HIS/110 Version 6 / 1
Week 3 Content Outline
TOPIC and Objectives
A New Nation
· Compare the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.
· Summarize the major debates and compromises that took place during the writing of the Constitution.
· Trace the development of political parties in the new republic.
· Describe Jeffersonian democracy in relation to significant events from Jefferson’s presidency.
· Identify the relationship between the military events and outcomes of the War of 1812.
Content outline
1. Experimental period
a. National government: the Articles of Confederation
1) Diplomatic failures
2) Northwest Ordinance of 1787
3) Indians and the West
4) Shays’ Rebellion
b. State governments
1) Civic virtue
2) Written constitutions
3) Strong legislatures yielding to strong executives
4) Statute of Religious Liberty
c. Advocates of centralization
1) Manufacturers, merchants, and financiers
2) Alexander Hamilton
2. Writing and ratification of the Constitution
a. Large states and small states
1) Virginia Plan
2) New Jersey Plan
b. The Three-Fifths Compromise
c. Debate over the meaning of sovereignty
1) James Madison
2) Separation of powers
d. Federalists and Anti-Federalists
1) Federalist Papers
2) Bill of Rights
3. Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans
a. Competing visions—First-party system
b. Hamilton and the Federalists
1) Debt assumption
a) Bank of the United States
b) Federalist Party founded
2) Jefferson and the Republicans
a) Opposition party
b) Agrarian republic
3) Dispute over the French Revolution
4. Securing the frontier
a. Whiskey Rebellion
b. Native Americans
5. Foreign relations
a. Neutrality
1) Citizen Genet
2) Jay’s Treaty
3) Washington’s farewell address
b. John Adams and France
1) XYZ Affair
2) Alien and Sedition Acts
3) Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
6. Jefferson’s administration
a. People’s president
b. Limiting federal government
c. Foreign relations: Barbary pirates
d. Supreme Court and judicial review
1) Marbury v. Madison (1803)
2) Chief Justice John Marshall
e. Louisiana Purchase
1) Jefferson’s quandary
2) Lewis and Clark Expedition
f. Political party conflict
1) Hamilton-Burr duel
2) Burr conspiracy
7. Expansion and war
a. Madison
b. Napoleonic Wars
1) American neutrality
a) Impressment
b) Chesapeake-Leopard incident
2) Embargo Act of 1807
3) Non-Intercourse Act of 1809
c. Native Americans and the British
1) Assimilation versus relocation
2) Tecumseh and the Prophet
3) Battle of Tippecanoe
d. War of 1812
1) Battles with the tribes
2) Battles with the British
a) Invasion
b) Battle of New Orleans
3) Treaty of Ghent of 1814
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