Southern Oregon Beekeepers Association
June 1, 2015 Minutes
Jacklyn Haselden Sharon Schmidt Natalie Wilson
Dolly Warden Mary Sale Sr. Mary Sale Jr.
Don Smith Tom Richardson Suzanne Westover
John & Di Chambers Dave Garcia Shari Shattuck
Wes & Mary Ann Wright Joe Jordahl Christina Grace Daughterman
Rick Hilton (OSU) Barbara Jones Cheryl Housden
Scott Allison Laurie Nicholson Mysti Jacob
Jody Falzer Kate Womack Debbie Rossel
Angie Schock Ransy Schock Lee Schnitzer
Pam Johnson April Powell Sandra Park
Rafael Aragon Keri Muhlestein Kim Elmer
Bill & Cara McEnany Bret Jensen Richard Dumanowski
Jay McMurtrey Griff Colegrove Russ Williamson
Wayne & Debbie DeRuyte Jill Talise Ron Padgett
Kathryn Voorhees Paul Gygax Amy Rudolph
Melissa Duvall Doug Walker Jolene Walker
Cherri Walker Larry Edwards Kent Knock
Ellen Wright Brian Claffey Dana Rose
Mike Stevenson John Jacob
Meeting was called to order by SOBA President John Jacob at 7:30 PM, June 1, 2015 at the OSU Extension Center in Central Point, Oregon.
Secretary's Report- Dana Rose
A MOTION was passed to approve the minutes from May.
Treasurer’s Report- Cheryl Housden
We have $8,520.75 in our SOBA account.
OSU Liaison’s Report- Rick Hilton
We have the room reserved for our August 1st Bee School.
New Business
A MOTION was passed to send OSU Honeybee Lab $1000
There seems to be a need to develop protocol for soliciting donations from SOBA. The board members will meet to discuss a budget for this purpose and get back with our members at the next meeting.
We need a new place to store the extractors. The ideal person would be someone in a central location who can facilitate pick-ups and drop-offs, make sure that they are returned clean and working, and make sure only members borrow our equipment.
Bee City USA- Talent celebrates National pollinator Week June 15 to June 21
June 18- Movie: The Burbs and the Bees in the Talent Library at 4 PM.
June 20- Mayor's Proclamation, Music, children's activities at Talent Roundabout from 2-4 PM.
Tour of Pollinator Garden on Front St from 4-4:30 PM.
Robert Bell did a presentation on capturing swarms.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM