 459. [Abstract]

Loe, S.A., Jones, W.P., Crank, J.N., & Krach, S.K. (2009). Using Self-Instruction to Teach Counseling Skills to School Psychology Students: An Efficacy Study. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36(1), 35-48.

Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., Krach, S.K., Rager, R.Y., & Jones, H.M. (2008). Automated

neuropsychological assessment metrics (ANAM) and Woodcock-Johnson tests of

cognitive ability: A concurrent validity study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 22, 305-320.

Loe, S. A., Marks, W., & Kadlubeck, R. M. (2007). Administration and scoring errors on the WISC-IV: An investigation of graduate student examiners. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 25, 237-247.

Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Astramovich, R.L. (2006). Technology-based consultation: A reanalysis of face-to-face and telephone modalities, Guidance and Counseling, 21(4), 255-262.

Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Crank, J.A. (2006). Characteristics of the ST-LNNB in a university clinic. Applied Neuropsychology. 13(3), 190-193. [abstract]

Astramovich, R. L., & Loe, S. A. (2006, July 18). Comparing the roles of school counselors and school psychologists: A study of preservice teachers Journal of School Counseling, 4(12). Retrieved August 11, 2006, from

Jones, W. P., Crank, J. N., & Loe, S. A. (2006). Extending specialist training in counseling: The efficacy of self-instruction. College Student Journal, 40(4), 885-900.

Loe, S. A. & Miranda, A. H., (2005) An examination of ethnic incongruence in school-based psychological services and diversity training experiences among school psychologists. Psychology in the Schools, 42(4), 419-432.

Jones, W. P., Crank, J. N., Loe, S. A., Altekruse, M. K., & Dykeman, C. (2004). Pupil Services: Essential to Education, Official Position Statement: National Association of School Psychologists. Retrieved October 26, 2004, from the World Wide Web:

Lo, Y., Loe, S. A., & Cartledge, G. (2002). The effects of social skill instruction on the social behaviors of students at risk for emotional or behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 27(4),371-385.

Cartledge, G., & Loe, S. A. (2001). Cultural diversity and social skill instruction. Exceptionality, 9(1&2), 33-46.

Cartledge, G., Sentelle, J., Loe, S., Lambert, M. C., & Reed, E. S. (2001). To be young, gifted, and black? A case study of positive interventions within an inner-city classroom of African American students. Journal of Negro Education, 70(4), 243-254.

Loe, S. A., & Miranda, A. H. (2001). Assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse learners with behavioral disorders. In L. Bullock and R. Gable (Eds.), From the Fourth CCBD Mini-Library Series: Addressing the Diverse Needs of Children and Youth with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Programs that Work: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Behavioral Disorders(pp. 25-36). Arlington, VA: The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.


Crozier, S., Love, J., Loe, S., Gaspar de Alba, M., Werlinger, A., Beasley, J., Arin, D., Davis, R.E., Harvey, V., Arcia, A., & Bourji-Nassar, A. (2014, October). Addressing the Health Disparity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Panel presentation at the 2014 UNLV and UNSOM Interprofessional Health Equity Symposium, Las Vegas, NV.

Raines, T.C, Jones, W.P, Loe, S.A., & Crank, J. (2014, February). Infusing School-Based Mental Health Instruction into School Psychology Graduate Programs. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Trainers of School Psychologists, Washington D.C.

Krach, S. K, McCreery, M.P., Jones, W.P., & Loe, S.A. (2014, February). Reading Fluency as a "Top-Down" Process: Justifying a Computer-Based Assessment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington D.C.

Russler, K., Sanchez, I., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., Raines, T., & Hart, J. (2013, October). Impact of User Interface for Online Assessment of Simultaneous Processing with Compressed Speech. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Diego, CA.

Stolberg, P. Nardi, N., Cohen, J., Jones, W.P, Loe, S.A., & Etcoff, L. (2013, October). Comparison of Digit Symbol Coding Performance in Youths with Attention and Learning Disorders. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, San Diego, CA.

Krach, S.K., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., Beale, H.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2013, February). Personality and performance: A comparison of NEO-Five Factor Inventory wit reading fluency, Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.

Parriott, D., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Hughes. L. (2012, November).Adapting neuropsychological function scales for online administration: Study 2,Posterpresentedat the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Nashville, TN.

Loe, S.A. (2012, February). An examination of examiner errors among school psychology students, Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.

Conrad, L., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A. (2011, July). Exploratory analysis of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) Mood Scale, Poster presented at Annual School Neuropsychology Institute, Dallas, TX.

