Dear Alumnus,

The administration and faculty of North Providence High School hope that you are enjoying your post-high school experience. As a recent graduate, you are especially qualified to help us evaluate ourselves. Your responses to this survey will be invaluable to us in our quest to improve our educational program for all students. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and return the survey to us at any time. Thank you for taking the time to assist us.

Circle the appropriate letter or fill in the blank:

1. Name (optional) ______

2. After graduating from high school, I went to

  1. College (4 yr) D. The military
  2. College (2 yr) E. Other ______
  3. Work

3. What factors contributed to this choice? (choose 3)

  1. Location E. Size
  2. Cost F. Facilities
  3. Courses offered G. Recommendations of others
  4. Financial considerations H Other ______

4. What area of study are you pursuing? ______

5. What was your approximate GPA in High School? ______GPA in college ______

6. What course of study did you take at North Providence High School?

A. College B. Business C. Essential D. School-to-Career

7. List any high school co-curricular activities in which you participated:


8. Please indicate how well NPHS prepared you in the following areas:

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Good 4. Fair 5. Poor 6. N/A

  1. Knowledge ______F. Use of Technology ______
  2. Responsibility ______G. Cultural Appreciation ______
  3. Oral Communication ______H. Appreciation of the Arts ______
  4. Written Communication ______I. Reading ______
  5. Problem-solving ______J. Career Exploration ______

9. Do you feel that you were academically challenged at NPHS? YES NO

10. Did you receive enough homework at NPHS? YES NO

11. Please rate your overall impression of the quality of your high school subjects:

1. Excellent 2. Very Good 3. Good 4. Fair 5. Poor 6. N/A

_____Business _____ Social Studies

_____Art _____ Foreign Language

_____Music _____Math

_____Industrial Technology _____Family & Consumer Science

_____English _____Physical Education/Health

_____Science _____Support Services

12. What other courses and/or programs should NPHS offer to students? ______


13. Reflecting back, what is your feeling about the discipline at NPHS?

A. Just right B. Too strict C. Too easy D. Inconsistent E. Other ______

14. Did the Guidance Department sufficiently prepare you for your post secondary experience? YES NO Explain ______



15. Do you feel that NPHS as a whole prepared you for your post-secondary plans?

YES NO Explain ______



16. Would you want your child to attend NPHS? YES NO Explain ______


17. The Mission of NPHS is to educate all students in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment which empowers them to become well-rounded individuals who are life-long learners and productive members of society. As far as you are concerned, did NPHS succeed in its Mission? YES NO Explain ______