Ragger, R., Loe, S.A., Jones, W.P., & Crank, J.N. (2011). Reflections on the use of Self-Instruction to Teach Basic Counseling Competencies to School Psychology Students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Trainer’s of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.

Krach, S. K., Loe, S. A., Ayim, T., Conrad, L. (2011). Meeting the Training Blueprint: Diversity Awareness and Sensitive Service Delivery. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, San Francisco, CA.

Loe, S.A., Marks, W., Mendoza, S., Nathan, M., Rager, R., Sanders, E., & Sifford, A. (2010). Teaching WISC-IV verbal subtest administration using web-based instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Crank, J.N., Nathanson, R., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Stolberg, P. (2010). UNLV School Psychology Programmatic Linkage with the UNLV Law School:Cross Discipline Practicum and Dual Degree. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Trainers of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Stolberg, P.C., Jones, W.P., Krach, S.K., & Loe, S.A. (2009, November) Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics Processing Efficiency and Reading

Achievement, Poster Presentation at Annual Conference of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, New Orleans.

Loe, S.A., Jones, W.P., & Krach, S.K. (2009, February). Predicting WJ-III cognitive test performance from personality traits. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.

Krach, S.K., Loe, S.A., & Jones, W.P. (2009, August). Relationships of test anxiety with individual and test situation variables. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Nash, M., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Krach, S.K. (2009, August). Single session therapy in school: A need for empirical support. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Krach, S.K., Loe, S.A., Jones, W.P., & Gilbert, A.M. (2008, February). Individual Administration of Intelligence Tests: Essential Condition or Old Habit. Poster for presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

Jones, W. P., Loe, S.A., Crank, J.N., & Krach, S.K. (2007, March). Self-instruction in counseling: A follow-up study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for School Psychologists, New York, NY.

Loe, S.A., Jones W.P., & Krach, S.K. (2007, August). Predicting Intelligence Test Performance from Five-Factor Model Personality Dimensions. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Loe, S.A., Marks, W., & Kadlubek, R. (2007, March). An examination of WISC-IV examiner errors among school psychology students. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New York, NY.

Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Crank, J.A. (2006, January). Characteristics of the ST-LNNB in a university clinic. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Coalition of Clinical Practitioners in Neuropsychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Krach, K, Loe, S. A., Rager, R., Jones, H. M., & Speer, J. M. (2006, August). Validity study of the RIAS using the WJ-III cognitive. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Loe, S. A., & Astramovich, R. (2006, April). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of school psychologists and school counselors. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Anaheim, CA.

Loe, S. A., Jones, W. P., Crank, J. N., & Olinger, S. A. (2006, April). Extending specialist training in counseling using self-instruction. Poster presentation presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Anaheim, CA.

Crank, J., Jones, P., & Loe, S. (2005, July). Surface counseling: Replicated and refocused for preservice. Poster presentation at the International SIM Conference, University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. Lawrence, KS

Crank, J.N., Jones, P., & Loe, S. (2005, April). A model school psychology practicum in a law college clinic. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, GA.

Loe, S. A. (2005, July). School-wide positive behavioral supports: A prevention-oriented role for school psychologists. Paper presented at the annual summer meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Las Vegas, NV.

Loe, S.A., Nash, M., Olinger, S.A., & Ralston, J.K. (2005, April). Preservice teachers’ perception of the school psychologist’s role. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, GA.

Jones, P. & Loe, S. (2004, April). Pupil services essential to education: Who is minding the store. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Dallas, TX.

Loe, S. A. (2004, April). Nevada school psychologists: Interventions and outcomes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Nevada Department of Education Megaconference, Incline Village, NV

Gibb, S., Cartledge, G., Loe, S. A., & Simmons-Reed, E. (1999, April). Lessons Learned From the inclusion of Students with Serious Emotional Disturbance. Roundtable discussion presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Lo, Y., Cartledge, G., & Loe, S. A. (2001, May). Effects of Social Skill Instruction on the Social Behaviors of Students at-risk for Serious Emotional Disturbances. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, New Orleans, LA

Loe, S. A., & Miranda, A. H. (2001, October). Cultural Competence for Service Providers of CLD Learners with BD: Assessment Issues. Paper presented at the fourth international conference of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Atlanta, GA.

Loe, S. A., Miranda, A. H., Bagnoli, D., & Huff, S. (2001, April). University-Head Start Partnership: A Win-Win Situation. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, D.C.

Simmons-Reed, E., Loe, S. A., & Cartledge, G. (2000, April). Current Behavior Management Strategies for Students with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) in General Education Settings. Paper presented at the meeting of the Council of Exceptional Children, Vancouver, Canada.

Loe, S. A., & Fuller, M. L. (1997, May). Identifying At-Risk Factors for Poor Performance on Ohio’s Fourth and Sixth Grade Proficiency Tests. Paper presented at the meeting of the Ohio School Psychologists Association, Cleveland, OH.


Loe, S.A., Scott, C., Spies, T., & McCarthy, J. (2013, Fall). Zoom Schools, Clark County School District, Amount, $200,000.

Loe, S.A., (2011, Fall). Instructional Materials Grant. Woodcock-Munoz Foundation. Amount, $21,000.

Loe, S.A., & Van Norman, R. K. (2007, Spring). Project A.C.C.E.S.S.:Accessible Curriculum and College Education Student Survey. UNLV Research Development Aware (RDA). Amount, $9,970.

Loe, S.A., Crank, J., & Jones, W.P. (2005, Fall). Disability Eligibility Services. Assessment contract between School Psychology Program and UNLV Disability Resources Center. Amount, $4,000


Loe, S.A., Raines, T., Russler, K, & Hocking, E. (2015). Response to a Tier II small group reading intervention among at-risk English Language Learners (ELL).

Loe, S.A. (2015). Longitudinal reading growth in English Language Learners (ELL) during early elementary grades.

Cohen, J. & Loe, S.A. (2015). Cognitive characteristics of high and low responders of a tier II reading intervention.


Loe, S. A. (2000). An examination of family oriented practice and cultural diversity in school psychology: A national survey of school psychology practitioners. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus.


Bjork, K.A. (2014). Effects of internalizing behaviors on processing speed and academic fluency. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas.

Cohen, J. (2014). Cognitive differences between high and low responders of a tier II reading intervention.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas.

Nathan, M. (2013). School psychologists’ perspectives of response to intervention: Training, practices, and implementation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas.

Conrad, L. (2013). Examining the relationships between internalizing and externalizing problems and academic achievement. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas.

Marks, W. (2009). Examining compressed speech listening measure with college students who are visually impaired or blind. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas.


University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Graduate Level)

EPY 702 - Research Methods

EPY 703 - Teachers as Producers & Consumers of Educational Research

EPP 715 - Projective, Personality, & Behavior Assessment by School Psychologists

EPP 762 - School Psychology Interventions with Practicum

EPP 765 - Seminar in Advanced Assessment Topics

EPP 769 - Internship in School Psychology

EPP 767 - School-Based Neuropsychological Assessment

Ohio State University (Graduate Level)

PAES 750 - Teaching Social Behavior to Students with Disabilities

PAES 982 - Developmental Assessment 2


2014 Distinguished Research Award Nominee

University of Nevada Las Vegas, College of Education

2006 Distinguished Teaching Award

University of Nevada Las Vegas, College of Education



2015 -Research Committee, National Association of School Psychologists

2015 - Editor, NASP Research Reports

2009 - Editorial Board, Psychology in the Schools


2013 - UNLV P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E, Advisory Committee (Chair)

2012 - 2013 UNLV P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E, Planning & Oversight Committee

2011 - 2014UNLV Faculty Senate

2011 - 2012 UNLV Vice President & Provost Search Committee

2010 - 2011UNLV Faculty Senate By-Law Revisions Committee

2008 - 2011UNLV Graduate Council

2008 - 2011UNLV Graduate Student Funding Committee (Chair, 2010-2011)


2012 - UNLV, College of Education Teacher Education, Licensed Personnel, and Field Experience Committee

2009 - 2011UNLV, College of Education Graduate Studies Committee (Chair, 2009-2011)

2008 - 2010UNLV, College of Education Dean’s Advisory Committee

2005 - 2010UNLV, College of Education Academic Standards Committee

2004 - 2005UNLV, College of Education Assessment System Committee


2015 - Ed.S. Program Coordinator, School Psychology

2013 - Doctoral Program Coordinator, School Psychology

2008 -2011Graduate Coordinator, Department of Educational Psychology

2003 - 2005Faculty Advisor, UNLV School Psychology Graduate Student Association (SPGSA)

Governmental Agencies

2005 - 2006Invited Member, Nevada Department of Education Advisory Group: Interventions for Academic and Behavioral Supports


American Psychological Association (APA), Division 16

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP)


Dr. LeAnn Putney

Chair, Department of Educational Psychology & Higher Education

4505 Maryland Parkway, Box #453003


Dr. Shannon Crozier

Director, UNLV Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders

4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 453014

Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-3014

(702) 895-4162

Dr. Kathleen Krach

Assistant Professor, School Psychology

3206-L Stone Building

(850) 644-4593 (office)

(770) 361 -6802 (cell)


Scott A. Loe, Ph.D.